
Defines functions predict.RNNE

Documented in predict.RNNE

#' @title Predict from an ensemble of random neural networks
#' @description This function predicts the results of a random neural network
#' @author Peter Xenopoulos 
#' @param models List of models
#' @param newdata New data to predict outcomes 
#' @param type Can be 'class' to predict class or 'raw' to predict probability
#' @return A vector with the predictions
#' @keywords neural network, prediction
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' predict.rnne(models, newdata, type = "Class")

predict.RNNE <- function(models,
                         type = "class") {

  # Predicts the outcomes from an ensemble of neural networks
  # Args:
  #   models  : A list of models from the RNNE function
  #   newdata : New data to predict outcomes for
  #   type    : Can either be 'class' to predict factor outcomes
  #               or 'raw' for probabilities
  # Returns:
  #   Returns vector of predictions
  # Notes:
  #   Code cleaned using lintr
  # Imports:
  #   dplyr      : Used for data manipulation

  ### Error Handling ###

  # Check to see that there is a list of nnet objects
  if (class(models[[1]])[1] != "DArch") {
    stop("Must be nnet outcomes from RNNE()!")

  # Check to see that we indeed have a list
  if (length(models) < 1 | class(models) != "list") {
    stop("Need a full LIST of models!")

  # Check to see that we have either `raw` or `class`
  if (!is.element(type, c("class", "raw"))) {
    stop("type needs to be either `class` or `raw`")

  ### End Error Handling ###

  # Create matrix to hold predictions
  predictions <- matrix(nrow = nrow(newdata), ncol = length(models))

  # Loop through the models (columns of predictions)
  for (c in 1:ncol(predictions)) {
    # The c-th column are the predictions from the c-th model
    predictions[, c] <- predict(models[[c]], newdata, type = "raw")[, 1]

  # Sum the row probabilities
  rs <- rowSums(predictions)

  # Return prediction results
  if (type == "class") {
    # If avg prob > 0.5, predict class 1, else 0
    rs <- rs / length(models)
    rs <- ifelse(rs > 0.5, 1, 0)
  } else {
    # Just average out probabilities if returning prob
    rs <- rs / length(models)
peterxeno/DeepBalance documentation built on May 3, 2019, 10:44 p.m.