Man pages for pepfar-datim/datapackr
A Package that Packs and Unpacks all Data Packs and Target Setting Tools

addcolsAdd list of columns as NULL columns to supplied dataframe.
add_dp_labelModify Data Pack Org Unit list to add datapackr IDs.
adorn_import_fileConvert a 'PSNU-level' DATIM import file into an...
analyze_eid_2moCheck Data Pack for <90% PMTCT_EID from ≤02 months
analyze_indexpos_ratioCheck Data Pack data for low representation of HTS_INDEX_POS
analyze_linkageCheck Data Pack data for linkage < 95% or >100%
analyze_pmtctknownposCheck Data Pack data for PMTCT Known Pos Ratio > 75%.
analyze_retentionCheck Data Pack data for retention < 98% or >100%
analyze_tbknownposCheck Data Pack data for TB Known Pos ratio > 75%.
analyze_vmmc_indeterminateCheck Data Pack data for VMMC_CIRC Indeterminate Rate > 5%
appendMessageTitle appendMessage
appendMessage.MessageQueueTitle appendMessage.MessageQueue
appendUnallocatedDataTitle appendUnallocatedData
cache_is_freshChecks whether a cached file is stale
calculateFinalDedupeValuesTitle calculateFinalDedupeValues
canReadFileTest for file read access
can_spawnCan Spawn
checkAnalyticsCheck Data Pack data for analytics concerns
checkHasPSNUxIMCheck that a Data Pack tool has a PSNUxIM tab
checkInvalidIndicatorCodesCheck for invalid Indicator Codes
checkMechanismsCheck Mechanisms
checkNonEqualTargetscheckNonEqualTargets extracts all rows from the PSNUxIM tab...
checkNonNumericPSNUxIMValuesTitle checkNonNumericPSNUxIMValues
checkPSNUDataCheck PSNUxIM tab Data
checkPSNUxIMDisaggsTitle checkPSNUxIMDisaggs
cop21_data_pack_schemaSchema describing the correct structure of the COP21 Data...
COP21_datapacks_countriesDatapack country groupings
cop21_map_DataPack_DATIM_DEs_COCsMap of COP21 indicators from Data Pack indicator codes to...
cop21OPU_data_pack_schemaSchema describing the correct structure of the COP21 OPU Data...
cop22_data_pack_schemaSchema describing the correct structure of teh COP22 Data...
cop22_map_adorn_import_fileMap from Data Pack to DATIM for the adorning import files
cop22_map_DataPack_DATIM_DEs_COCsMap of COP22 indicators from Data Pack indicator codes to...
cop22OPU_data_pack_schemaSchema describing the correct structure of the COP22 OPU Data...
cop22_valid_PSNUsList of valid COP22 PSNUs used for generating Data Packs.
cop_validation_rulesCOP Validation Rules
countryUIDs_homeCellLocation of Country UIDs on Home tab.
createDataPackCreate a new Data Pack
createKeychainInfoCreate Keychain Info for use in DataPack object.
create_play_spectrum_outputCreate fake Spectrum output for testing
createTestDatasetCreate a test Targets dataset
datapack_cogsDatapack Category option groups
dataPackName_homeCellLocation of Name of the DataPack on the Home tab
datapackrData Pack on R
datapackr_paramsStandardized package function parameter definitions
datapackrSupportsSupported Tools & COP Years
dataset_levelsStructure for DATIM data set levels.
default_catOptComboReturns 'default' categoryOptionCombo uid.
defaultMemoFontDefault Memo Font
defaultMemoStyleHeaderDefault Memo Header Style
defaultMemoStyleParaDefault Memo Paragraph Style
dropDuplicatedPSNUxIMColumnsTitle dropDuplicatedPSNUxIMColumns
dropInvalidMechColumnsTitle dropInvalidMechColumns
evaluateIndicatorsEvaluate Indicators
exportPackrExport output.
extractDuplicateRowsTitle extractDuplicateRows
extractRawColumnDataTitle extractRawColumnData
extractSNUxIMCombosTitle extractSNUxIMCombos for a given datapack (d) and a...
extract_uidExtract UID.
fetchPrioritizationTableFetch Prioritization Table
fresh_cache_partReturn the fresh portion of a cache file
generateApprovalMemoGenerate COP Approval Memo Target Tables (DOCX Format)
generateComparisonTableGenerate Comparison Table
generateMemoTemplateGenerate Memo Template File
generatePSNUxIMComparisonTitle generatePSNUxIMComparison
getCodeListPull & combine all MER, SUBNAT, IMPATT code lists for...
getCOPDataFromDATIMGrab all raw data in DATIM for a country for the COP data...
getCurrentCOPYearReturns current COP Year
getDataPackOrgUnitsPull list of Org Units approved for use in Data Packs from...
getHeaderColumnsgetHeaderColumns returns a vector of header columns provided...
getHTSModalityGet HTS Modalities map
getMemoIndicatorsGet COP Memo Indicators
getOPUDataFromDATIMPull data for packing OPU Data Pack
getOUFromCountryUIDsGet Operating Unit from Country UIDs
getSaneNameGet Sane Name for Data Pack Tool
getValidOrgUnitsReturn a data frame of valid organisation units based on the...
handshakeFileTest an input file for read access and type. Prompt if...
headerRowTool to assist with formatting the header rows
interactive_messageUses r message instead of print if session is interactive.
interactive_printPrints message if session is interactive.
interactive_warningIssue a warning if the session is interactive
is_uidishIs UID-ish
loadDataPackLoad a DataPack from a supplied filepath.
loadSheetsLoad a DataPack from a supplied filepath.
map_COCs_to_COsMap categoryoptioncombos to underlying categoryoptions.
map_Cs_to_COsMap categoryoptioncombos to underlying categoryoptions.
map_DataPack_DATIM_DEs_COCsMap of indicators from Data Pack indicator codes to DATIM...
memoStructureCOP Memo Target Table Structure
mergeDatapackmerge two datapacks into one d object.
MessageQueueTitle MessageQueue
na-defaultDefault value for 'NA'
null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'
op-missing-defaultDefault value for 'missing_arg'
packDataPackPack a Data Pack
packDataPackSheetPack data into a Data Pack sheet
packDataPackSheetsLoop through and populate normal Data Pack sheets
packOPUDataPackPack an OPU Data Pack
packToolPack a requested tool
parameter-checksStandardized Parameter Defaults
parse_maybe_numberParse a value to numeric
parsePSNUsExtract PSNUs from submitted file
paste_dataframePaste a Dataframe in a string
paste_oxfordCompile a list ending with different final collapse
pick_schemaPick correct schema
pick_template_pathPick correct template filepath
pickUIDFromTypeTitle pickUIDFromType is a utility function used to obtain a...
prepareExistingDataAnalyticsPrepare Existing Data Analytics
prepareMemoDataPrepare Memo Data
prepareMemoDataByAgencyPrepare Memo Data By Agency Level
prepareMemoDataByPartnerPrepare Memo Data By Partner
prepareMemoDataByPrioPrepare Memo Data By Prioritization Level
prepareMemoDataByPSNUPrepare Memo Data By PSNU
prepareMemoMetadataPopulate necessary metadata for the memo
prepareSheetDataPrepare sheet-specific dataset for writing into a Data Pack...
printMessagesTitle printMessages
printMessages.MessageQueueTitle printMessage.MessageQueue
prioritization_dictDefine prioritization values.
prioritizationsMapping of DATIM Prioritization numerals to strings.
readSheetRead data from a DataPack object
recalculateDedupeValuesTitle recalculateDedupeValues Recalculates dedupe values...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
renderAgencyTableRender Agency-Level Memo Target Table
renderPartnerTableRender Partner-Level Memo Target Tables
renderPrioTableRender Prioritization-Level Memo Target Table
round_truncRound at 0.5 toward integer with highest absolute value
rowMaxExtracts the desired columns for analysis via regular...
schema-validationsStandardized Schema Checks
skip_tabsList of tabs to skip for given tool.
strip_wb_NAsRemove errant NAs in a Data Pack
styleGuideLibrary of Openxlsx style objects to apply to both Data Pack...
supportedCOPYearsReturns COP Years currently supported by the package for a...
supportedSeasonsSupported Seasons
supportedToolsSupported Tools
swapColumnsSwap columns between two dataframes
testDropPositiveDedupeTitle testDropPositiveDedupe
testImbalancedDistributionTitle testImbalancedDistribution
testInvalidPSNUsTitle testInvalidPSNUs
testMissingDedupeRollupColumnsTitle testMissingDedupeRollupColumns
testMissingRightSideFormulasTitle testMissingRightSideFormulas
testNegativeTargetValuesTitle testNegativeTargetValues
testRoundDecimalValuesTitle testRoundDecimalValues
testRoundingDiffsTitle testRoundingDiffs
toolName_homeCellLocation of name of the tool on Home tab.
uid_patternDHIS2 UID pattern
unPackCountryUIDsExtract country uids from submitted file
unPackDataChecksPerform various data quality checks on in-process data from...
unPackDataPackUnpack a submitted Data Pack
unPackDataPackNameExtract the name of the datapack
unPackDataPackSheetUnpack a Data Pack sheet.
unPackOPUDataPackUnpack a submitted OPU Data Pack
unPackSheetsUnpack data from Data Pack sheets.
unPackToolUnpack a submitted tool
unpackYear2SheetTitle unpackYear2Sheet
update_de_coc_co_mapGenerate a map from Data Pack indicators to Data Pack DEs,...
updatePSNUxIMTargetValuesTitle updatePSNUxIMTargetValues
valid_OrgUnitsList of valid PSNUs used for generating Data Packs.
valid_PSNUsList of valid PSNUs used for generating Data Packs.
writeHomeTabwriteHomeTab(wb, datapack_uid, tool = "Data Pack")
writePSNUxIMWrite PSNUxIM Tab
zerosToDashesZeroes to Dashes
pepfar-datim/datapackr documentation built on April 14, 2024, 10:35 p.m.