Man pages for pejovic/hierNet
A Lasso for Hierarchical Interactions

hierNetA Lasso for interactions
hierNet.cvCross-validation function for hierNet
hierNet-internalInternal hierNet functions
hierNet.logisticA logistic regression Lasso for interactions
hierNet.logistic.pathFit a path of logistic hierNet models- lasso models with...
hierNet.pathFit a path of hierNet models- lasso models with interactions
hierNet.varimpVariable importance for hierNet.
predict.hierNetPrediction function for hierNet and hierNet.logistic.
predict.hierNet.logisticPrediction function for hierNet.logistic.
predict.hierNet.pathPrediction function for hierNet.path and...
pejovic/hierNet documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:45 a.m.