Man pages for petermeissner/idep
Helper functions and procedures for the IDEP Project

ccode_actfunction for aggregating corpus codes into topic categories
ccode_color_schemecoler scheme
ccode_color_scheme2coler scheme
ccode_corpus_recodefunction for aggregating corpus codes into topic categories
ccode_topfunction for aggregating corpus codes into topic categories
check_difffunction for checking diff in a coded file
check_link_datesfunction for re-setting dates in linkage files
check_type_onechecks for lines relevant=1 and ccode==999 at the same time
check_type_twofunction for checking differences between linkage and corpus...
classesget classes
clean_textfunction for cleaning text
connect_to_sodbfunction sourcing connection information
corpus_data_preparefunction for preparing corpus data to be merged with lines...
corpus_file_loadloading a corepus file
corpus_file_selectfunction for selecting a bunch of link files and computing...
country_longcountry names matching the shorthands
country_shortcountry shorthands used throughout the project
country_to_shortcountry to short
ctestchecks : check that the second text of version n is equal to...
desc_dffunction to describe variables in data.frame
df_to_htmltransforms a df to html table
dim1function giving back length of dim1 or 0
dim2function giving back length of dim2 or 0
download_linelinkage_rawfunction that downloads ready made info from the database
download_linelinkage_viewfunction that downloads ready made info from the database
download_textlines_rawfunction that downloads ready made info from the database
download_texts_rawfunction that downloads ready made info from the database
dtestchecks : check that all text lines ( max(lnr) ) ar included
email_erroremail error
empty_to_falsefunction transforming NULL and NA (non-values) to FALSE
empty_to_truefunction transforming NULL and NA (non-values) to TRUE
eval_cl_argsfunction evaluating command line arguments to R that are in...
expand_spansexpanding time spans to sequernce of days
factors_to_characterfactors to character
file.movefunction for moving files via copy / delete (inefficient)
function_callfunction for handling function calls
get_historyfunction for getting the history
get_meta_from_fnamefunction extracting dates and other information from a link...
get_readyfunction getting things set up for working
get_table_infofunction that gatheres information on tables in a database
gotowrapper for browseURL()
grepvfunction wrapper for grep(,value=TRUE)
head.listReturn the first or last part of a list
head.tbl_dfhead method for tabl_df that shows all columns
htmltablefunction for making html table
if_not_existsfunction setting value to object if not existing
is_false_or_nafunction that tests value for NA | FALSE
is_idfunction that determines if something might be an id...
is_true_or_nafunction that tests value for NA | TRUE
keepfunction for keeping only selected objects
linkage_simfunction for calculating similarity again
linkage_to_htmlpresent linkage information in HTML file
linkage_typefunction returning type of change
linkage_type_colorsfunction to determine colors based on linkage type
link_data_check_textconsistencyfunction that checks whether text b of linkage 1 and text a...
link_data_check_textlengthfunction that checks the lengths of texts
link_data_clean_textfunction that cleans up text from link data
link_data_get_datefunction for extracting dates from link data texts
link_data_get_linkagefunction extracting linkage information
link_data_get_textfunction extracting the texts from link data
link_files_get_datefunction for extracting dates from link data files
link_files_get_linkagefunction for extracting dates from link data files
link_files_get_textfunction extracting the texts from link data files
link_files_get_text_onlyfunction extracting the texts from link data files
link_files_loadfunction for loading a set off link data files
link_files_selectfunction for selecting a bunch of link files and computing...
ltestchecks : check that all text lines ( max(lnr) ) are included
matchedfunction for looking which items of a are contained in b
maxcharfunction for restricting size of string
mfts_match_dates_to_idmatching ids to dates
modusfunction for getting mode source:...
named_listmake automatically named list
na_to_emptyfunction that transforms NAs to empty string
na_to_falsefunction that transforms NAs to FALSE
na_to_truefunction that transforms NAs to TRUE
na_to_zerofunction that transforms NAs to 0
null_to_falsefunction transforming NULL (non-values) to FALSE
null_to_nafunction transforming NULL (non-values) to NA
null_to_truefunction transforming NULL (non-values) to TRUE
nwordsfunction counting the number of words
peekfunction like head but working with dplyr
plot_var_overviewfunction plotting the range of a variable
plus-.POSIXtmethod for POSIXct
pversion_incfunction that increases the packages version modified version...
rankplotfunction for making rank plots
report_timefunction for reporting the time it took to execute statement
reset_link_datesfunction for re-setting dates in linkage files
seqalongconvenience function for getting seqence for looping
set_enc_utf8function setting Encoding value of string vectors in data...
short_to_coutryshort to country
slash-.POSIXtmethod for POSIXct
solve_type_onesolve where lines relevant=1 and ccode==999 at the same time...
solve_type_twofunction for solving problems where ccode != 999 but rel = 0...
sort_align_devfunction sorting alignment data frames according to line...
sort_align_dffunction sorting alignment data frames according to line...
split_timespan_afterfunction splitting sequence after certain date
sqlEscapeSome funtions making life easier for handling Databases from...
t1testwrapper for check_type_one() and solve_type_one()
t2testwrapper for check_type_two() and solve_type_two()
tabfunction that does a more convenient table, always showing...
tab1function for tabulating one variable
text_distfunction for calculating the distance between two text...
wordsfunction extracting words from text
petermeissner/idep documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:53 a.m.