get_table_layer: Retrieve a table from an ArcGIS REST API

View source: R/retrieve_layers.R

get_table_layerR Documentation

Retrieve a table from an ArcGIS REST API


This function retrieves tables present in an ArcGIS REST services API and returns them as a data frame.


  out_fields = "*",
  where = "1=1",
  token = "",
  head = FALSE,



A character string of the url for the layer to pull


A character string of the fields to pull for each layer


A character string of the where condition. Default is 1=1


A character string of the token (if needed)


Logical or numeric. Limits the number of records returned from a query. If TRUE, only the first 5 records will be returned. If numeric, then the number of records specified in head will be returned


Additional arguments to pass to the ArcGIS REST POST request (or associated internal functions used to query them)


This function retrieves tables from an ArcGIS REST API designated by the URL. Additional querying features can be passed such as a SQL WHERE statement (where argument) as well as any other types of queries that the ArcGIS REST API accepts (using ...).

All of the querying parameters are sent via a POST request to the URL, so if there are issues with passing additional parameters via ... first determine how they fit into the POST request and make adjustments as needed. This syntax can be tricky if you're not used to it.


A data frame of the appropriate layer

pfrater/arcpullr documentation built on March 16, 2024, 6:29 a.m.