cop_validation_rules: COP Validation Rules

cop_validation_rulesR Documentation

COP Validation Rules


A nested list of validation rules for both current and past COP years.




The following COP years are included in this dataset:


A list object containing the validation rules for COP21/FY22.


A list object containing the validation rules for COP22/FY23.

Structure for COP21 data set

The data set for 2021 conforms to the following structure:

  • description: A description of the DATIM validation rule, showing the relationship required between two indicators. Synonymous to the name and instruction columns.

  • id: The DATIM UID for the rule.

  • importance: Category showing the relative importance of the validaiton rule. For COP20 and COP21, this is always listed as MEDIUM.

  • instruction: A description of the DATIM validation rule, showing the relationship required between two indicators. Synonymous to the description and name columns.

  • name: A description of the DATIM validation rule, showing the relationship required between two indicators. Synonymous to the description and instruction columns.

  • operator: The operator used in the validation rule. This must be either <=, >=, or |.

  • periodType: A string indicating whether the indicator is reported quartery or annually. The value is either Quarterly or FinancialOct.

  • ruletype: The type of rule being applied. This value is always VALIDATION.

  • leftSide.dataElements: A nested list containing a single DATIM data element defining the indicator on the left-hand side of the equation.

  • leftSide.description: A description of the indicator on the left-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • leftSide.expression: An expression defining how to calculate the value of the left-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • leftSide.missingValueStrategy: A string that states whether this rule should be skipped if the value of the left-hand side of the equation is missing. Value is either NEVER_SKIP or SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING.

  • rightSide.dataElements: A nested list containing a single DATIM data element defining the indicator on the right-hand side of the equation.

  • rightSide.description: A description of the indicator on the right-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • rightSide.expression: An expression defining how to calculate the value of the right-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • rightSide.missingValueStrategy: A string that states whether this rule should be skipped if the value of the right-hand side of the equation is missing. Value is either NEVER_SKIP or SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING.

  • rightSide.ops:

  • leftSide.ops:

Structure for COP22 data set

The data set for COP22 conforms to the following structure:

  • name: A descriptive name of the DATIM validation rule, showing the relationship required between two indicators. Synonymous to the description column.

  • id: The DATIM UID for the rule.

  • periodType: A string indicating whether the indicator is reported quartery or annually. The value is either Quarterly or FinancialOct.

  • description: A description of the DATIM validation rule, showing the relationship required between two indicators. Synonymous to the name column.

  • operator: The operator used in the validation rule. This must be either <=, >=, or |.

  • leftSide.expression: An expression defining how to calculate the value of the left-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • leftSide.missingValueStrategy: A string that states whether this rule should be skipped if the value of the left-hand side of the equation is missing. Value is either NEVER_SKIP or SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING.

  • rightSide:expression: An expression defining how to calculate the value of the right-hand side of the validation rule equation.

  • rightSide.missingValueStrategy: A string that states whether this rule should be skipped if the value of the right-hand side of the equation is missing. Value is either NEVER_SKIP or SKIP_IF_ALL_VALUES_MISSING.

  • rightSide.ops:

  • leftSide.ops:


pepfar-datim/datapackr documentation built on April 14, 2024, 10:35 p.m.