
#----- All deprecated

# #Delta plots

# # Something with shortspines
# # thornys <- tows_clust[grep("Thornyhead", tows_clust$species), ]
# # thornys %>% group_by(set_year, species) %>% summarize(apounds = sum(apounds)) %>% arrange(species) %>%
# #

# #Do this with tows clust
# spp_years <- tows_clust %>% filter(type != 'other') %>% distinct(set_year, species)

# delts <- mclapply(1:nrow(spp_years), FUN = function(mm) {
#   outs <- year_spp_delta(year = spp_years[mm, "set_year"], 
#     spp = spp_years[mm, 'species'])
#   return(outs)
# }, mc.cores = 6)

# delts <- ldply(delts)
# delts <-  delts %>% arrange(species, year)
# delts$when <- 'before'
# delts[which(delts$year >= 2011), 'when'] <- 'after'

# # ggplot(delts) + geom_point(aes(x = prop_zero, y = skew, colour = when)) + facet_wrap(~ species)

# #Plot targets
# types <- tows_clust %>% filter(type != 'other') %>% distinct(type, species)
# delts <- delts %>% left_join(types, by = "species")

# targs <- filter(delts, type == 'targets')
# ggplot(targs) + geom_point(aes(x = prop_zero, y = skew, colour = when)) + facet_wrap(~ species)
# tspp <- unique(targs$species) #target species

# #Targets
# source("figs/ch4_targ_delta.R")

# #Weaks 
# source('figs/ch4_weak_delta.R')

# ggplot(weaks) + geom_point(aes(x = prop_zero, y = skew, colour = when)) + facet_wrap(~ species)

# ggplot(delts_befaft) + geom_point(aes(x = prop_zero, y = skew, colour = when)) + 
#   facet_wrap(~ type)
peterkuriyama/ch4 documentation built on June 18, 2021, 9:59 a.m.