
GitHub version R-CMD-check

This R package is for students of my BIOS:4120 class. To get extra practice/experience with common problems, this package provides a random question generator. To use it, you must have R installed on your computer.

To use the random question generator through a web interface, try the Shiny app instead.


The easiest way to install is via the remotes package. This is not installed by default, so to install both packages, submit the following into R:



Once installed, load the package with library(bios4120) and then you can use any of the following functions:

Random questions from quiz 2:

prob()  ## Probability question
corr()  ## Correlation/regression question
quiz2() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions

Random questions from quiz 3:

distr() ## Distributions (normal, binomial, central limit theorem)
cat1()  ## One-sample categorical data (using CLT approximation)
cont1() ## One-sample continuous data
quiz3() ## Randomly draws one of the above three questions

Random questions from quiz 4:

cat2()  ## Two-sample categorical data
cont2() ## Two-sample continuous data
quiz4() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions

Random questions from post-quiz 4:

ANOVA() ## ANOVA/multiple comparison question 
surv()  ## Kaplan-Meier/survival question 
quiz5() ## Randomly draws one of the above two questions 
final() ## Randomly draws a question from quiz2, quiz3, quiz4, or quiz5 


pbreheny/bios4120 documentation built on April 7, 2023, 9:29 p.m.