addGeometry | addGeometry |
addToDataChangelog | addToDataChangelog |
agEmployment | agEmployment |
AgriResearchIntensity | AgriResearchIntensity |
anthropometrics | anthropometrics |
BII | Biodiversity intactness index |
bioplasticDemand | bioplasticDemand |
bodyweight | bodyweight |
carbonHWP | carbonHWP |
carbonLTS | carbonLTS |
carbonstock | carbonstock |
cellularFit | cellular fit |
checkLibrary | modelstat |
clusterOutputToTerraVector | Convert cluster output to terra vector |
consumptionValue | consumptionValue |
CostCapital | CostCapital |
costInputFactorsCrop | costInputFactorsCrop |
CostOverall | CostOverall |
costs | costs |
CostsAEI | CostsAEI |
CostsFertilizer | CostsFertilizer |
costsMACCS | costsMACCS |
costsPresolve | costsPresolve |
costsProductionCrops | costsProductionCrops |
costsWholesale | costsWholesale |
CostsWithoutIncentives | CostsWithoutIncentives |
CostTC | CostTC |
CostTransport | CostTransport |
croparea | croparea |
CropareaDiversityIndex | CropareaDiversityIndex |
croplandTreeCover | croplandTreeCover |
cshare | cshare |
deco | deco |
demand | demand |
demandBioenergy | demandBioenergy |
discountRates | discountRates |
emisCO2 | emisCO2 |
Emissions | Emissions |
EmissionsBeforeTechnicalMitigation | EmissionsBeforeTechnicalMitigation |
expenditureIndexFood | expenditureIndexFood |
factorCosts | factorCosts |
factorCostShares | factorCostShares |
fallow | fallow |
feed | feed |
FoodDemandModuleConsumerPrices | FoodDemandModuleConsumerPrices |
FoodExpenditure | FoodExpenditure |
FoodExpenditureShare | FoodExpenditureShare |
foodmodelstat | foodmodelstat |
ForestYield | ForestYield |
gdxAggregate | gdxAggregate |
getDirectory | getDirectory |
getReport | getReport |
getReportAgMIP | getReportAgMIP |
getReportDemandStandalone | getReportDemandStandalone |
getReportDietaryIndicators | getReportDietaryIndicators |
getReportFableScenathon | getReportFableScenathon |
getReportFSECAlessandroPassaro | getReportFSECAlessandroPassaro |
getReportFSECCosts | getReportFSECCosts |
getReportFSECCropDiversityGrid | getReportFSECCropDiversityGrid |
getReportFSECPollution | getReportFSECPollution |
getReportFSECSimonDietz | getReportFSECSimonDietz |
getReportFSECStevenLord | getReportFSECStevenLord |
getReportGridEmissions | getReportGridEmissions |
getReportGridINMS | getReportGridINMS |
getReportGridNitrogenPollution | getReportGridNitrogenPollution |
getReportINMS | getReportINMS |
getReportIso | getReportIso |
getReportMAgPIE2GAINS | getReportMAgPIE2GAINS |
getReportMAgPIE2LPJmL | getReportMAgPIE2LPJmL |
getReportMAgPIE2REMIND | getReportMAgPIE2REMIND |
getReportPBindicators | getReportPBindicators |
grassyld | grassland yields |
GrowingStock | GrowingStock |
harvested_area_timber | harvested_area_timber |
hourlyLaborCosts | hourlyLaborCosts |
Hunger | Hunger |
income | income |
Intake | Intake |
IntakeDetailed | IntakeDetailed |
IntakeDetailedProtein | IntakeDetailedProtein |
kayaFractions | kayaFractions |
kayaLaspeyres | kayaLaspeyres |
Kcal | Kcal |
laborCosts | laborCosts |
laborProductivity | laborProductivity |
land | land |
landCarbonSink | Land Carbon Sink Adjustment Factors |
landConservation | landConservation |
landForestry | landForestry |
land_price | land_price |
lastIter | lastIter |
LivestockDemStructure | LivestockDemStructure |
LivestockShare | LivestockShare |
magpie4-package | MAgPIE outputs R library for MAgPIE version 4.x |
malmquist | malmquist |
ManureExcretion | ManureExcretion |
metadata_comments | metadata_comments |
modelstat | modelstat |
m_yeardiff | m_yeardiff |
NetForestChange | NetForestChange |
NitrogenBudget | NitrogenBudget |
NitrogenBudgetNonagland | NitrogenBudgetNonagland |
NitrogenBudgetPasture | NitrogenBudgetPasture |
NitrogenBudgetWithdrawals | NitrogenBudgetWithdrawals |
OtherLand | OtherLand |
out | out |
outputCheck | outputCheck |
outputPerWorker | outputPerWorker |
PeatlandArea | PeatlandArea |
PeatlandEmissions | PeatlandEmissions |
PlantationEstablishment | PlantationEstablishment |
population | population |
PriceElasticities | PriceElasticities |
PriceGHG | PriceGHG |
priceIndex | priceIndex |
priceIndexFood | priceIndexFood |
prices | prices |
PrimSecdOtherLand | PrimSecdOtherLand |
processing | processing |
production | production |
productionProfit | productionProfit |
productionRevenue | productionRevenue |
relativeHourlyLaborCosts | relativeHourlyLaborCosts |
reportAAI | reportAAI |
reportAEI | reportAEI |
reportAgEmployment | reportAgEmployment |
reportAgGDP | reportAgGDP |
reportAgriResearchIntensity | reportAgriResearchIntensity |
reportAnthropometrics | reportAnthropometrics |
reportBII | reportBII |
reportBioplasticDemand | reportBioplasticDemand |
reportCarbonstock | reportCarbonstock |
reportConsumVal | reportConsumVal |
reportCostCapitalInvestment | reportCostCapitalInvestment |
reportCostCapitalStocks | reportCostCapitalStocks |
reportCostInputsCrop | reportCostInputsCrop |
reportCostOverall | reportCostOverall |
reportCosts | reportCosts |
reportCostsAccounting | reportCostsAccounting |
reportCostsAEI | reportCostsAEI |
reportCostsFertilizer | reportCostsFertilizer |
reportCostsInputFactors | reportFactorCosts |
reportCostsMACCS | reportCostsMACCS |
reportCostsPresolve | reportCostsPresolve |
reportCostsProductionCrops | reportCostsProductionCrops |
reportCostsWholesale | reportCostsWholesale |
reportCostsWithoutIncentives | reportCostsWithoutIncentives |
reportCostTC | reportCostTC |
reportCostTransport | reportCostTransport |
reportCroparea | reportCroparea |
reportCropareaGrid | reportCropareaGrid |
reportCropDiversity | reportCropDiversity |
reportDemand | reportDemand |
reportDemandBioenergy | reportDemandBioenergy |
reportDemandNr | reportDemandNr |
reportEmissions | reportEmissions |
reportEmissionsBeforeTechnicalMitigation | reportEmissionsBeforeTechnicalMitigation |
reportExpenditureFoodIndex | reportExpenditureFoodIndex |
reportFactorCostShares | reportFactorCostShares |
reportFeed | reportFeed |
reportFeedConversion | reportFeedConversion |
reportFertilizerNitrogen | reportFertilizerNitrogen |
reportFit | reportFit |
reportFoodExpenditure | reportFoodExpenditure |
reportForestYield | reportForestYield |
reportGraslandSoilCarbon | reportGraslandSoilCarbon |
reportGrasslandManagement | reportGrasslandManagement |
reportGrasslandYields | reportGrasslandYields |
reportGrassStats | reportGrassStats |
reportGridCroparea | reportGridCroparea |
reportGridLand | reportGridLand |
reportGridManureExcretion | reportGridManureExcretion |
reportGrowingStock | reportGrowingStock |
reportharvested_area_timber | reportharvested_area_timber |
reportHourlyLaborCosts | reportHourlyLaborCosts |
reportHunger | reportHunger |
reportIncome | reportIncome |
reportIntakeDetailed | reportIntakeDetailed |
reportKcal | reportKcal |
reportLaborCostsEmpl | reportLaborCostsEmpl |
reportLaborProductivity | reportLaborProductivity |
reportLandConservation | reportLandConservation |
reportLandUse | reportLandUse |
reportLandUseChange | reportLandUseChange |
reportLandUseForSEALS | reportLandUseForSEALS |
reportLivestockDemStructure | reportLivestockDemStructure |
reportLivestockShare | reportLivestockShare |
reportLSUGrasslands | reportLSUGrasslands |
reportManure | reportManure |
reportNetForestChange | reportNetForestChange |
reportNitrogenBudgetCropland | reportNitrogenBudgetCropland |
reportNitrogenBudgetNonagland | reportNitrogenBudgetNonagland |
reportNitrogenBudgetPasture | reportNitrogenBudgetCropland |
reportNitrogenEfficiencies | reportNitrogenEfficiencies |
reportNitrogenPollution | reportNitrogenPollution |
reportOutputPerWorker | reportOutputPerWorker |
reportPastSoilCarbon | reportPastSoilCarbon |
reportPBbiosphere | reportPBbiosphere |
reportPBland | reportPBland |
reportPBnitrogen | reportPBnitrogen |
reportPBwater | reportPBwater |
reportPeatland | reportPeatland |
reportPlantationEstablishment | reportPlantationEstablishment |
reportPopulation | reportPopulation |
reportPriceAgriculture | reportPriceAgriculture |
reportPriceBioenergy | reportPriceBioenergy |
reportPriceElasticities | reportHunger |
reportPriceFoodIndex | reportPriceFoodIndex |
reportPriceGHG | reportPriceGHG |
reportPriceLand | reportPriceLand |
reportPriceShock | reportPriceShock |
reportPriceWater | reportPriceWater |
reportPriceWoodyBiomass | reportPriceWoodyBiomass |
reportProcessing | reportProcessing |
reportProducerPriceIndex | reportProducerPriceIndex |
reportProduction | reportProduction |
reportProductionBioenergy | reportProductionBioenergy |
reportProductionGrowth | reportProductionGrowth |
reportProductionNr | reportProductionNr |
reportProtein | reportProtein |
reportRelativeHourlyLaborCosts | reportRelativeHourlyLaborCosts |
reportResidues | reportSOM |
reportRotationLength | reportRotationLength |
reportRuralDemandShares | reportRuralDemandShares |
reportSDG1 | reportSDG1 |
reportSDG12 | reportSDG12 |
reportSDG15 | reportSDG15 |
reportSDG2 | reportSDG2 |
reportSDG3 | reportSDG3 |
reportSDG6 | reportSDG6 |
reportSDG9 | reportSDG9 |
reportSOM | reportSOM |
reportSOM2 | reportSOM2 |
reportTau | reportTau |
reportTc | reportTc |
reportTimber | reportTimber |
reportTimberDemand | reportTimberDemand |
reportTotalHoursWorked | reportTotalHoursWorked |
reportTrade | reportTrade |
reportTradeGrowth | reportTradeGrowth |
reportValueMaterialDemand | reportValueMaterialDemand |
reportValueTrade | reportValueTrade |
reportVegfruitShare | reportVegfruitShare |
reportWageDevelopment | reportWageDevelopment |
reportWaterAvailability | reportWaterAvailability |
reportWaterIndicators | reportWaterIndicators |
reportWaterUsage | reportWaterUsage |
reportWorkingAgePopulation | reportWorkingAgePopulation |
reportYields | reportYields |
reportYieldsCropCalib | reportYieldsCropCalib |
reportYieldsCropRaw | reportYieldsCropRaw |
reportYieldShifter | reportYieldShifter |
ResidueBiomass | ResidueBiomass |
Residues | Residues |
ResidueUsage | ResidueUsage |
RotationLength | RotationLength |
ruralDemandShares | ruralDemandShares |
Seed | Seed |
SOM2 | SOM2 |
submitCalibration | submitCalibration |
superAggregateX | superAggregateX |
surplusChange | surplusChange |
tau | tau |
taxRevenueRotations | taxRevenueRotations |
tc | tc |
Timber | Timber |
TimberDemand | TimberDemand |
TimberProductionVolumetric | TimberProductionVolumetric |
timePeriods | timePeriods |
totalHoursWorked | totalHoursWorked |
trade | trade |
tradeValue | tradeValue |
tryList | tryList |
tryReport | tryReport |
validation | validation |
ValueMaterialDemand | ValueMaterialDemand |
VegfruitShare | VegfruitShare |
wageDevelopment | wageDevelopment |
wageRent | wageRent |
water_AAI | water_AAI |
water_AEI | water_AEI |
water_avail | water_avail |
water_efficiency | water_efficiency |
waterEFR | waterEFR |
waterEFVarea | waterEFVarea |
waterEFViolation | waterEFViolation |
waterEFVratio | waterEFVratio |
water_price | water_price |
waterStress | waterStress |
waterStressedPopulation | waterStressedPopulation |
waterStressRatio | waterStressRatio |
water_usage | water_usage |
woodHarvestArea | woodHarvestArea |
woodProduction | woodProduction |
yields | yields |
YieldsCropCalib | YieldsCropCalib |
YieldsCropRaw | YieldsCropRaw |
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