

Search term

AB,TI(((resilien OR "adaptive behavior" OR "adjustment to environment" OR "community cohesion" OR "community resilien" OR coping OR "coping behavior" OR "coping skills" OR "hardiness" OR persistence OR "psychologic adaptation" OR "psychological adaptation" OR "psychological adjustment" OR "psychological endurance" OR "self esteem" OR "self management" OR "social adjustment" OR "social support groups" OR "stress management") NEAR/3 health) AND (affluence OR "Class differences" OR classist OR "Cultural capital" OR disadvantaged OR "Economic status" OR "Education status comparison" OR "Educational benefits" OR "Employment level" OR "Employment status" OR "High-income population" OR income OR "Income inequality" OR inequalities OR "Middle class population" OR "Parent educational background" OR "Parent socioeconomic status" OR prestige OR privilege OR "Relative deprivation" OR "Social area analysis" OR "Social background" OR "Social capital" OR "Social class" OR "Social desirability" OR "Social inequality" OR "Social mobility" OR "Social status" OR "Social stratification" OR "Social structure" OR "social-economic status" OR "socioeconomic factors" OR "socioeconomic influences" OR "socioeconomic level" OR "Standard of living"))

Source types

(Scholarly Journals OR Dissertations & Theses) NOT (Conference Papers & Proceedings AND Books AND Other Sources AND Reports AND Trade Journals AND Magazines AND Newspapers)

Publication date

2012 - 2017


Included: - ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: UK & Ireland - ProQuest Dissertations & Theses: Abstract and Indexing (A&I) - Physical Education Index - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) - Education Database - Social Services Abstracts - Sociological Abstracts - Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

Full syntax

AB,TI(((resilien OR "adaptive behavior" OR "adjustment to environment" OR "community cohesion" OR "community resilien" OR coping OR "coping behavior" OR "coping skills" OR "hardiness" OR persistence OR "psychologic adaptation" OR "psychological adaptation" OR "psychological adjustment" OR "psychological endurance" OR "self esteem" OR "self management" OR "social adjustment" OR "social support groups" OR "stress management") NEAR/3 health) AND (affluence OR "Class differences" OR classist OR "Cultural capital" OR disadvantaged OR "Economic status" OR "Education status comparison" OR "Educational benefits" OR "Employment level" OR "Employment status" OR "High-income population" OR income OR "Income inequality" OR inequalities OR "Middle class population" OR "Parent educational background" OR "Parent socioeconomic status" OR prestige OR privilege OR "Relative deprivation" OR "Social area analysis" OR "Social background" OR "Social capital" OR "Social class" OR "Social desirability" OR "Social inequality" OR "Social mobility" OR "Social status" OR "Social stratification" OR "Social structure" OR "social-economic status" OR "socioeconomic factors" OR "socioeconomic influences" OR "socioeconomic level" OR "Standard of living")) AND YR(2012-2017) AND stype.exact(("Scholarly Journals" OR "Dissertations & Theses") NOT ("Conference Papers & Proceedings" OR "Books" OR "Other Sources" OR "Reports" OR "traded Journals" OR "Magazines" OR "Newspapers"))

philmikejones/thesis documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:50 p.m.