
#' bib2acad: Converting Bibtex Records to .md Files for the Hugo Academic
#' Theme
#' \code{bib2acad} takes a .bib file and generates for each bib record a .md
#' file. The name of the .md file is generated from the year and entry field. It
#' has the format \code{year-month-day_key.md}
#' @section Required parameters: The only function of this package is
#'   `bib2acad()` The bib2acad function needs one parameter.
#'   \strong{bibfile}: A string to the path of the .bib file
#'   ("path/to/bibfile")
#' @section Optional parameters: The `bib2acad` function has three optional
#'   parameters
#'   \strong{copybib}: TRUE or FALSE, default = TRUE. Should .bib files
#'   generated?
#'   \strong{abstract}: TRUE or FALSE, default = TRUE. Should abstracts also
#'   added to the .md files?
#'   \strong{overwrite}: TRUE or FALSE, default = FALSE. Should .md files with
#'   the same name overwritten? If .bib files are also created, then this
#'   parameter applies to .bib files as well.
#' @section Easiest usage: Put your .bib file on the top level of your project
#'   directory and call `bib2acad("<your-bibfilename>.bib")`
#'   This generates two folders `my-md-folder` and `my-bib-folder` into a
#'   tempory directory where the two types of generated files will be generated.
#'  To learn more about `bib2acad`, see the 'usage' vignette with
#'  \href{../doc/usage.html}{\code{vignette("usage", package = "bib2acad")}}.
#' @docType package
#' @name bib2acad-package
petzi53/bib2acad documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:39 a.m.