
Defines functions image.geomask persp.geomat contour.geomat image.geomat plot.geomat window.geomat resample.geomat print.geomat coords.geomat write.geomask write.geotm write.geomat read.geomask read.geotm read.geomat geomask geotm geomat

Documented in contour.geomat coords.geomat geomask geomat geotm image.geomat persp.geomat plot.geomat print.geomat read.geomask read.geomat read.geotm resample.geomat window.geomat write.geomask write.geomat write.geotm

# We define these objects:
# * geomat is a matrix which represents a regular grid with info about its
#   geographical localization (coordinate of top-left point and cell size)
# * geotm is a geomat object that contains integers and is used for terrain
#   model data (digital elevation map)
# * geomask is a geomat object that contains logicals and is used for masking
#   another grid like a geotm object

# Create a geomat object from a matrix of numbers (reals, integers, or logicals)
geomat <- function(x, size, xcenter, ycenter,
coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter, y = ycenter),
datatype = c("numeric", "integer", "logical"), nodata = NA) {
  # datatype can be "numeric", "integer" or "logical"
  datatype <- match.arg(datatype)
  nr <- nrow(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  if (is.null(nr) || is.null(nc))
    stop("'x' must be a bidimensional grid (a matrix or a data frame)")
  # Deal with nodata
  if (!is.na(nodata)) x[x == nodata] <- NA
  # Convert x according to datatype
  res <- switch(datatype,
    numeric = matrix(as.numeric(x), ncol = nc, nrow = nr),
    integer = matrix(as.integer(x), ncol = nc, nrow = nr),
    logical = matrix(as.logical(x), ncol = nc, nrow = nr),
    stop("Unrecognized 'datatype'"))
  # Add the coords attribute and change the class
  attr(res, "coords") <- coords
  class(res) <- c("geomat", "matrix")

# Create a geotm object, which is essentially inheriting from a 'geomat' object
# but contains integer values
geotm <- function(x, size, xcenter, ycenter,
coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter, y = ycenter)) {
  res <- geomat(x = x, coords = coords, datatype = "integer")
  class(res) <- c("geotm", "geomat", "matrix")

# Create a geomask object, which is a geomat containing boolean (logical) data
geomask <- function(x, size, xcenter, ycenter,
coords = c(size = size, x = xcenter, y = ycenter)) {
  res <- geomat(x = x, coords = coords, datatype = "logical")
  class(res) <- c("geomask", "geomat", "matrix")

# Read a geomat object from an ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format (.asc, or .E00)
read.geomat <- function(file, type = "ascii",
datatype = c("numeric", "integer", "logical"), ...) {
  if (!file.exists(file) || file.info(file)$isdir)
    stop("'file' is not found or is a directory")
  # Currently, support only "ascii" type
  if (type != "ascii")
    stop("type can only be \"ascii\" for the moment")

  # datatype can be "numeric", "integer" or "logical"
  datatype <- match.arg(datatype)

  # For type = "ascii", we consider the following header:
  #ncols         6000          # Integer
  #nrows         6000          # Integer
  #xllcorner     -10 (or xllcenter)  # Western (left) corner, real
  #yllcorner     35 (or yllcenter)  # Southern (bottom) corner, real
  #cellsize      0.00083333333333333  # Real
  #NODATA_value  -9999 (optional)    # Code for missing data, real
  #List of the raster values, starting at upper-left corner
  #reals separated by a single space
  #Note: for reals, decimal separator is always point ".", and is optional
  #Note2: it is'nt clear if the format is case-sensitive, but it seems not!
  head <- tolower(readLines(file, n = 6))
  nr <- as.integer(sub("^ncols *", "", head[1]))
  nc <- as.integer(sub("^nrows *", "", head[2]))
  # Do we have xllcorner/yllcorner, or xllcenter/yllcenter (no mixing allowed)
  if (grepl("xllcorner", head[3])) {
    x <- as.numeric(sub("^xllcorner *", "", head[3]))
    y <- as.numeric(sub("^yllcorner *", "", head[4]))
    size <- as.numeric(sub("^cellsize *", "", head[5]))
    # We have to calculate centers of squares instead!
    x <- x + size/2
    y <- y + size/2
  } else {
    x <- as.numeric(sub("^xllcenter *", "", head[3]))
    y <- as.numeric(sub("^yllcenter *", "", head[4]))
    size <- as.numeric(sub("^cellsize *", "", head[5]))
  # As the missing data is optional, check for its presence
  if (grepl("^nodata_value", head[6])) {
    nodata <- as.numeric(sub("^nodata_value *", "", head[6]))
    nskip <- 6
  } else {
    nodata <- NA
    nskip <- 5
  # In our geomat object, we always refer to the center of each square!
  coords <- c(size = size, x = x, y = y)

  # Read the data in (possibly using integers to save memory space)
  res <- switch(datatype,
    numeric = scan(file, numeric(0), skip = nskip, quiet = TRUE),
    integer = scan(file, integer(0), skip = nskip, quiet = TRUE),
    logical = scan(file, integer(0), skip = nskip, quiet = TRUE), # Only numbers supported!
    stop("Unrecognized 'datatype'"))
  res <- matrix(res, ncol = nc, nrow = nr)
  res <- res[, ncol(res):1]
  # Create a geomat object with these data
  geomat(res, coords = coords, datatype = datatype, nodata = nodata)

# Read in the terrain model in ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format (.asc)
# into a geotm object (digital elevation model)
read.geotm <- function(file, type = "ascii", ...) {
  # Delegate to read.geomat()
  res <- read.geomat(file = file, type = type, datatype = "integer", ...)
  # Only the class is different
  class(res) <- c("geotm", "geomat", "matrix")

# Read a geomask (essentially a geomat containing integers, and then, apply
# a threshold to indicate what is TRUE and what is FALSE)
read.geomask <- function(file, type = "ascii", threshold = 0, ...) {
  # Delegate to read.geomat() to read integers
  # and then, apply the threshold to calculate TRUE/FALSE values
  res <- read.geomat(file = file, type = type, datatype = "integer", ...)
  crd <- attr(res, "coords")
  res <- res > as.integer(threshold)[1]
  # The class is different
  attr(res, "coords") <- crd
  class(res) <- c("geomask", "geomat", "matrix")

# Write a geomat object into a different format in a file
# Currently, only ARC/INFO ASCII GRID format (.asc, or .E00)
write.geomat <- function(x, file, type = "ascii", integers = FALSE,
nodata = -9999, ...) {
  # Currently, support only "ascii" type
  if (type != "ascii")
    stop("type can only be \"ascii\" for the moment")

  nodata <- as.numeric(nodata)[1]
  if (isTRUE(integers)) nodata <- as.integer(nodata)

  # Write the "header" being:
  #ncols         6000          # Integer
  #nrows         6000          # Integer
  #xllcorner     -10 (or xllcenter)  # Western (left) corner, real
  #yllcorner     35 (or yllcenter)  # Southern (bottom) corner, real
  #cellsize      0.00083333333333333  # Real
  #NODATA_value  -9999 (optional)    # Code for missing data, real
  #List of the raster values, starting at upper-left corner
  #reals separated by a single space
  #Note: for reals, decimal separator is always point ".", and is optional
  #Note2: it is'nt clear if the format is case-sensitive, but it seems not!

  coords <- attr(x, "coords")
  # Check these coordinates
  if (is.null(coords))
    stop("'x' does not seems to be a valid object, or is corrupted: no 'coords' attribute found")
  if (!is.numeric(coords) || is.null(names(coords)) ||
    !c("size", "x", "y") %in% names(coords))
    stop("'x' coords seems to be corrupted (must contain 'size', 'x', and 'y')")

  cat("ncols ", nrow(x), "\n", file = file)
  cat("nrows ", ncol(x), "\n", file = file, append = TRUE)
  cat("xllcorner ", coords["x"] - coords["size"]/2, "\n", file = file,
    append = TRUE)
  cat("yllcorner ", coords["y"] - coords["size"]/2, "\n", file = file,
    append = TRUE)
  cat("cellsize ", coords["size"], "\n", file = file, append = TRUE)
  cat("nodata_value ", nodata, "\n", file = file, append = TRUE)

  # Convert data into numeric or integer
  if (isTRUE(integers)) {
    x <- matrix(as.integer(x), ncol = ncol(x))
  } else {
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), ncol = ncol(x))
  # Replace any missing value in the matrix with nodata
  x[is.na(x)] <- nodata
  x <- t(x[, ncol(x):1])
  # Write this matrix into the file
  apply(x, 1, function(x) cat(paste(x, collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "",
    file = file, append = TRUE))

# Write a geotm object into a different format in file
# This is essentially the same process as write.geomat()
write.geotm <- function(x, file, type = "ascii", nodata = -9999, ...)
  write.geomat(x = x, file = file, type = type, integers = TRUE,
    nodata = nodata, ...)

# Write a geomask object into a different format in file
# This is essentially the same process as write.geomat()
write.geomask <- function(x, file, type = "ascii", nodata = -9999, ...)
  write.geomat(x = x, file = file, type = type, integers = TRUE,
    nodata = nodata, ...)

# Get coords data from a geomat object
coords.geomat <- function(x, type = "par", ...) {
  par <- attr(x, "coords")
  # This is the top-left and bottom-right points covered by the grid
  par["x1"] <- par["x"] - par["size"]/2
  par["y1"] <- par["y"] - par["size"]/2
  par["x2"] <- par["x1"]  + nrow(x) * par["size"]
  par["y2"] <- par["y1"]  + ncol(x) * par["size"]
  res <- switch(type,
    par = par,
    x = 0:(nrow(x) - 1) * par["size"] + par["x"],
    y = 0:(ncol(x) - 1) * par["size"] + par["y"],
    xy = data.frame(
      x = rep(0:(nrow(x) - 1) * par["size"] + par["x"], ncol(x)),
      y = rep(0:(ncol(x) - 1) * par["size"] + par["y"], each = nrow(x))
    stop("Unrecognized 'type' argument")

# Print a geomat object
print.geomat <- function(x, ...) {
  coords <- coords(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  nr <- nrow(x)
  size <- coords["size"]
  cl <- class(x)[1]
  cat("A", cl, "object with a grid of", nr, "x", nc, "\n")
  cat("The cell size is ", size, "\u00b0, that is approx. ",
    round(size * 110900), " m in lat.\n", sep = "")
  cat("The grid spans from ", coords["x1"], "\u00b0 to ", coords["x2"],
    "\u00b0 long.\n", sep = "")
  cat("           and from ", coords["y1"], "\u00b0 to ", coords["y2"],
    "\u00b0 lat.\n", sep = "")
  cat("Data are of type", typeof(x), "\n")

# Resample method for geomat objects
resample.geomat <- function(x, x0 = 1, y0 = 1, step = NULL, nx = 100, ny = nx, strict = FALSE, ...) {
  nr <- nrow(x)
  nc <- ncol(x)
  coords <- coords(x)
  x0 <- round(x0[1])
  y0 <- round(y0[1])
  if (x0 < 1 || x0 > nr)
    stop("'x0' cannot be < 1 or > nrow(x)")
  if (y0 < 1 || y0 > nc)
    stop("'y0' cannot be < 1 or > ncol(x)")

  # Do we resample by nx?
  if (is.null(step)) {
    # Try to guess a reasonable value for step from nx
    step <- (nr - x0 + 1) %/% (nx - 1)

  # Resample by step
  step <- round(step[1])
  if (step < 1)
    stop("'step' cannot be < 1")

  # Construct the resampling indexes
  rex <- seq(from = x0, to = nr, by = step)
  rey <- seq(from = y0, to = nc, by = step)
  size <- coords["size"] * step

  # If we decide to get strict, make sure to respect nx and ny!
  if (isTRUE(strict)) {
    if (length(rex) > nx) rex <- rex[1:nx]
    if (length(rey) > ny) rey <- rey[1:ny]

  # Construct the new grid
  attrib <- attributes(x)
  res <- x[rex, rey]
  # Dims has changed
  attrib$dim <- dim(res)
  # Coords must be recalculated
  coords["x"] <- coords["x"] + (x0 - 1) * coords["size"]
  coords["y"] <- coords["y"] + (y0 - 1) * coords["size"]
  coords["size"] <- size
  attrib$coords <- coords[1:3]
  attributes(res) <- attrib

window.geomat <- function(x, xlim, ylim, ...) {
  # Make sure xlim and ylim have two values and the first one is lowest
  xlim <- sort(as.numeric(xlim[1:2]))
  ylim <- sort(as.numeric(ylim[1:2]))

  # Extract a window from the original grid in x
  coords <- coords(x)
  X <- coords(x, 'x')
  Y <- coords(x, 'y')

  # Do we keep some coordinates
  keepX <- X >= xlim[1] & X <= xlim[2]
  keepY <- Y >= ylim[1] & Y <= ylim[2]

  # Resample the matrix
  attrib <- attributes(x)
  res <- x[keepX, keepY]
  # Dims has changed
  attrib$dim <- dim(res)

  # Recalculate coords
  lagX <- sum(X < xlim[1])
  lagY <- sum(Y < ylim[1])
  coords["x"] <- coords["x"] + lagX * coords["size"]
  coords["y"] <- coords["y"] + lagY * coords["size"]
  attrib$coords <- coords[1:3]

  attributes(res) <- attrib

plot.geomat <- function(x, y = NULL, max.xgrid = 100, nlevels = 50,
color.palette = terrain.colors, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
asp = 1, ...) {
  # Avoid trying to plot too large data by resampling in the grid in this case
  if (nrow(x) > max.xgrid)
    x <- resample(x, nx = max.xgrid)
  # Plot the data
  filled.contour(coords(x, "x"), coords(x, "y"), x, nlevels = nlevels,
    color.palette = color.palette, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, asp = asp, ...)

image.geomat <- function(x, max.xgrid = 500, col = terrain.colors(50),
add = FALSE, xlab = if (add) "" else "Longitude",
ylab = if (add) "" else "Latitude", asp = 1, ...)
  # Avoid trying to plot too large data by resampling in the grid in this case
  if (nrow(x) > max.xgrid)
    x <- resample(x, nx = max.xgrid)
  # Plot the data
  image(coords(x, "x"), coords(x, "y"), x, col = col, add = add,
    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, asp = asp, ...)

  # Draw the longitude and latitude axes at top and right too
  if (!isTRUE(add)) {

contour.geomat <- function(x, max.xgrid = 100, nlevels = 10, col = par("fg"),
add = FALSE, xlab = if (add) "" else "Longitude",
ylab = if (add) "" else "Latitude", asp = 1, ...)
  # Avoid trying to plot too large data by resampling in the grid in this case
  if (nrow(x) > max.xgrid)
    x <- resample(x, nx = max.xgrid)
  # Plot the data
  contour(coords(x, "x"), coords(x, "y"), x, nlevels = nlevels, col = col,
    add = add, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, asp = asp, ...)

  # Draw the longitude and latitude axes at top and right too
  if (!isTRUE(add)) {

persp.geomat <- function(x, max.xgrid = 500, col = "green3",
xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude", asp = 1, theta = 10, phi = 30,
expand = 1, shade = 0.75, border = NA, box = TRUE, ...) {
  # Avoid trying to plot too large data by resampling in the grid in this case
  if (nrow(x) > max.xgrid)
    x <- resample(x, nx = max.xgrid)
  # Plot the data
  persp(coords(x, "x"), coords(x, "y"), x/1000, theta = theta, phi = phi,
    scale = FALSE, expand = expand, shade = shade, border = border,
    box = box, col = col, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

image.geomask <- function(x, max.xgrid = 500, col = c("#ffffff80", "#88888800"),
add = TRUE, xlab = if (add) "" else "Longitude",
ylab = if (add) "" else "Latitude", asp = 1, ...) {
  # Avoid trying to plot too large data by resampling in the grid in this case
  if (nrow(x) > max.xgrid)
    x <- resample(x, nx = max.xgrid)
  # Plot the data
  image(coords(x, "x"), coords(x, "y"), x, col = col, add = add,
    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, asp = asp, ...)

  # Draw the longitude and latitude axes at top and right too
  if (!isTRUE(add)) {
phgrosjean/aurelhy documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 2:25 a.m.