  collapse = TRUE,
  fig.width=8, fig.height=5,
  comment = "#>"


This script illustrates the method of coupling Markov chains as developed in "Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo with couplings", by Pierre E. Jacob, John O'Leary and Yves F Atchade [] and "Estimating Convergence of Markov chains with L-Lag Couplings", by Niloy Biswas, Pierre E. Jacob and Paul Vanetti [], on the Polya-Gamma Gibbs sampler of Polson, Scott and Windle [].

The "unbiasedmcmc" package originally used the "BayesLogit" package to generate Polya-Gamma variables, while this package uses the "pgdraw" package, and a simple coupling: maximal couplings are used on each of the Polya-Gamma variables, and common random numbers are used on the regression coefficients.

We begin by loading packages, registering multiple cores and setting the random number generator.

# register parallel cores
registerDoParallel(cores = detectCores()-2)
# set RNG seed

Target distribution and MCMC algorithm

The target distribution $\pi$ is here defined as the posterior distribution in a logistic regression model, with Gaussian priors. The following code loads data, and perform some precomputation.

## load german credit dataset
X <- scale(X)
X[,1] <- rep(1, nrow(X))
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
cat("data set with n =", n, "and p =", p, "\n")
## prior: Normal with variance 10 on each component
b <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = 1)
B <- diag(10, p, p)
## precomputation to speed things up
pgg_precomputation <- function(Y, X, b, B){
  invB <- solve(B)
  invBtimesb <- invB %*% b
  Ykappa <- matrix(Y - rep(0.5, length(Y)), ncol=1)
  XTkappa <- t(X) %*% Ykappa
  KTkappaplusinvBtimesb <- XTkappa + invBtimesb
  return(list(n=nrow(X), p=ncol(X), X=X, Y=Y, b=b, B=B,
              invB=invB, invBtimesb=invBtimesb, KTkappaplusinvBtimesb=KTkappaplusinvBtimesb))

The next function computes the mean and variance of the regression coefficients given the Polya-Gamma variables ("omega"), using Rcpp.

List pgg_m_sigma_(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>  & omega,
                       const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>  & X,
                       const Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd>  & invB,
                       const Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>  & KTkappaplusinvBtimesb){
  int n = X.rows();
  int p = X.cols();
  // The matrix A stores XT Omega X + B^{-1}, that is, Sigma^{-1}
  Eigen::MatrixXd A(p,p);
  for (int j1 = 0; j1 < p; j1 ++){
    for (int j2 = j1; j2 < p; j2 ++){
      A(j1,j2) = invB(j1, j2);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
        A(j1,j2) = A(j1,j2) + X(i,j1) * X(i,j2) * omega(i);
      A(j2,j1) = A(j1,j2);
  Eigen::LLT<Eigen::MatrixXd> lltofA(A);
  Eigen::MatrixXd lower = lltofA.matrixL();
  Eigen::VectorXd x = lltofA.solve(KTkappaplusinvBtimesb);
  return List::create(Named("m")=x,
                      Named("Sigma_inverse") = A,
                      Named("Cholesky_inverse") = lower,
                      Named("Cholesky") = lower.inverse());
}', depends = "RcppEigen")
## function to obtain mean and variance of 'beta' given all the Polya Gamma variables
## in a vector omega, and given precomputed quantities obtained e.g. via 'pgg_precomputation'
pgg_m_and_sigma <- function(omega, precomputed){
  return(pgg_m_sigma_(omega, precomputed$X, precomputed$invB, precomputed$KTkappaplusinvBtimesb))

The next functions sample from the initial distribution of the chain ("rinit"), and from the transition kernel of the PGG sampler ("pgg_kernel").

## initial distribution, here equal to prior 
rinit <- function(){
  return(list(chain_state = unbiasedmcmc:::fast_rmvnorm(1, mean = b, covariance = B)[1,]))
## function that takes a vector 'beta' and precomputed quantities (obtained e.g. via 'pgg_precomputation')
## and performs one step of Polya Gamma Gibbs sampler, leading to another vector beta as output
pgg_kernel <- function(state){
  zs <- abs(pgg_precomputed$X %*% state$chain_state)
  w <- pgdraw::pgdraw(1, zs)
  res <- pgg_m_and_sigma(w, pgg_precomputed)
  beta <- unbiasedmcmc:::fast_rmvnorm_chol(1, res$m, res$Cholesky)[1,]
  return(list(chain_state = beta))

The next function runs the PGG sampler for a little while.

## precompute quantities
pgg_precomputed <- pgg_precomputation(Y, X, b, B)
niterations <- 50
pgg_betachain <- matrix(nrow = p, ncol = niterations)
state <- rinit()
for (iteration in 1:niterations){
  state <- pgg_kernel(state)
  pgg_betachain[,iteration] <- state$chain_state
## trace plot of first 10 components
matplot(t(pgg_betachain[1:20,]), type = "l", xlab = 'iteration', ylab = 'some components')

Coupled MCMC kernel

We next introduce a coupling of the PGG kernel. For this we define a function that samples from a maximal coupling of two PG variables, given two different regression coefficients.

## next, max coupling of two PG variables
## using the package pgdraw 
pg_max_coupling <- function(beta1, beta2, X){
  w1s <- rep(0., n)
  w2s <- rep(0., n)
  z1s <- abs(X %*% beta1)
  z2s <- abs(X %*% beta2)
  for (i in 1:n){
    z1 <- z1s[i]
    z2 <- z2s[i]
    w1 <- pgdraw::pgdraw(1, z1)
    w1s[[i]] <- w1
    u <- runif(1,0,cosh(z1/2)*exp(-0.5*z1^2*w1))
    if(u <= cosh(z2/2)*exp(-0.5*z2^2*w1)){
      w2 <- w1
    } else {
      accept <- FALSE
        w2 <- pgdraw::pgdraw(1, z2)
        u <- runif(1,0,cosh(z2/2)*exp(-0.5*z2^2*w2))
        if(u > cosh(z1/2)*exp(-0.5*z1^2*w2)){
          accept <- TRUE
    w2s[[i]] <- w2
  return(list(w1=w1s, w2=w2s))

The coupling of the PGG kernel involves max couplings of each PG variable, and common random numbers for the regression coefficients given the PG variables.

pgg_coupled_kernel <- function(state1, state2){
  beta1 <- state1$chain_state
  beta2 <- state2$chain_state
  z1 <- abs(pgg_precomputed$X %*% beta1)
  z2 <- abs(pgg_precomputed$X %*% beta2)
  ## max coupling of each PG variable
  w1w2 <- pg_max_coupling(beta1, beta2, pgg_precomputed$X)
  w1 <- w1w2$w1
  w2 <- w1w2$w2
  ## compute mean and variance of regression coef given PG
  res1 <- pgg_m_and_sigma(w1, pgg_precomputed)
  res2 <- pgg_m_and_sigma(w2, pgg_precomputed)
  ## common random numbers
  increment <- rnorm(p)
  beta1 <- res1$m + matrix(increment, nrow = 1) %*% res1$Cholesky
  beta2 <- res2$m + matrix(increment, nrow = 1) %*% res2$Cholesky
  ## chains meet if and only if all the PG variables are identical
  if (all(w1 == w2)){
    identical <- TRUE
  } else {
    identical <- FALSE
  return(list(state1 = list(chain_state = beta1[1,]), 
              state2 = list(chain_state = beta2[1,]), 
              identical = identical))

Meeting times

We can now run coupled chains with a lag and estimate upper bounds on the TV between the marginal distribution of the chain and its limiting distribution.

## Generating meeting times
nsamples <- 50
## stop if chains have not met at "max_iterations"
max_iterations <- 1e5
## lag between the chains
lag <- 75
## generate meetings in parallel
meetings <- foreach(isample = 1:nsamples) %dopar% {
  res <- unbiasedmcmc::sample_meetingtime(pgg_kernel, pgg_coupled_kernel, rinit, lag = lag, max_iterations = max_iterations)
meetingtimes <- unlist(meetings)
## compute TV upper bounds based on meeting times
## see Biswas, Jacob & Vanetti (2019)
tv_upper_bound <- function(meetingtimes, lag, t){
## plot TV upper bounds as a function of iteration
niterations <- 75
tvupperbounds <- sapply(1:niterations, function(t) mean(tv_upper_bound(meetingtimes, lag, t)))
matplot(x = 1:niterations, y = tvupperbounds, type = 'l', xlab = "iteration", ylab = "TV upper bounds")

The functions "rinit", "pgg_kernel" and "pgg_coupled_kernel" are made such that one can also use other convenient functions of the unbiasedmcmc package, for example "sample_coupled_chains".

res <- unbiasedmcmc::sample_coupled_chains(pgg_kernel, pgg_coupled_kernel, rinit, lag = lag, max_iterations = 1e3)
plot(x = 0:res$iteration, y = res$samples1[,1], type = 'l', xlab = "iteration", ylab = "first component", ylim = 
       range(c(res$samples1[,1], res$samples2[,1])))
lines(x = lag:res$iteration, y = res$samples2[,1])

pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.