

test_that("translate 3 from en to fr in data", {
    tolower(trans(c("Spawning biomass", "Male", "Equipment"),
      to = "french",
      from = "english"
    c("biomasse reproductrice", "mâle", "équipement")

test_that("translate from en to fr without matching case", {
    trans(c("Spawning biomass", "spawning biomass"),
      to = "french",
      from = "english",
      case = "lower"
    c("biomasse reproductrice", "biomasse reproductrice")

test_that("translate 3 from en to fr in data, one missing", {
    tolower(trans(c("Spawning biomass", "Male", "X"),
      to = "french",
      from = "english", allow_missing = TRUE
    c("biomasse reproductrice", "mâle", "x")

test_that("translate 3 from en to fr in data in data, all missing", {
    trans(c("XXX", "YYY", "ZZZ"),
      to = "french",
      from = "english", allow_missing = TRUE
    c("XXX", "YYY", "ZZZ")

test_that("translate 3 from en to fr in data in data, with an NA", {
    tolower(trans(c("Spawning biomass", "Male", NA),
      to = "french",
      from = "english", allow_missing = TRUE
    c("biomasse reproductrice", "mâle", NA)

test_that("translate into 2 languages from en", {
      to = c("english", "french"),
      from = "english", sep = "; "
    "male; mâle"

test_that("translate into 2 languages from en, values don't exist in data", {
      x = c("xxx", "yyy"),
      to = c("english", "french"),
      from = "english", sep = "; ", allow_missing = TRUE
    c("xxx; xxx", "yyy; yyy")

# test_that("translate into 2 languages from en. French and inuktitut.", {
#   expect_equal(
#     tolower(trans(
#       x = "Depth",
#       to = c("french", "inuktitut"),
#       from = "english", sep = "; "
#     )),
#     "profondeur; ᐃᑎᔪᖅ"
#   )
# })

test_that("en2fr and fr2en work as expected", {
  expect_equal(en2fr("Depth", TRUE), "Profondeur")
  expect_equal(en2fr("Depth", FALSE), "Depth")
  expect_equal(fr2en("Profondeur", TRUE), "Depth")
  expect_equal(fr2en("Profondeur", FALSE), "Profondeur")

test_that("trans returns an error if term is missing", {
  expect_error(en2fr("Not here!", TRUE, allow_missing = FALSE))
  expect_error(en2fr(c("Not here!", "Nor here!"), TRUE, allow_missing = FALSE))

test_that("custom term data frames work", {
  df <- data.frame(english = c("Aaa"), french = c("Bbb"))
    from = "english", to = "french",
    custom_terms = df,
  ), "Bbb")
  expect_equal(en2fr("Aaa", custom_terms = df), "Bbb")
  expect_error(en2fr("Aaa", custom_terms = "not a data frame"))

  df <- data.frame(english = c("Aaa"), not_french = c("Bbb"))
  expect_error(en2fr("Aaa", custom_terms = df))

  df <- data.frame(french = c("Bbb"), english = c("Aaa"))
  expect_equal(en2fr("Aaa", custom_terms = df), "Bbb")

  df <- data.frame(
    english = c("Spawning biomass"),
    french = c("Biomasse reproductrice")
    en2fr("Spawning biomass", custom_terms = df),
    "Biomasse reproductrice"

  df <- data.frame(
    english = c("Spawning biomass"),
    french = c("TEST biomasse reproductrice")
    en2fr("Spawning biomass", custom_terms = df),
    "TEST biomasse reproductrice"

test_that("cases work", {
  df <- data.frame(english = c("aaa aaa"), french = c("bbb bbb"))
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", custom_terms = df, case = "none"), "bbb bbb")
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", custom_terms = df, case = "sentence"), "Bbb bbb")
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", custom_terms = df, case = "lower"), "bbb bbb")
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", custom_terms = df, case = "upper"), "BBB BBB")
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", custom_terms = df, case = "title"), "Bbb Bbb")
  expect_equal(trans("aaa aaa",
    to = c("english", "french"),
    custom_terms = df, case = "title"
  ), "Aaa Aaa; Bbb Bbb")
  expect_equal(en2fr("aaa aaa", translate = FALSE, custom_terms = df, case = "upper"), "AAA AAA")
pbs-assess/rosettafish documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 6:08 a.m.