Man pages for pkopper/deeppam
Machine Learning for Time-to-Event Data with Semi-Structured Deep Piecewise Additive Models

add_test_dataAttach test data to DeepPAM model for testing via pec::pec.
deeppamConstruct a DeepPAM model with mgcv and keras.
DROcalculate Demmler-Reinsch orthogonalization
from_ped_to_tensorTransform PED data to an array / tensor
from_unstructured_to_deeppam_tensorTransform unstructured data to an array / tensor that fits to...
make_psdHelper functions from the deepregression package and from...
make_test_pedCreation of a generic test PED dataframe
predict.deeppamPredicted values based on deeppam object.
predictSurvProb.deeppamPredicting Survival Probabilites
sparse_mat_to_tensorconvert sparse matrix to sparse tensor
pkopper/deeppam documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 12:39 a.m.