MultiLand-class: Class "MultiLand"

MultiLand-classR Documentation

Class "MultiLand"


Objects of class 'MultiLand' are created with the function mland(), and holds relevant objects and information to be passed to other functions of the package. The slot ⁠@buffers⁠ holds an object of class 'SpatVector' with the buffers for each point contained in the slot ⁠@points⁠ and each radius defined in slot ⁠@radii⁠. The slot ⁠@buffers@data⁠ holds a data.frame with the identification of each buffer (individualized by a point id and a radius value).


If the slot ⁠@onthefly⁠ equals FALSE, the slot ⁠@landscapes⁠ holds the intersections (objects of class 'SpatRaster') between buffers and the rasterlayers inputted by the user when running mland(). Intersections between buffers and rasterlayers with discrete values (inputted in argument raster in mland()) are contained inside a list named 'lsm_rasters', whereas intersections between extra rasterlayers (inputted in argument ext_rast in mland()) and buffers are contained inside a list named 'ext_rasters'. Each list ('lsm_rasters' and 'ext_rasters') contains a list with as many elements as previously inputted rasterlayers. Additionally, each element of this latter list holds an additional internal list, with as many elements as intersections (i.e. rasters generated by the intersections between buffers defined by each point and radius, and the rasterlayer). The name of each element of each internal list reveals the information related to a given intersection, with the following coding: "RasterLayerL-P-R" or "ExtRasterLayerL-P-R", where L is the given rasterlayer, P is the id of the point and R is the radius. For example, a plausible intersection may be named as "RasterLayer1-5-1500", indicating that this element holds a raster layer which is the result of the intersection between RasterLayer1 and the buffer around point 5 and radius 1500 m.

If slot ⁠@onthefly⁠ equals FALSE, the slot ⁠@landscapes⁠ holds a list containing two named lists as 'lsm_rasters' and 'ext_rasters'. Each one contains a list with as many rasterlayers were initially inputted by the user when running mland() in arguments raster and ext_raster. This means that no intersections were made when creating the 'MultiLand' object. Intersections will be created "on the fly" when other functions of the package requires them.



The call when function mland() was called.


A unique identification id for the 'MultiLand' object.


A string depicting the CRS of points layer.


An object of class 'SpatVector'. Holds the points inputted by the user.


An object of class 'SpatVector'. Holds the buffers layers.


String holding the name of the attribute that the user defined as the one that identifies individual points and is contained inside the layer of points.


Vector of numbers containing the radii that defined the creation of buffers.


Number of rasterlayers (defined in argument raster in mland()) from which i ntersections between were created (or will be if slot ⁠@onthefly = TRUE⁠).


A numeric vector depicting the number of classes (raster values) per raster layer (defined in argument raster in mland()).


A data.frame depicting the classes (and classes names) for each rasterlayer (defined in argument raster in mland()).


A logical value indicating whether intersections between buffers and rasterlayers were created (FALSE) or not (TRUE).


If onthefly = FALSE, this slot holds the intersections between buffers and rasterlayers. Otherwise, if onthefly = TRUE, it holds the raw rasterlayers.


A data.frame relating each point and radius with a "row_id", equal to the position of its buffer in the slot ⁠@buffers⁠ and to the position of the intersection for each point/radius in the slot ⁠@landscapes⁠ (if onthefly = TRUE).


A list containing two data.frame with the names assigned by the user for the main rasterlayers and extra rasterlayers defined in argument raster and ext_raster in mland().


# Shows information of object 'MultiLand'
## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

phuais/multilandR documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 9:27 p.m.