Prepare data for this site:

library(tradeflows)   # Which package is this?
# Dataset send by Ed in November 2015
meli <- read.csv("~/downloads/Swietenia_spp_2000_2012_all_trade.csv")
# swd99 <- readRDS("data-raw/comtrade/swd99.rds") %>%
#     clean()
swd99 <- readdbproduct(440799, "validated_flow_yearly")
# Change quantity to an int for ease of export
swd99 <- swd99 %>%
    mutate(quantity = round(quantity))

# Import flows
imp <- swd99 %>% filter(flow == "Import")

# Export flows change column names to importer and exporter accordingly

# Merge import and export flows 
# distinguishing quantity reported by partner and reporter
dtf <- imp # continue later

# Change reporter and partner to iso 2 code
# mapping UN country code to the ISO 2 country code
# faocountry <- FAOcountryProfile %>%
#     select(iso2 = ISO2_WB_CODE, uncode = UN_CODE) 
# # add China and France
# faocountry <- faocountry %>% 
#     rbind(data_frame(iso2 = c("CN"), 
#                      uncode = c(156)))
countryiso <- read.csv("data-raw/CountryCodeandNameISO2ISO3.csv") %>%
    select(iso2 = ISO2.digit.Alpha,
           uncode = Country.Code)

dtf <- dtf %>%
    left_join(rename(countryiso,iso2reporter = iso2,
                     reportercode = uncode), by="reportercode") %>%
    left_join(rename(countryiso,iso2partner = iso2,
                     partnercode = uncode), by = "partnercode")

# Rename columns according to the dataset above (is this necessary?)
swd99flows <- dtf %>% 
    select(Year = year,
           Family = productdescription,
           Importer = iso2reporter,
           Exporter = iso2partner,
           quantity = quantity,
           Term = productcode,
           Unit = unit) %>%
    mutate(App. = "II") # Not sure if this is necessary?


# Filter Indonesia
write.csv(filter(swd99flows, Exporter == "ID" & !, 
# Filter Cameroon
write.csv(filter(swd99flows, Exporter == "CM"& !, 

paul4forest/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.