ecmeta: Meta-analysis of external control studies

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also

View source: R/ecmeta.R


Perform a meta-analysis of studies in which external control arms were compared to internal control arms. For more information on the methodology please see vignette("methodology").


ecmeta(data, method = c("jags", "ml"), ...)



A loghr_data object that stores estimates of the log hazard ratios of the internal control arms relative to the external control arms.


Method/software used to estimate the meta-analytic model. jags uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo to sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters while ml using maximum likelihood to fit the model.


Additional arguments to pass to the underlying meta-analytic estimation function. If method == "jags", these are arguments to pass to ecmeta_jags(). Unused if method == "ml.


Returns an object with class based on method. If method == "jags", then an ecmeta_jags object is returned; if method == "ml, then an ecmeta_ml object is returned.

See Also

See vignette("guide") for an example.

phcanalytics/ecmeta documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 7:48 a.m.