opts_knit$set(root.dir="../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
library(lubridate) # To manipulate monthly data

UN comtrade API parameters

Load data from the UN Comtrade API.

Download a JSON file containing trade flows reported by germany r=276 with all partners p=all&rg=all for the product sawnwood cc=440799 in 2011 and 2010 ps=2011,2010:

json <- jsonlite::fromJSON("data-raw/UNCOMTRADE_exp.JSON")
# Remove too large description column in output 
head(json$dataset) %>% select(-cmdDescE) %>% kable

R function created within this package tradeflows to load data from the Comtrade API:


Usage limit per hour

According to the API main page, usage is limited to 100 requests per hour (per IP address).

Here is the error that I get after batch downloading more than 100 JSON files:

trying URL ''
Error in download.file(url, destfile = jsonfile) :
  cannot open URL ''
In addition: Warning message:
In download.file(url, destfile = jsonfile) :
  cannot open: HTTP status was '409 Conflict'

The error is return as an HTTP status code. So there is not even a JSON returned. The error happens before JSON is returned. Because there are 255 reporter in the db, I have to load them in 3 hours. Or try to group them somehow.

Limitations in query complexity

It seems the API is limitted in query complexity. Once the max parameter has been set to its maximum: 50000. Limits seem to be :

Further details are given on the Comtrade data extraction interface beta. Period, reporters and partners are limited to 5. Commodity codes are limited to 20.

Example of query limitation for the different API parameters below.

Max limit on the number of record

The API has a limit of 50 000 records per request. But the max parameter is set by default to get only 500 records see for example below Illustration of a problem encountered as I had forgotten to set the max limit. The time period below where the max parameter defaults to 500.

swd89101112 <- tradeflows::loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, "2012,2011,2010,2009,2008", max=500)
# Year 2010 and 2011 are not in this table.
# [[1]]
# [1] 2012
# [[2]]
# [1] 2008
# [[3]]
# [1] 2009

# But 2010 and 2011 are available in the comtrade API.
swd10_11 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, "2011,2010")
# trying URL ',2010&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
# Content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8' length 177788 bytes (173 Kb)
# opened URL
# ==================================================
# downloaded 173 Kb
# > unique(swd10_11$yr)
# [[1]]
# [1] 2010
# [[2]]
# [1] 2011

ps Time Period

To download many years at once, paste them in a character string, separated by commas. I replaced this behavior, now you can use a vector. There is a "query complexity" limit on the number of years that can be used.

swd20002013 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, seq(2000,2012))
trying URL ',2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
Content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8' length 329 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 329 bytes

Error in loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, seq(2000, 2012)) : 
  list(name = "Query complexity", value = 5002, category = 0, description = "your query is too complex. Please simplify.", helpUrl = "")Too many years selected.list(value = 0, started = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", finished = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", durationSeconds = 0)NULL

There is also a query complexity limit on the number of months that can be downloaded.

swd2012 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, year=seq(2008,2009), freq="M")
# trying URL ',2009&freq=M&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
# Content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8' length 330 bytes
# opened URL
# ==================================================
# downloaded 330 bytes
# Error in loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, year = seq(2008, 2009), freq = "M") : 
#   list(name = "Query complexity", value = 5002, category = 0, description = "your query is too complex. Please simplify.", helpUrl = "")Too many months selected.list(value = 0, started = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", finished = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", durationSeconds = 0)NULL

px Classification

by choosing px=HS, one can load all HS codes as reported by the different countries. See below, the comparison of different classification schemes.

ps Productcode

claswd <- classificationcomtrade$H4 %>%
    filter(substr(productcode, 0, 4)=="4407")
# Try to load all 17 sawwood products under 4407 at once
swd_17_de <- loadcomtradebycode(claswd$productcode, 276, "recent")
# trying URL ',440710,44072,44079,440721,440722,440725,440726,440727,440728,440729,440791,440792,440793,440794,440795,440799&r=276&p=all&rg=all&ps=recent&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
# Error in download.file(url, destfile = jsonfile) : 
#   cannot open URL ',440710,44072,44079,440721,440722,440725,440726,440727,440728,440729,440791,440792,440793,440794,440795,440799&r=276&p=all&rg=all&ps=recent&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
# In addition: Warning message:
# In download.file(url, destfile = jsonfile) :
#   cannot open: HTTP status was '500 Internal Server Error'
# > 

It seems the Comtrade API doesn't accept 17 products.

To load all sawnwood products, I created a function: loadcomtradewithpause(claswd$productcode)

r Reporting Area

Try to load for all countries

swd <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, "all", 2013)

# trying URL ''
# Content type 'application/json; charset=utf-8' length 405 bytes
# opened URL
# ==================================================
# downloaded 405 bytes
# Quitting from lines 50-51 (input.Rmd) 
# Error in loadcomtradebycode(4407, "all", 2013) : 
#   list(name = "Query complexity", value = 5002, category = 0, description = "your query is too complex. Please simplify.", helpUrl = "")Both 'all' reporters and 'all' partners may not be selected. Select a different reporter or partner.list(value = 0, started = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", finished = "0001-01-01T00:00:00", durationSeconds = 0)NA

Loading several datasets from the API

Load Comtrade data with a function

years = seq(2000,2012)
swd2012 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, 2012)
swd20102011 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, c(2010, 2011))
swd20002013 <- loadcomtradebycode(4407, 276, seq(2008,2012))

Load monthly data

# No monthly data in 2009 and before
swd2009 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2009, freq="M")
# 3 years of monhtly data
swd2010 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2010, freq="M")
swd2011 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2011, freq="M")
swd2012 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2012, freq="M")
swd2013 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2013, freq="M")
swd2014 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 276, 2014, freq="M")
swdm <- rbind(swd2010, swd2011, swd2012, swd2013, swd2014)
# Change period into a POSIXct date-time object
swdm$period <- parse_date_time(swdm$period, "%y%m")
swdsum <- swdm %>% group_by(period, periodDesc) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(TradeValue),
              price = sum(TradeValue/NetWeight, na.rm=TRUE)) 

ggplot(swdsum) + geom_point(aes(x=period, y=tradevalue))
ggplot(swdsum) + geom_point(aes(x=period, y=price))
oak2010 <- loadcomtradebycode(440391, 251, 2010, freq="M")
oak2011 <- loadcomtradebycode(440391, 251, 2011, freq="M")
oak2012 <- loadcomtradebycode(440391, 251, 2012, freq="M")
oak2013 <- loadcomtradebycode(440391, 251, 2013, freq="M")
oak2014 <- loadcomtradebycode(440391, 251, 2014, freq="M")
oakm <- rbind(oak2010, oak2011, oak2012, oak2013, oak2014) %>%
    mutate(price = TradeValue/NetWeight)
oakm$period <- parse_date_time(oakm$period, "%y%m")
# FOr later use
oakm$year <- as.factor(year(oakm$period))
oakm$month <- as.factor(month(oakm$period))

oaksum <- oakm %>% group_by(period, rgDesc) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(TradeValue),
              price = sum(TradeValue/NetWeight, na.rm=TRUE)) 
oaksum$year <- as.factor(year(oaksum$period))
oaksum$month <- as.factor(month(oaksum$period))
ggplot(oaksum) + geom_point(aes(x=period, y=tradevalue)) + 
ggplot(oaksum) + geom_point(aes(x=period, y=price)) +

# Trade value seasonality?
p <- ggplot(oaksum) + facet_grid(year~rgDesc)
p + geom_point(aes(x=month, y=tradevalue, color=year))
# Price seasonality ? 
p + geom_point(aes(x=month, y=price, color=year)) + ylim(c(0,30))

# One trade flow
frde <- oakm %>% filter(ptTitle=="Germany")
p <- ggplot(frde) + facet_grid(year~rgDesc) + 
    ggtitle("Oak logs trade France Germany")
p + geom_point(aes(x=month, y=TradeValue, color=year))
p + geom_point(aes(x=month, y=price, color=year))
# time series
p + geom_point(aes(x=period, y=TradeValue)) + facet_grid(~rgDesc)

r reporting area to be loaded on the server

The api is limited to 100 downloads per hour. There are 255 reporter in the list of reporting countries. I grouped countries by 3, in order to be able to load all flows for one product within one hour.

Try to load for 3 countries, server code:

swd3 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, c(246, 251, 276) , "recent")
# trying URL ',251,276&p=all&rg=all&ps=recent&px=HS&max=50000&fmt=json'
# Content type 'application/json' length 718528 bytes (701 Kb)
# opened URL
# ==================================================
# downloaded 701 Kb
# [1] "Finland" "France"  "Germany"
# Create groups of 3 reporter
reportercomtrade$group <- round(as.numeric(row.names(reportercomtrade)) /3)
reporter_list <- split(reportercomtrade$reportercode, 
# Remove all, because it won't be accepted
reporter_list[reporter_list=="all"] <- NULL
for (g in reporter_list){
    swd99 <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, g, "recent")

# loop on product a product loop
for (productcode in products){


Load all world flows for a product with a pause every hour to overcome the API limit of 100 downloads per hour.

furniture <- classificationcomtrade$HS %>% 
    filter(substr(productcode, 0, 4)=="9401")
# 'data.frame':    14 obs. of  3 variables:
#  $ productcode: chr  "9401" "940110" "940120" "940130" ...
#  $ product    : chr  "9401 - Seats (except dentist, barber, etc chairs)" "940110 - Seats, aircraft" "940120 - Seats, motor vehicles" "940130 - Swivel seats with variable height adjustment" ...
#  $ parentcode : chr  "94" "9401" "9401" "9401" ...

Those data set are loaded for a product in a directory on the server. I have then put datasets together in this way, in order to generate reports:

# getwd() is where raw files are located
dtfall <- data.frame()
for (f in list.files(".", ".RData")){
    dtfall <- rbind(dtf,dtfall)
dtfall <- tradeflows::renamecolumns(dtfall)
tradeflows::createcompletenessreport(dtfall, outputdir="../../reports/completeness/woodenfurniture/")
# save(dtfall, file="sawnwood_all.RData") #optional saving

Log errors and json validation to a file

# Log errors and json validation to a file?
#     if (logfile != FALSE){
#         # Write jsonvalidataion to a logfile
#         logfileconn <- file(logfile)
#         writeLines(paste("\n\n",url), logfileconn)
#         writeLines(paste(json$validation), logfileconn)
#         close(logfileconn)
#     }

Product classifications

H4 <- classificationcomtrade$H4
H4 %>% filter(productcode=="4407")  %>% kable
H4 %>% filter(parentcode=="4407")  %>% kable
H4 %>% filter(productcode=="44")  %>% kable
H4 %>% filter(parentcode=="44") %>% kable
# Number of products under chapter 44
chap44 <- H4 %>% filter(substr(productcode, 0, 2)=="44")
# Number of products under sawnwood
swd <- H4 %>% filter(substr(productcode, 0, 4)=="4407")

Changes in HS products classifications

# Keep only chapter 44
classification44 <- lapply(classificationcomtrade, 
              function(dtf) filter(dtf, substr(productcode, 0, 2)=="44"))
HS <- classification44$HS
H4 <- classification44$H4 
# HSnotinH4 <- HS %>% filter(!productcode %in% H4$productcode)
# H4notinHS <- H4 %>% filter(!productcode %in% HS$productcode)
# Table of products disapearing and appearing
HS %>%
    merge(H4, by="productcode", all=TRUE, suffixes=c("HS", "H4")) %>%
    filter( | %>%
    arrange(productcode) %>% 
# Do the same comparison between H3 and H4  

paul4forest/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.