  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


bib2acad: Converting BibTeX Records to .md Files for the Hugo Academic Theme

bib2acad takes a .bib file and generates for each bib record a .md file. The name of the .md file is generated from the year and entry field. It has the format



This conversion utility does not use the folders where the new files will finally live on the academic website, e.g. content/publication/ resp. `static/files/citations/. The program creates the converted files into a temporary directory. It is easier to recover your work if something goes wrong in the conversion process. For instance: You don't have to search the newly generated files in your working folders, you can empty or delete the newly generated folders in your temporary directory.

Call the bib2acad function:

The minimum call is: bib2acad("<your/path/to/bibfilename>.bib").

The minimum call generates two folders in your temporary directory with the names my-md-folder and my-bib-folder. In these two folders, the generated .md and .bib files are collected.

The maximum call is: bib2acad("<your/path/to/bibfilename>.bib", copybib = TRUE, abstract = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE).

The maximum call generates the .md files with abstracts, it also generates .bib files and overwrites files already generated in both folders (.md and .bib folder). Overwriting these files is not dangerous when you are working with default values, e.g., folders especially created for this conversion process. To have more control you can change several parameters. Default values are:

For many records in your .bib file, the conversion procedure may take some time. I have included a progress bar so that you can see if the program is working. For my 190 BibTeX records and with abstracts included the procedure needed about 45 seconds on my MacBook Pro, 2,9 GHz Intel, 8GB RAM.

Install the conversion results:

If everything went smoothly make a copy of your static/files/citations/ and content/publication folder. Then copy your .bib files into static/files/citations/ and your .md files into content/publication.

To test if everything is converted correctly you must rebuild the website. Call the menu "Build -> Moreā€¦ -> Clean All" (or CTRL/CMD-SHIFT-B). Wait until the website is cleaned then call blogdown:::serve:site() or - if you have RStudio Addins installed: CTRL-S.

Now your new publication files should be available on your website.


If you can't see anymore your website but the directory index, then something went wrong in the conversion procedure. The problem is that there is no error message in blogdown. You have to change to the terminal and call

hugo -v


Then you will get a more detailed report about. It may be the case that you will get an error message similar like the following:

ERROR 2018/08/03 10:45:45 failed to parse page metadata for  
Near line 5 (last key parsed 'publication'): invalid escape character '&';  
only the following escape characters are allowed:  
\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \", \\,\uXXXX, and \UXXXXXXXX   
for publication/

This means that Hugo has found in the .md file an invalid character. In this case, it was the ampersand. Go to the file and look for the specified line (in my case it is line 5). Then you will see something like \<special character> (in my case: \&). Add another backlash. e.g. changing to \\<special character> (in my case: \\&).

The above example will now work out because I have added some error handling routines. But still, there is a chance that other invalid characters throw errors. My suggestion:

  1. Try to find and fix the problem in the file. Check it if everything is OK now with rebuilding your website followed by blogdown:::serve_site().
  2. If you can't find the error most of the time problems appear in the abstract field of one of your .md files. Try to delete this field (or repeat the conversion procedure with abstract = FALSE). Again: Check if everything is OK now with rebuilding your website followed by blogdown:::serve_site().
  3. If the error still persists try to delete the file(s) you are suspecting to throw the error. Again: check if this was the problem. This last procedure should help you to limit the problems to one or only some files.
  4. If you could detect the error, please give me feedback, so that I could include an error handling routine for these cases.
  5. If you cannot find the error, please open an issue on my GitHub site and send me the .bib records where you assume that the problems were originated.

petzi53/bib2acad documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:39 a.m.