ed_metrics: 'MultiLandMetrics' object

ed_metricsR Documentation

'MultiLandMetrics' object


An object of class 'MultiLandMetrics' generated with metrics(), for the purposes of package examples of the following functions: landscape_filter(), optimize_gradient(), pair_corr(), pair_plots() and bind_metrics(). See 'MultiLand-class' for general information about these objects.




An object of class MultiLandMetrics of length 1.


The main internal object is a data.frame (accesible through ed_metrics@data) with information about the values of two landscape metrics: "pland" (percentage of landscape) and "np" (number of patches).

The object was created from the MultiLand object named "ernesdesign", which received two raster layers from a small portion of the ecoregion "El Chaco" as main inputs. The main rasterlayer was provided by the project "MapBiomas Chaco" for the year 2000. The extra rasterlayer contained the NDVI values of cells within the same extent of the main rasterlayer, and was provided by Landsat.


Project MapBiomas Chaco – Collection 4.0 of annual land cover and land use maps, accessed during July 2022 through the following link: MapBiomas Chaco

Landsat-5 image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey

See Also

See the examples sections of metrics() and mland() for more context.

phuais/multilandR documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 9:27 p.m.