
seqc provides quality control figures of cuffdiff results using the cummeRbund package. It produces a static HTML report. Optionally you can output the resulting figures separately.


You can install the development version of seqc using:

# install.packages('devtools')


Create a static HTML report based on a cuffdiff output and save all generated figures separately in the output_path.

  cuffdiff_path = '/beegfs/scratch/bruening_scratch/pklemm/htseq-tools-test/cuffdiff_output/TuUp',
  output_path = '/beegfs/scratch/bruening_scratch/pklemm/seqcOutput',
  save_plots = TRUE,
  save_width = 10,
  save_height = 10,
  save_format = 'pdf'

Build Package

If you want to customize the image, download this repository, adapt the code and run the following code to build and install it.

roxygen2::roxygenise(); devtools::build(); devtools::install()

Links & Additional Information

These information are not required for running the script and comprise lessons learned and hopefully useful information for fellow R users.

Make R aware of Bioconductor package dependencies

This tool relies on Bioconductor packages. To make R aware that some packages are to be downloaded from bioconductor you can use a trick of adding biocViews: in your DESCRIPTION file (see DESCRIPTION). This was described in this issue.


paulklemm/seqc documentation built on Sept. 12, 2019, 8:15 p.m.