Man pages for plbaldoni/epigraHMM
Epigenomic R-based analysis with hidden Markov models

addOffsetsAdd offsets to epigraHMMDataSet
callPatternsExtract posterior probabilities (or combinatorial patterns)...
callPeaksSummarize peak calls and optionally create a BED 6+3 file in...
cleanCountsRemove effects from covariates of interest
controlEMControl parameters for the EM algorithm from epigraHMM
epigraHMMPerform peak calling of epigenomic data sets
epigraHMMDataSetFromBamCreate a epigraHMMDataSet from a set of BAM files
epigraHMMDataSetFromMatrixCreate a epigraHMMDataSet from matrices of counts
estimateTransitionProbEstimate transition probability from a sequence of integers
expStepE-step of HMM (forward-backward probability + posterior...
helas3ENCODE ChIP-seq broad data from Helas3 cell line
infoGet information about peak calling results
initializerInitializer of epigraHMM
maxStepProbM-step (maximization w.r.t. initial and transition...
normalizeCountsNormalize counts
plotCountsCreate a plot with the results from epigraHMM
plotPatternsCreate a plot of differerential patterns posterior...
segmentGenomeSegmentation of a genome in non-overlapping windows
simulateMarkovChainSimulates a Markov Chain of length 'n' given a matrix of...
plbaldoni/epigraHMM documentation built on Oct. 15, 2023, 7:53 p.m.