
#' Calculate and combine hazard ratio, pvalue, threshold and
#' area-between-curve data as a single dataframe
#' @inheritParams allPvals
#' @inheritParams bootstrapThresholds
#' @param measure_name A descriptive name for the measure used, for example
#' a gene ID
#' @param remove_outliers Large hazard ratios result from statistical 
#' disproportion when considering edge cases (e.g. 1 vs 99) and can be 
#' automaticall removed
#' @return a dataframe detailing survival, measure, hazard ratio,
#' pvalue, log10 pvalue, threshold and threshold residual information
#' @examples
#' library(survivALL)
#' data(nki_subset)
#' library(Biobase)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' gene_vec <- exprs(nki_subset)["NM_004448", ] #ERBB2 gene id
#' survivALL_dfr <- survivALL(measure = gene_vec, 
#'    srv = pData(nki_subset), 
#'    time = "t.dmfs", 
#'    event = "e.dmfs")
#' ggplot(survivALL_dfr, aes_string(x = 'measure', y = 'p')) + 
#'     geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, linetype = 3) + 
#'     geom_point()
#' @export
survivALL <- function(measure, 
                      time = "Time", 
                      event = "Event", 
                      bs_dfr = c(), 
                      measure_name = "measure",
                      multiv = NULL,
                      n_sd = 1.96, 
                      remove_outliers = TRUE) {
    # In case calculating with no bootstrapping data
    missing_bs <- is.null(bs_dfr)
    if (missing_bs) {
        bs_dfr <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = nrow(srv)))
        row.names(bs_dfr) <- 1:nrow(bs_dfr)
    } else {
        bs_dfr <- bs_dfr

    # Determine sample order
    measure_ord <- order(measure)
    id_ord <- row.names(srv)[measure_ord]

    # Calculate hazard ratios and p-values
    hratios  <- allHR(measure, srv, time = time, event = event, remove_outliers = remove_outliers)
    pvals <- allPvals(measure, srv, time = time, event = event, multiv = multiv)
    ## For our logged p-values, we also define non-significant points of 
    ## separation as NA - i.e. they will not plot
    pvals_sig <- pvals
    pvals_sig[pvals_sig >= 0.05] <- NA
    ## Bootstrap p-value calculation
    bsp <- hrSignificance(hratios, bs_dfr)
    bsp_sig <- bsp 
    bsp_sig[bsp_sig >= 0.05] <- NA

    # Combine sample, event, measure, hazard ratio, p-value, desirability and 
    # threshold information as a data frame for plotting
    dfr <- data.frame(
                      #samples ordered by measure
                      samples = factor(id_ord, levels = id_ord), 
                      #time to event ordered by measure
                      event_time = srv[[time]][measure_ord], 
                      #events ordered by measure
                      event = ifelse(srv[[event]][measure_ord] == 1, 
                      #the measure itself, for instance a vector of gene 
                      measure = measure[measure_ord], 
                      #calculated hazard ratios
                      HR = hratios, 
                      #calculated p-values
                      p = pvals, 
                      #corrected p-values
                      p_adj = stats::p.adjust(pvals, method = "fdr"),
                      #logged p-values, 
                      log10_p = log10(pvals_sig), 
                      #bootstrap HR p-values
                      bsp = bsp,
                      #corrected bsp
                      bsp_adj = stats::p.adjust(bsp, method = "fdr"),
                      #a ranking index
                      index = 1:nrow(srv), 
                      #the measure under investigation
                      name = measure_name  

    # Reduce hazard ratios and p-values to a single measure: desirability
    ## and use the most desirable cut point to create a classifier
    ## But if no hazard ratios exceed the thresholds, or no p-values are 
    ## significant, desirability = NA
    n <- nrow(dfr)
        if(min(dfr$bsp, na.rm = TRUE) > 0.05){
            dfr$dsr <- NA
            dfr$clsf <- NA
        } else {
            #we specify three factors - HR, pvalue and distance from flank - and 
            #combine as a single value, desirability
            d_hr <- desiR::d.high(dfr$HR, 
                                  cut1 = 0, 
                                  cut2 = max(dfr$HR, na.rm = TRUE))
            d_p <- desiR::d.low(dfr$bsp, 
                                cut1 = min(dfr$bsp, na.rm = TRUE), 
                                cut2 = 0.05)
            #d_middle <- ifelse(dfr$index < n/15 | dfr$index > n - n/15, 0, 1)
            dsr <- desiR::d.overall(d_hr, d_p)#, d_middle)
            dsr[dsr == 0] <- NA
            dsr[dsr == 1] <- NA #likely spurious caused by proximety to edges
            #then, using the most desirable point we produce a dichotomous 
            dfr$dsr <- dsr
            dichot_index <- which.max(dsr)
            dfr$clsf <- rep(c(0, 1), c(dichot_index, n - dichot_index))
    } else {
        if(min(dfr$p, na.rm = TRUE) > 0.05){
            dfr$dsr <- NA
            dfr$clsf <- NA
        } else {
            dichot_index <- which.min(dfr$p)
            dfr$dsr <- NA
            dfr$clsf <- rep(c(0, 1), c(dichot_index, n - dichot_index)) 
pearcedom/srvALL documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:49 p.m.