Man pages for pbs-assess/gfplot
Data Extraction and Plotting for DFO PBS Groundfish Stocks

assign_areasAssign areas
bind_samplesJoin survey and commercial samples
dogfish_gridA grid for dogfish survey
fit_cpue_index_glmmtmbFit CPUE with glmmTMB
fit_length_weightFit a length-weight model
fit_vbFit a von Bertalanffy growth model
gfplotgfplot package
hbll_gridA 2km x 2km grid for the HBLL survey
hbll_inside_n_gridA 2km x 2km grid for the HBLL Inside North survey
hbll_inside_s_gridA 2km x 2km grid for the HBLL Inside South survey
hbll_n_gridA 2km x 2km grid for the HBLL Outside North survey
hbll_s_gridA 2km x 2km grid for the HBLL Outside South survey
maturity_assignmentA data frame with maturity categories and assignments.
maturity_short_namesA data frame with maturity categories and names.
pbs_areasPBS groundfish areas
pbs_speciesPBS groundfish species
pipePipe operator
plot_age_precisionPlot ageing precision data
plot_agesPlot age frequency data
plot_catchPlot catch data over time
plot_cpue_spatialPlot a map of commercial CPUE or Catch (trawl only)
plot_growthPlot von Bertalanffy or length-weight fits
plot_lengthsPlot length frequency data
plot_mat_ogiveFit and plot maturity ogives
plot_maturity_monthsPlot maturity frequency by month
plot_predictor_bubblesMake predictor level bubble plots
plot_sample_availPlot sample availability
plot_survey_indexPlot survey relative biomass mass index
plot_survey_setsPlot the output from a geostatistical model of survey data
pop_samplesExample Pacific Ocean Perch biological samples from QCS.
pop_survExample Pacific Ocean Perch survey data from QCS in 2015
qres_tweedieQuantile residuals for a Tweedie GLMM fit with glmmTMB
split_catch_by_sexSplit catch weights by relative weight or counts sampled for...
split_catch_maturitySplit catch densities by mass ratio of maturity classes
survey_boundariesSurvey boundaries
survey-spatial-modellingSpatial modeling of survey data
synoptic_gridSynoptic grid
theme_pbsA ggplot2 theme
tidy_age_precisionTidy PBS ageing precision data
tidy_compsTidy age or length composition data for plotting or modelling
tidy_cpue_historicalTidy historical CPUE data
tidy_cpue_indexTidy commercial PBS CPUE data
tidy_sample_availTidy PBS samples data for 'plot_sample_avail()'
tidy_survey_setsTidy the survey set data for use in modeling
weight_compsAge and length frequency weighting
pbs-assess/gfplot documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:14 p.m.