
A Hybrid Dynamic/Stochastic Model of HIV Resistance Evolution


This is an R project, so within an R session, enter the following commands:

install.packages('devtools') # Install the devtools package for the install_github function




The package and all its dependancies should now be installed.

Basic Examples

help(package = 'hdsResistanceModel')

This will list all the functions exposed by this package. The documentation is minimal at the moment, but each function has a brief description and all the parameters used by each function is also described.

solved_system <- run_system(get_scenario('AccuTams_1_2_2'), 4)

plotVars <- format_data(solved_system)

plot_system(plotVars, 'All', 'plots.pdf')

The three commands above will run the 'AccuTams_1_2_2' system and plot it in a file called plots.pdf in the current working directory.

All example scenarios can be listed using the get_scenario_names function.

philliplab/hdsResistanceModel documentation built on May 25, 2019, 5:05 a.m.