Man pages for pgpmartin/GeneNeighborhood
Analyze the Neighborhood (Upstream/Downstream Neighbors) of Genes

analyzeNeighborsOrientationAnalyze the orientation of gene neighbors for a set of...
annotationCoverageAroundFeaturesExtract stranded annotation profiles at and around a set of...
assembleProfilesAssemble profiles from the results of the...
binFeatureProfilesBin coverage profiles given as a matrix or RleList of...
coinIndepTest the independence of 2 sets of distances with the coin...
dist2NeighborsExtract distances to the upstream and downstream neighbors
distStatsDescriptive statistics on intergenic distance data
distTestsStatistical tests for intergenic distance data
extendPointPresenceExtend the presence value (1) of the closest single-point...
GenegrA GRanges with 676 random genes on a single chromosome
getAvgProfileWithCICompute the average profile and its confidence interval for a...
getCumulPercentProfilesFor gene sets, obtain the cumulative percentage of genes with...
getDistSideFilter a gene set and extract upstream or downstream...
getGeneNeighborhoodExtract info on upstream and downstream features/genes
getTESExtract the TES (=end of the gene/transcript) from a...
getTESregionExtract a region around the TES (=end of the gene) from a...
isBinaryMatTest if a matrix is a binary matrix
ksfunKolmogorov-Smirnov test on genomic distances
matrix2RleListConvert an 'matrix' to an 'RleList'
plotCumulPercentProfilePlot the cumulative proportions obtained from...
plotDistanceDistribplot the distribution of intergenic distances
plotMetageneAnnotProfilePlot metagene annotation profiles for different groups of...
plotNeighborsOrientationStacked barplot of gene orientations for upstream and...
profcompExtract windows of interest from a coverage.
pvalByGeneSetApply a test to different genesets using the same...
resampMedResampling test on the median (only returns the p-value)
RleList2matrixConvert an 'RleList' to a 'matrix'
UtestCompare 2 sets of distances with a Mann-Whitney U test (only...
winsorizeMatrixWinsorizing of an entire matrix
pgpmartin/GeneNeighborhood documentation built on Sept. 2, 2021, 6:37 a.m.