This is work. Its progressing, so its work in progress. Its not supposed to look nice. Its work. Its supposed to work.

Order of scripts

1) Gathering data and uploading it to Database

files relevant

batch file

:: set up description

:: clean up
R < clean_up_before_upload.r --vanilla 

:: execute uploads
R < check_and_upload_data.R > AUT.rout --vanilla --args ctr='AUT'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > BEL.rout --vanilla --args ctr='BEL'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > DEN.rout --vanilla --args ctr='DEN'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > ESP.rout --vanilla --args ctr='ESP'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > FRA.rout --vanilla --args ctr='FRA'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > GER.rout --vanilla --args ctr='GER'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > IRE.rout --vanilla --args ctr='IRE'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > ITA.rout --vanilla --args ctr='ITA'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > LUX.rout --vanilla --args ctr='LUX'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > NED.rout --vanilla --args ctr='NED'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > NOR.rout --vanilla --args ctr='NOR'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > POR.rout --vanilla --args ctr='POR'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > SWE.rout --vanilla --args ctr='SWE'           SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > UK.rout --vanilla --args ctr='UK'             SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > SWIGRN.rout --vanilla --args ctr='SWIGRN'     SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"'
R < check_and_upload_data.R > SWIPARLG.rout --vanilla --args ctr='SWIPARLG' SHORTDESC='\"%SHORTDESC%\"' 

:: regenerate temporary database tables
R < check_and_upload_data_regen_temp_tables.R --vanilla

:: send email notification
R < latest_uploads.r > latest_uploads.rout --vanilla 
blat latest_uploads.txt -to -s "IDEP data upload finished" 

:: clean up 
R < clean_up_before_upload.r --vanilla & pause

2) get data from data base

files relevant

batch file

R < get_newest_data_from_db.R > get_newest_data_from_db.Rout  --vanilla --args UPDATE_TEXTS=TRUE

3) prepare external data sets

files relevant

batch file

prompt $g 

call rm routs/*.*

REM ===========================================================================
REM prepare ParlGov and CMP (Comparative Manifesto Project) datasets 
REM ParlGov: Volatility
REM CMP:     Ideological Positions
REM ===========================================================================

call R < Merge_Parlgov_Manifesto.R                > routs/Merge_Parlgov_Manifesto.Rout                 --vanilla
call R < Extend_Parlgov_Manifesto_by_conflict.R   > routs/Extend_Parlgov_Manifesto_by_conflict.Rout    --vanilla
call R < Extend_Parlgov_Manifesto_by_volatility.R > routs/Extend_Parlgov_Manifesto_by_volatility.Rout  --vanilla
call R < Make_Cabinets_Dataset_from_Parties.R     > routs/Make_Cabinets_Dataset_from_Parties.Rout      --vanilla

REM ===========================================================================
REM prepare ERD datasets
REM ERD: general information on cabinets
REM ===========================================================================

call R < prepare_erd_dataset.R                    > routs/prepare_erd_dataset.Rout                     --vanilla

REM ===========================================================================
REM extend both datasets by ids for later merging / joining
REM ===========================================================================        

call R < Extend_ERD_and_Cabinets_by_merge_ids.R   > routs/Extend_ERD_and_Cabinets_by_merge_ids.Rout    --vanilla

echo done & pause

4) aggregate data into data sets ready for analysis

files relevant

batch file

prompt $g$g 

REM ========================================================
REM ========================================================

CALL Rscript -e "library(idep); file.move(grep('Rmd$|bat$|r$|pdf$', list.files(pattern='.*\\..*'), invert=T, value=T,,'old')"
CALL Rscript -e "unlink(list.files(pattern='tex2pdf'), recursive=T)"
rm routs/*.rout

REM ========================================================  
REM GENERATING isor data set
REM ========================================================

CALL R < isor.R                         > routs/isor.rout                         --vanilla 
CALL R < isor_ext_pro_minmaj.R          > routs/isor_ext_pro_minmaj.Rout          --vanilla 
CALL R < isor_ext_tsebelis.R            > routs/isor_ext_tsebelis.Rout            --vanilla 
CALL R < isor_ext_erd_cabinet_ids.R     > routs/isor_ext_erd_cabinet_ids.Rout     --vanilla 

REM ========================================================  
REM GENERATING isom data set
REM ========================================================

CALL R < isom.R                         > routs/isom.rout                         --vanilla 

REM ========================================================
REM building codebook PDF 
REM ========================================================
CHCP 65001
CALL R < isor_codebook.R         > routs/isor_codebook.rout --vanilla 

CALL R < isom_codebook.R         > routs/isom_codebook.rout --vanilla 

CALL R < isor_codebook_manuals.R > routs/isor_codebook_manuals.rout --vanilla 

REM ========================================================
REM ========================================================

  CALL  Rscript -e "files <- grep('codebook', list.files(pattern='codebook.*pdf$|codebook.*html$'), value=T)" ^
          -e "file.copy(files, 'Z:/Gesch\u00e4ftsordnungen/Database/aggregats', overwrite=TRUE)" ^
          -e "file.copy(files, 'Z:/Gesch\u00e4ftsordnungen/Database/outputs',   overwrite=TRUE)" ^
          -e "file.copy(files, 'C:/Dropbox/idep/data', overwrite=TRUE)" ^
          -e "files <- list.files(pattern='.rout')" ^
          -e "library(idep); file.move(files, 'old')" 

REM ========================================================
echo done & pause

petermeissner/idep documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:53 a.m.