project_path <- file.path(getwd(), "../data-raw", "annotations", "2017-04-26")
annotations <- 
  get_annotations.WebAnno_project(project_path) %>% 
  ### A: could abstract this step into a function to replace annotation field names, and make the replacements to be parameters to the program, rather than hardwired
  mutate(annotation_type = stringr::str_replace(annotation_type, "Score", "sentiment"),
         annotation_type = stringr::str_replace(annotation_type, "Context", "topic"),
         annotation_type = stringr::str_replace(annotation_type, "hypothetical", "nature"),
         annotation_type = stringr::str_replace(annotation_type, "dLevelchange", "level_change")) %>% 
  select(doc_id, annotator, id_annotation, annotation_type, annotation_value, everything())
# Old tag names that got changes partway through tagging
annotations %<>% 
  mutate(annotation_value = 
           ifelse(annotation_type == "topic" & annotation_value == "Remit (monetary policy)", 
                  "Objective (monetary policy)", annotation_value))

# Shorter topic tagnames to facilitate ease of reading plots (note the tags then
# won't align with any tagsets automatically extracted from the WebAnno project 
# files, if I implement such automatic extraction in future)
annotations %<>% 
  mutate(annotation_value = 
           ifelse(annotation_type == "topic",
                         `Financial stability / policy / regulation / supervision` = "Financial",
                         `Competence / implementation / approach / staff` = "Implementation",
                         `Instruments (monetary policy)` = "Instruments (MP)",
                         `Objective (monetary policy)` = "Objectives (MP)"),

# # Note this will lump unscored documents in with explicit "Couldn't score" tags, so to check for documents lacking a sentiment tag, I would need to do so with NA_character_ early on
# annotations %<>%
#   left_join(sentiment_map_chr_to_numeric_20170426, by = "annotation_value") %>% 
#   mutate(annotation_value_str = annotation_value,
#          annotation_value = ifelse(annotation_type == "sentiment", score, annotation_value)) %>%
#   select(-score) # keep varname generic to ease reuse of other code (would become unnecessary if passing as function argument)
### A: consider wrapping the following imputation into the import function -- 
### could do at document-annotator level using typesystem.xmi, or at project 
### level using project structure files (the json?) or a user-provided taglist
### (?).

# In case there are documents which *no* annotator has explicitly tagged, we need an external list of documents shown to annotators.

# Get complete list of doc_ids, annotators, and annotation types (some may never
# appear in the annotations doc). NOTE: workaround to use the getter function,
# rather than take direct from attributes of `annotations` object, because this 
# information being deleted from `annotations` object by dplyr generics
doc_ids <- get_doc_ids_from_project_path(project_path)
# Impute missing tags to annotators who failed to apply any tags and so don't
# appear in the explicit imported tagset. Not yet implemented. We implicitly
# assume that all annotators have applied at least one tag to at least one
# document... or else we ignore them.
annotators <- get_annotators(annotations) # NOTE: will miss any totally silent annotators
annotation_types <- get_annotation_types(annotations) # NOTE: will miss any totally unused annnotation types

# Complete the annotations by adding missing document-annotator-annotion type 
# triples. Values are filled with NA, pending imputation of implicit values for 
# no tag / blank tags 
## A: Consider wrapping into a function (e.g. impute_blank_tags) once our tagging policy is standardised
annotations %<>% 
  complete(doc_id = doc_ids, 
           annotator = annotators, 
           annotation_type = annotation_types)

# Tagging instructions were to not apply tags beyond the topic tag if that was the default blank (implicitly "Not BoE") tag. Therefore tag defaults for other tags should only be applied to the subset with explicit BoE topic tags. We therefore split the data.frame to implement this split policy, and then recombined. 
annotations %<>% 
  group_by(doc_id, annotator) %>% 
  mutate(BoE_topic = 
           sum(annotation_type == "topic" & ! > 0) %>% 

### WARNING: Hardwired field names and default values
defaults_list_BoE <-   
  list(topic = "Not BoE",
       nature = NA, ### Q: Does the blank tag (complement of the named tags) have a unique interpretation for this field?
       sentiment = "Neutral",
       level_change = NA) ### Q: Is this going to be given a (blank) default? 

annotations_BoE <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  spread(annotation_type, annotation_value) %>% 
  filter(! %>% # drop spurious rows that spread has introduced
  replace_na(defaults_list_BoE) %>% 
  gather_("annotation_type", "annotation_value", annotation_types)

annotations_non_BoE <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(!BoE_topic) %>% 
  mutate(annotation_value = ifelse(annotation_type == "topic" &, defaults_list_BoE$topic, annotation_value))

stopifnot( # check that where topic is blank, no other tags have been applied
  annotations_non_BoE %>% 
  filter(annotation_type != "topic") %>% 
  filter(! %>% 
  nrow() == 0)

annotations <- 
  bind_rows(annotations_BoE, annotations_non_BoE) %>% 
  arrange(doc_id, annotator, id_annotation, annotation_type, annotation_value)
topics <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(annotation_type == "topic")

natures <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(annotation_type == "nature")

sentiments <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(annotation_type == "sentiment")

level_change <- 
  annotations %>% 
  filter(annotation_type == "level_change")
# WARNING! Hardwired strings
sentiment_map_chr_to_numeric_correct <- 
    ~annotation_value, ~score,
    "1. Strongly Negative", -3L,
    "2. Negative"         , -2L,
    "3. Weakly Negative"  , -1L,
    "4. Neutral"          ,  0L,
    "5. Weakly Positive"  , +1L,
    "6. Positive"         , +2L,
    "7. Strongly Positive", +3L,
    "Couldn't score"      , NA_integer_

sentiment_map_chr_to_numeric_20170426 <- 
    ~annotation_value, ~score,
    "1. Strongly Negative", -3L,
    "2. Negative"         , -2L,
    "3. Weakly Negative"  , -1L,
    "4. Weakly Positive"  , +1L,
    "5. Positive"         , +2L,
    "6. Strongly Positive", +3L,
    "Neutral"             , 0, # 0L doesn't work -- stays as "Neutral" -- suspect a bug with tribble or dplyr
    "7. Couldn't score"   , NA_integer_

# Note this will lump unscored documents in with explicit "Couldn't score" tags, so to check for documents lacking a sentiment tag, I would need to do so with NA_character_ early on
sentiments %<>%
  left_join(sentiment_map_chr_to_numeric_20170426, by = "annotation_value") %>% 
  rename(annotation_value_str = annotation_value,
         annotation_value = score) # keep varname generic to ease reuse of other code (would become unnecessary if passing as function argument)

Raw annotations

Column {.tabset}


datatable_selected <- function(df) {
  datatable(df %>% select(-id_annotation, -sofa, -begin, -end), 
            filter = 'top',
            extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(
              dom = 'Bfrtip',
              buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'print'))) # pdf option crashed the page




datatable_selected(natures %>% filter(BoE_topic))


datatable_selected(sentiments %>% filter(BoE_topic))

Level / change

datatable_selected(level_change %>% filter(BoE_topic))


Column {.tabset}

With margins

plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(topics, cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = TRUE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Without margins

plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(topics, cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = FALSE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Without margins, BoE only

topics %>% 
  filter(annotation_value != "Not BoE") %>% 
plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = FALSE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Column {data-width=350}

BoE topic share

topics %>%
  mutate(annotation_value = ifelse(annotation_value != "Not BoE", "BoE", annotation_value)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = annotator)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(fill = annotation_value)) + 
  coord_flip() + 
  scale_x_discrete(name = NULL)

Marginal distributions within BoE topics

topics %>% 
  filter(annotation_value != "Not BoE") %>% 
  plot_marginal_tag_frequency(sort = "frequency")

Nature of reference

Column {.tabset}

With margins

natures %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = TRUE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Without margins

natures %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = FALSE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Column {.tabset}

Marginal distributions

natures %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_marginal_tag_frequency(sort = "frequency")


Column {.tabset}

With margins

sentiments %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "value", margins = TRUE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Without margins

sentiments %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "value", margins = FALSE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))


Marginal distributions

sentiments %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_marginal_tag_frequency(sort = "value")

Association between annotators

annotators <- get_annotators(annotations)
sentiments %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  select(doc_id, annotator, annotation_value) %>% 
  spread(annotator, annotation_value) %>% 
  select_(.dots = as.list(annotators)) %>%
  #mutate_all(as.integer) %>% 
  cor(method = "spearman",
      use = "pairwise.complete.obs") %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 2)

Level / change

Column {.tabset}

With margins

level_change %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = TRUE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Without margins

level_change %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_coincidences_annotators_pairwise(cutoff = 0, sort = "frequency", margins = FALSE) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 7))

Column {.tabset}

Marginal distributions

level_change %>% 
  filter(BoE_topic) %>% 
  plot_marginal_tag_frequency(sort = "frequency")

petereckley/webannor documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:48 a.m.