
Defines functions convertLassaletta2014

Documented in convertLassaletta2014

#' @title convertLassaletta2014
#' @description converts the dataset of
#' Lassaletta, L., G. Billen, B. Grizzetti, J. Angalde, and J. Garnier. 2014.
#' 50 Year Trends in Nitrogen Use Efficiency of World Cropping Systems: The Relationship between Yield and Nitrogen
#' Input to Cropland. Environmental Research Letters.
#' into a dataset including all countries. Replacing Soviet Union by Russia and Yugoslavia by Serbia without detailed
#' disaggregation.
#' @param x data object that gets provided by wrapper function readSource
#' @param subtype budget provides the nr cropland budgets, fert_to_cropland the share of inorganic fertilizers being
#'                applied to croplands
#' @return Magpie object with results on country level.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso
#' [readLassaletta2014()],
#' [readSource()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readSource("Lassaletta2014", convert = TRUE)
#' }
convertLassaletta2014 <- function(x, subtype) {
  if (subtype == "budget") {
    vcat(verbosity = 2, "replacing Soviet Union by Russia and Yugoslavia by Serbia without detailed disaggregation")
    dimnames(x)[[1]][which(dimnames(x)[[1]] == "SUN")] <- "RUS"
    dimnames(x)[[1]][which(dimnames(x)[[1]] == "YUG")] <- "SRB"
    dimnames(x)[[1]][which(dimnames(x)[[1]] == "CSK")] <- "CZE"

    # remove historical countries; a more adequate solution is work in progress
    x <- x[c("XET", "XFS"), , , invert = TRUE]

    x <- toolCountryFill(x, fill = 0, verbosity = 2)
  } else if (subtype == "fert_to_cropland") {
    x <- x / 100

    # remove historical countries; a more adequate solution is work in progress
    x2 <- x[c("XET", "XFS", "CSK", "SUN", "YUG"), , , invert = TRUE]

    x2 <- toolCountryFill(x2, fill = 0, verbosity = 2)
    mapping <- read.csv2(system.file("extdata", "ISOhistorical.csv",
                                     package = "madrat"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    x2[c("SRB", "MNE", "SVN", "HRV", "MKD", "BIH"), , ] <- setCells(x["YUG", , ], "GLO")
    x2[mapping$toISO[which(mapping$fromISO == "SUN")], , ] <- setCells(x["SUN", , ], "GLO")
    x2[mapping$toISO[which(mapping$fromISO == "CSK")], , ] <- setCells(x["CSK", , ], "GLO")

    x <- x2

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