
#' Set of synthetic images for homogeneity assessment
#' @name DHIimages
#' @description This dataset set contains several synthetic images for drug homogeneity assessment problem.
#' @usage data(DHIimages)
#' @format DHIimages is a list of 20 synthetic images showing different degrees of homogeneity. 5 basic images which simulate
#' real life experimental distributions are modified in the following four ways.
#' \enumerate{
#' \item In scenario 1, all images are with single gray level with different number of dark zones.
#' \item In scenarios 2 and 3, similar images contain 2 and 4 gray levels, respectively.
#' \item In scenario 4, all images are similar to the ones in scenario 3 with added salt-pepper noise.
#' }

pietrofranceschi/HomogenMSI documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:22 a.m.