geomat: A geomat, geotm or geomask object for AURELHY

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geomatR Documentation

A geomat, geotm or geomask object for AURELHY


Geomat are matrices of geographically referenced data. These are essentially georeferenced rectangular, regular grids of points. Data can be numeric (reals), integer, or logical (booleans). Objects 'geotm' are special 'geomat' matrices containing always integers and representing terrain models. Objects 'geomask' are also special 'geomat' that only contain logical values. They are mainly used to define a mask on top of a grid (which points to consider and which ones to eliminate from a calculation).


geomat(x, size, xcenter, ycenter, coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter,
    y = ycenter), datatype = c("numeric", "integer", "logical"), nodata = NA)
geotm(x, size, xcenter, ycenter, coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter,
    y = ycenter))
geomask(x, size, xcenter, ycenter, coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter,
    y = ycenter))

read.geomat(file, type = "ascii", datatype = c("numeric", "integer", "logical"),
read.geotm(file, type = "ascii", ...)
read.geomask(file, type = "ascii", threshold = 0, ...)

write.geomat(x, file, type = "ascii", integers = FALSE, nodata = -9999, ...)
write.geotm(x, file, type = "ascii", nodata = -9999, ...)
write.geomask(x, file, type = "ascii", nodata = -9999, ...)

as.geomat(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'geomat'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
coords(x, type = "par", ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
resample(x, x0 = 1, y0 = 1, step = NULL, nx = 100, ny = nx,
    strict = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
window(x, xlim, ylim, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
plot(x, y = NULL, max.xgrid = 100, nlevels = 50,
    color.palette = terrain.colors, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
    asp = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
image(x, max.xgrid = 500, col = terrain.colors(50),
    add = FALSE, xlab = if (add) "" else "Longitude",
    ylab = if (add) "" else "Latitude", asp = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
contour(x, max.xgrid = 100, nlevels = 10, col = par("fg"),
    add = FALSE, xlab = if (add) "" else "Longitude",
    ylab = if (add) "" else "Latitude", asp = 1, ...)
## S3 method for class 'geomat'
persp(x, max.xgrid = 500, col = "green3",
    xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", asp = 1, theta = 10, phi = 30,
    expand = 1, shade = 0.75, border = NA, box = TRUE, ...)



An object (a matrix or data frame for geomat(), geotm(), or geomask(), a 'predict.aurelhy' object for as.geomat(), or a 'geomat' object for the other functions)


The size of a grid square (in decimal degrees)


The position of the center of the top-left square of the grid, that is, its longitude in decimal degrees


Idem, but latitude in decimal degrees


A named vector of three numbers: 'size', 'x' and 'y' as above


The type of data to store in the grid, ort to read/write on the file. Can be 'numeric' (reals), 'integer', or 'logical' (booleans)


The number to use to represent missing data in the grid (by default it is NA). For file operations, it is the numerical code used to represent missing or not applicable cell in the file. By default, it is -9999 in ASCII grid format


The path to the file used for reading or writing data


The type of data to read/write. Currently, only \"ascii\", which means ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format (.asc file). For coords(), it is the type of coordinates to ba calculated: "par" is the vector defining the coordinates as 'size' of the cell, 'x' and 'y' coordinates of the center of the top-left square in the grid and the 'x1', 'y1' coordinates of the top-left point and 'x2', 'y2' coordinates of the bottom-right points covered by the grid. If "x", or "y", coords() returns a vector of the coordinates of centers of the grid points. Finally if "xy", then, coords() returns a data frame with 'x' and 'y' coordinates of all points in the grid (center of rectangles)


Value (single integer) above which all data are converted to TRUE. The rest is converted to FALSE, except missing data that are encoded as NA during the conversion into logical values


Do we read/write integers (saves memory and disk space used to represent the grid)


The X origin of the new grid


The Y origin of the new grid


The step to use for resampling (step = 2 means we take one point every two original points in the grid).


The desired number of points in the X direction (longitude). resample() is a quick method that takes a point every n points in the grid without doing more calculation. The final number of points is an integer value of points that can be resampled without interpolation


idem than nx, but in the Y direction (latitude)


do we interpolated the grid so that we obtain exactly nx and ny point (when strict = TRUE)? By default, not (strict = FALSE) and we span as far as possible to the right and to the bottom for the interpolated grid


A vector of two numbers defining the limits to use in X direction (longitude) for the window


A vector of two numbers defining the limits to use in Y direction (latitude) for the window


Unused argument to match plot() method definition


The maximum number of points in x direction to use. If the grid that is plotted is denser, it is furst resampled to avoid drawing a graph with too much points


the number of contour levles to calculate


a color palette generation function


A vector of colors to use for the plot


The label of the X axis ("Longitude" by default)


The label of the Y axis ("Latitude" by default)


The aspect ratio between 'x' and 'y'. The default value of asp = 1 should usually not be changed.


Do we add the graph to an existing graph device, or do we plot a fresh new graph?


angles defining the viewing direction. theta gives the azimuthal direction


phi is the colatitude angle of the viewing direction


the expansion level to use for the z-axis in the perspective


the shade at a surface facet is computed as ((1+d)/2)^shade, where d is the dot product of a unit vector normal to the facet and a unit vector in the direction of a light source. Values of shade close to one yield shading similar to a point light source model and values close to zero produce no shading. Values in the range 0.5 to 0.75 provide an approximation to daylight illumination.


the color of the borders of facets. If NA, no border is drawn. This is usually a good value when shading is used


If TRUE, a box, aznd axes are drawn around the perspective plot


Further arguments passed to the functions (only used for the plotting method)


An object of class, respectively 'geomat', 'geotm' or 'geomask' inheriting from 'matrix' is created. Methods either return an object of same class, or are used for their side effect of plotting a graph. Objects 'geotm' and 'geomask' also inherit from 'geomat'.

A 'geomat' object. For the print() method, size of the grid is presented in km.


Philippe Grosjean <>

See Also

aurelhy, auremask


# Create a simple geomat object containing random numbers
(gm <- geomat(matrix(rnorm(120), nrow = 10), 0.1, 10, 20))
# Get coordinates for this grid
# Longitudes (x) and latitudes (y) for the center of all squares
coords(gm, type = "x")
coords(gm, type = "y")
# Coordinates of the center of all squares
coords(gm, type = "xy")

# Resample the grid to take one point every second points in the original grid
resample(gm, step = 2)

# Extract a window from the grid (keep only squares with centers in the window)
window(gm, xlim = c(9.5, 10.2), ylim = c(19.5, 20.6))

# Plot this grid in different ways
persp(gm, expand = 100)

# Now load real data (Morocco terrain model)
contour(morocco, add = TRUE)

# The mask of points inside Morocco territory was obtained like that:
#inm <- inout(coords(morocco, "xy"), mbord[[1]])
#mmask <- morocco
#mmask[inm] <- 1
#mmask[!inm] <- 0
#mmask[] <- NA
#mmask <- geomask(mmask, coords = coords(mmask))


# Get Morocco frontiers from a shapefile
# To read it from an ESRI shape
#mbord <- read.geoshapes("morocco_border.shp")

lines(mbord, col = "red")

phgrosjean/aurelhy documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 2:25 a.m.