gtoxPrepOtpt: Map assay/chemcial ID values to annotation information

View source: R/gtoxPrepOtpt.R

gtoxPrepOtptR Documentation

Map assay/chemcial ID values to annotation information


gtoxPrepOtpt queries the chemical and assay information from the gtox database, and maps the annotation information to the given data.


gtoxPrepOtpt(dat, ids = NULL)



data.table, output from gtoxLoadData


Character, (optional) a subset of ID fields to map


gtoxPrepOtpt is used to map chemical and assay identifiers to their respective names and annotation information to create a human-readable table that is more suitable for an export/output.

By default the function will map sample ID (spid), assay component id (acid), and assay endpoint ID (aeid) values. However, if 'ids' is not null, the function will only attempt to map the ID fields given by 'ids.'


The given data.table with chemical and assay information mapped


## Store the current config settings, so they can be reloaded at the end
## of the examples
conf_store <- gtoxConfList()

## Load some example data
d1 <- gtoxLoadData(1)

## Check for chemical name in 'dat'
"chnm" %in% names(d1) ## FALSE

## Map chemical annotation only
d2 <- gtoxPrepOtpt(d1, ids = "spid")
"chnm" %in% names(d2) ## TRUE
"acnm" %in% names(d2) ## FALSE

## Map all annotations
d3 <- gtoxPrepOtpt(d1) ## Also works if function is given d2
"chnm" %in% names(d2) ## TRUE
"acnm" %in% names(d2) ## FALSE

## Reset configuration

philipmorrisintl/GladiaTOX documentation built on Aug. 27, 2023, 9:07 p.m.