Man pages for pedro-andrade-inpe/sits.validate
Validate sits classifications

amazonMaskApply amazon mask
amazonUrbanMaskApply amazon urban mask
amazonWaterMaskApply amazon water mask
applyFunctionByBlocksApply a function over all pixels of a image by block
baseDirBase path
buildStyleCreate a style file
cerradoMaskApply cerrado mask
cerradoSugarcaneMaskApply cerrado sugarcane mask
cerradoUrbanMaskApply cerrado urban mask
cerradoWaterMaskApply cerrado water mask
compareRastersCompare two categorical rasters
compareRasters_areaCompare two categorical rasters weitghing each class by its...
compareTCCerradoCompare with TerraClass Cerrado
compareWithCerradoMaskCompare with Cerrado Mask.
countPixelsCount pixels of each class
createEmptyDirCreate an empty directory
degreesToMetersConvert degrees to meters
forEachBlockIterates over a raster by block
forEachBlockPairIterates over two rasters by blocks
getEmptyRasterEmpty raster from a given raster file
getPaletteGet sits palette
getSitsValidateEnvSits validate environment
getTifFilesTif files within a base directory
groupDirectoryToLevel1Reclassify pixels using the first level of the legend
groupRasterToLevel1Reclassify pixels using the first level of the legend
haToMhaConvert from ha to Mha
joinClassificationsJoin tibles summing their areas
landClassesCreates a vector of strings from variable names to represent...
m2ToMhaConvert from m^2 to Mha
printProgressPrint a value on the screen
processDirectoryProcess a classification directory
rasterBoxToPolygonConverts a raster to a SpatialPolygons, keeping the same...
readLegendRead a legend from a file
remapDirectoryRemap pixel values of all images within a directory
remapRasterRemap pixel values of an image
reSampleResample raster data
setBaseDirSet base directory
simplifyOutputSimplify the comparison output
splitRasterSplit a raster file
splitRastersSplit all rasters within a given directory
subLegendCompute a sublegend
summarizeAsPercentageSummarize the results as percentages
summarizeOneByMunicipalitiesSummarize the classification areas in each Brazilian...
summarizeOneByPolygonsSummarize the classification areas into a set of polygons
summarizeOneBySimUSummarize the classification areas in each Brazilian...
summarizeOneByStatesSummarize the classification areas in each Brazilian...
totalValidationCerradoMaskComputes the total agreement for cerrado mask
totalValidationTCCerradoReturn the total validation comparing with TerraClass Cerrado
pedro-andrade-inpe/sits.validate documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 3:02 p.m.