Man pages for pfrater/arcpullr
Pull Data from an 'ArcGIS REST' API

example_urlsVarious URLs used in examples
format_coordsConvert coordinates from an 'sf' object to formatted...
get_geometry_typeGet Geometry Type
get_image_layerRetrieve an image service layer from an ArcGIS REST API
get_layer_htmlPull the HTML body from a web page
get_layer_infoRetrieve metadata for a layer
get_layer_legendReturns a legend for a raster layer
get_layers_by_spatialRetrieve ArcGIS REST API spatial layer by spatial query
get_map_layerRetrieve a map service layer from an ArcGIS REST API
get_raster_layerPull a raster layer from a map service or image service layer...
get_service_typeGet elements of a Service or Layer from an ArcGIS REST...
get_sf_crsReturn CRS value of an sf object
get_spatial_layerRetrieve a feature service layer from an ArcGIS REST API
get_table_layerRetrieve a table from an ArcGIS REST API
match_raster_colorsMatch colors in RasterLayer color space to the provided...
plot_layerPlot a spatial layer
plot_layer-RasterBrick-methodPlot a RasterBrick object
plot_layer-RasterLayer-methodPlot a RasterLayer object
plot_layer-RasterStack-methodPlot a RasterStack object
plot_layer-sf-methodPlot an sf object
raster_colorsConvert RasterLayer into data.frame of colors for each pixel...
raster_colors-RasterBrick-methodConvert RasterBrick into data.frame of colors that can be...
raster_colors-RasterLayer-methodConvert RasterLayer into data.frame of colors that can be...
raster_colors-RasterStack-methodConvert RasterStack into data.frame of colors that can be...
sf_example_polysVarious example sf polygons
sf_example_rasterVarious example raster objects
sf_objectsCreate sf objects from coordinates
sp_rel_lookupsSpatial relationship descriptor and lookup tables
sp_rel_xrefLookup function for shorthand versions of spatial relation...
sql_whereFormat a SQL where clause from arguments
valid_sp_relCheck to see which spatial relation types are applicable to...
pfrater/arcpullr documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:29 a.m.