
The NPA and BIF methods allow to understand the mechanisms behind and predict the effect of exposure based on transcriptomics datasets. This approach enables to translate the gene expression fold-changes into differential values for each network node, and to summarize this at the network level to provide a quantitative assessment of the degree of perturbation of the network model, the Network Perturbation Amplitude (NPA). Combining multiple relevant network models, the overall biological impact of a perturbing agent, the Biological Impact Factor (BIF), can be calculated by aggregating individual NPA scores.

Network Amplitude Perturbation scoring


The network perturbation amplitude (NPA) method was previously reported (Hoeng et al., 2014, Martin et al., 2014, Hoeng et al., 2012). Briefly, the methodology aims at contextualizing transcriptome profiles (exposed vs. non-exposed) by combining the alteration of gene expression into differentiated node values (i.e. one value for each node of a causal network model (Boue et al., 2015). The network models represent the molecular mechanisms across wide range of biological processes, including cell fate, cell stress, cell proliferation, inflammation relevant for the human respiratory physiology. Relevant network models used for the analysis in this study are listed in NPA Model object section. For many nodes, literature-derived information supporting the relationship between a node and the expression of certain genes is available. Thus, a transcriptome profile can be used to computationally predict the activity of certain nodes. The differential node values are determined by fitting procedures inferring the values best satisfy the directionality of the causal relationships contained in the network model (e.g. positive or negative signs). NPA scores carry a confidence interval accounting for the experimental variation and the associated p-values are computed. In addition, companion statistics, derived to inform the specificity of the NPA score to the biology described in the network models, are reported as O and K if their p-values fall below the threshold of significance (0.05). A network is considered to be significantly impacted by exposure if the three values (the p-value for experimental variation, O, and K statistics) are below 0.05. The methodology has been described in a greater detail previously (Martin et al., 2014, Hoeng et al., 2012). Finally, the key contributors to the perturbation, referred to as leading nodes, are by definition the nodes that makes up 80% of the TopoNPA score. It both accounts for the differential backbone values themselves but also to the centrality of the nodes in the functional layer.

Computing NPA scores from comparisons dataset and a network model

NPA inputs

The required inputs for computing the NPA are

Comparisons dataset

Comparison datasets are structured as named list. Each entry describes as contrast from a linear model (e.g., a comparision treatment vs. control). For each entry of that list, a data.frame is expected which describes for each gene:

The slot name in the list is set to the comparison name (e.g. TTT1 (Dose1) vs CTRL)

The example dataset provided with the package [E-MTAB-2756] corresponds to a study designed to identify the onset of emphysema induced by exposure to cigarette smoke. The mice were exposed to mainstream cigarette smoke from the Reference Cigarette 3R4F through whole body exposure for up to 7 months. Additionaly, three cessation scenarios were included to assess the impact of smoking cessation on the emphysema progression on C57BL/6 mice.

# Loading the comparisons example

# Showing the overall content

NPA Model object

Biological causal networks for several network families are available for the species under consideration, Homo sapiens (Hs), Ratus norvegicus (Rn) and Mus musculus (Mm). Networks are classified into families that describes general biological processes such as:

The network models provided in the NPAModels data package are:

In the NPAmodels data packages listing and loading model can be performed by:


# Get the available families
list_families(species = 'Mm')

# Get the list of models available for a given family
list_models(species = 'Mm', family = 'CFA')

# Get a given network object for NPA computation
net.apopto <- load_model('Mm', 'CFA', 'Apoptosis')


NPA computation

The code chunk below describes how to compute an NPA:

# Selecting Musculus version the Apoptosis model.
net.apopto <- load_model('Mm', 'CFA', 'Apoptosis')

npa <- compute_npa(COPD1, net.apopto, verbose = TRUE)

Getting the list of involved comparisons


Subsetting an NPA object

The subset method allows to retrieve a NPA object with a subset of comparisons:

smaller <- subset(npa, 1:3)

coefficients method

NPA score values can be accessed with the coefficient method. By default, NPA scores are return in a numeric named vector (a coefficient value per comparison). If type argument is set to nodes, a numeric matrix is returned with NPA values per network backbone nodes and per comparison.

coefficients(npa, type = "nodes")[10:20, 1:3] method

Confidence intervals of the NPA score values can be accessed with the method.

If type argument is set to value nodes, confidence intervals values are provided per network nodes and comparisons., type = "nodes")[10:20, c(1,7)]

as.matrix method

NPA values for nodes and comparisons can be accessed with the as.matrix generic.

as.matrix(npa)[10:20, 1:3]

If type argument is set to leadingnodes, leading nodes ranks, signs and contribution percentage of the node can be retrieved.

m <- as.matrix(npa, type = "leadingnodes")

NPA summary

The summary method applied to an NPA returns a data.frame object with coefficients, confidence intervals and permutations's p-values.


Plotting NPA score results

barplot function

The barplot function has been redefined for NPA class to handle NPA objects. Different types of barplot can be produced using the 'type' argument:

The default value is 'type = 1'.

barplot(npa, legend.text = TRUE)

Using type=2, the top 10 leading nodes are shown on the figure:

barplot(npa, type = 2)

Finally, using type=3, a ggplot version is generated:

barplot(npa, type = 3)

plot function

Three options are available for plotting an NPA object.

Note: The heatmap figure can be big and may be more suitable for PDF pages generation.

plot(npa, type = 'heatmap')

The graph option draws a graph figure that represents the network backbone. In each node, a barplot is displayed showing the coefficient value for each comparison.

plot(npa, type = 'graph')

The graphjs option generates a HTML/javascript interactive graph using the RGraph2js package that can be accessed in a web browser.

plot(npa, type = 'graphjs', model = net.apopto)

NPA modules

Modules are network sub-graphs that are dense in leading nodes across all comparisons. In order to plot modules, modules should be first retrived by calling the modules method on a NPA object.

m <- modules(npa)

The maximum scoring connected sub-graph found can be large, therefore, 2 types of figure can ne plotted using plot function. It type is set to value "single", the global network with modules is drawn.


For very large sub-graph, a clustered view can be obtained with type argument set to multiple.

# Showing the first modules
plot(m, type = "multiple", title = TRUE, which.module = 1)

NPAList and Biological Impact factor


The network models represent functionally distinct biological processes characterizing the systems under consideration. To objectively evaluate the overall biological impact relative to a reference within the experiment, the sum of the significant network perturbations for the comparison $i$ are normalized with respect to the corresponding sum for the reference. Hence, the relative BIF (RBIF) for the comparison $i$ is defined as follows:

$$RBIF(i)=\frac{\sum_{Net} w_i^{Net}\cdot NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(i)}{\sum_{Net} w_{REF}^{Net}\cdot NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(REF)}$$ where the weights account in particular for three statistics associated with the above outlined NPA algorithm and the overlaps between networks.

The contribution of a given subset, S, of network models (e.g., cell stress sub-networks), for a comparison i, is given as follows:

$$Contrib_{S}(i)=\frac{\sum_{Net \in S} w_i^{Net} \cdot NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(i)}{\sum_{Net} w_i^{Net}\cdot NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(i)}$$

(because Nets is a disjoint union of subsets of networks, the contributions sum to one).

The relative BIF is therefore decomposed into network components by considering the quantities $Contrib_S (i)\cdot RBIF(i)$, which can be represented as starplots.

Finally, as RBIF is an aggregated quantity, two comparisons can have the same relative biological effect while arising from different network models. To identify those situations, a comparability coefficient is computed as follows:

$$\delta=\frac{\sum_{Net} w_i^{Net} w_{REF}^{Net}f_i^ {Net}\cdot Q_{Net}\cdot f_{REF}^ {Net}}{\sqrt{\sum_{Net} w_i^{Net}NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(i)}\sqrt{\sum_{Net} w_{REF}^{Net}NPA_{\mbox{Net}}(REF)}}$$

This coefficient is essentially the cos angle between i and REF for the scalar product defined in the NPA algorithm and is shown on the top of the BIF barplot.

NPAList Object computation

For a given species in Homo sapiens (Hs), Rattus norvegicus (Rn) and Mus musculus (Mm), a set of NPA scores can be computed and gathered in an object called NPAList where each individual NPA scores are stored per network.

models <- load_models(species = 'Mm')
npalist <- compute_npa_list(COPD1, models)

Subsetting a NPAList object

The subset method can be used to fetch results for a subset of models and/or a subset of comparisons:

smaller <- subset(npalist, 1:3, 1:3)

NPAList plotting function

A heatmap representing all the NPA scores and their statistics can be plotted using the NPAList object. The networks families are displayed in separated panels.


Getting the BIF object and related results

From a NPAList object, the BIF object can be computed by calling get_bif method on the NPAList object.

b <- get_bif(npalist)
##                     BIF      CFA        CPR       CST       IPN        TRA
## 3R4F-m5       1.0000000 4.204370 0.78881556 2.8349804 6.5945360 0.15172704
## 3R4F-m7       0.8395375 3.216414 0.47663509 2.0023535 4.5769946 0.00000000
## Cessation2-m3 0.1860579 0.000000 0.05370764 0.1359210 0.3149021 0.00000000
## Cessation2-m5 0.0000000 0.000000 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000
## Cessation4-m1 0.7655291 2.533212 0.44109257 1.4166501 4.0816911 0.06847772
## Cessation4-m3 0.5727719 1.276496 0.25519368 0.7575376 2.4556447 0.03652695

Different types of results can be extracted using the BIF object and the as.matrix method. For instance, type coefficients extract the RBIF values:

b <- get_bif(npalist)
print(as.matrix(b, type = "coefficients"))
##                     RBIF
## 3R4F-m5       100.000000
## 3R4F-m7        70.482327
## Cessation2-m3   3.461753
## Cessation2-m5   0.000000
## Cessation4-m1  58.603486
## Cessation4-m3  32.806768

BIF coefficients for a given network family can be accessed by:

b <- get_bif(npalist)
print(as.matrix(b, type = "rbif", family = "CFA"))
##                     BIF   Apoptosis
## 3R4F-m5       1.0000000    4.492025
## 3R4F-m7       0.8665669    3.373233
## Cessation2-m3 0.0000000    0.000000
## Cessation2-m5 0.0000000    0.000000
## Cessation4-m1 0.7808467    2.738885
## Cessation4-m3 0.5573013    1.395155

Plotting BIF results using BIF object

BIF results can be displayed using the barplot method. The pie chart at the bottom of each bar indicates the contribution of each network family to the BIF.


By default, contribution are displayed as a pie chart. The contributions of each network can also be displayed as straplots by using the type argument.

barplot(b, type = 2)

The contribution of each comparison to the BIF (per network families) can be plotted by using the plot function.


The contribution of each scored biological network to the BIF (per comparison) can also be plotted using the BIF object with the plot function. An additional argument type assigned to comparisons provides this option (default value is networks).

plot(b, type="comparisons")

pmpsa-hpc/NPA documentation built on Jan. 25, 2021, 10:28 p.m.