
#'@name unbiasedmcmc-package
#'@aliases unbiasedmcmc
#'@docType package
#'@title unbiasedmcmc
#'@author Pierre E. Jacob <pierre.jacob.work@@gmail.com>, John O'Leary, Yves F. Atchade
#'@description Unbiased MCMC estimators with couplings
#'@details This package contains scripts to reproduce the figures of the
#' paper "Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo with couplings" by
#' Pierre E. Jacob, John O'Leary, Yves F Atchade, available on arXiv at
#' https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.03625
#'@keywords package
#'@useDynLib unbiasedmcmc
#'@importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.