
Defines functions smartFilter

Documented in smartFilter

# Landon Sego  April 2008

##' Calculate a moving dot product (or filter) over a numeric vector
##' Calculate a moving dot product over a vector (typically a time series). It
##' dynamically accounts for the incomplete windows which are caused by missing
##' values and which occur at the beginning and end of the series.  It does not
##' propogate NAs.
##' \code{smartFilter} has very similar behavior to \code{\link{filter}},
##' except it calculates at the edge of a series and it does not propogate NAs
##' which may be imbedded within the series.
##' When the window contains missing values, either due to being at the edge of
##' the series or due to NAs imbedded within the series, the weights
##' corresponding to the non-missing data points are re-normalized and the
##' dotproduct is calculated using the available data.  If the number of
##' non-missing data points in the window is less than \code{min.window}, an
##' \code{NA} is produced for the corresponding index.  Likewise, if
##' \code{balance = TRUE}, and the required conditions (described above in the
##' argument description of \code{balance}) are not met, an \code{NA} is
##' returned for the corresponding index.
##' @export
##' @param y A numeric vector (can be labeled)
##' @param weights Vector of weights that will be used to calculate the moving
##' dot product.  Should be odd in length and should sum to unity.
##' @param min.window The minimum number of non-missing data points in a window
##' that are required to calculate the dot product
##' @param start The index of the center of the first window
##' @param skip The number of indexes to advance the center of the moving
##' window each time the dot product is calculated.
##' @param balance \code{ = TRUE} requires that the first non-missing value in a
##' window occur on or before the center point of the window, and that the last
##' non-missing value occur on or after the center point of the window.
##' @return Returns the moving dot product
##' @author Landon Sego
##' @seealso \code{\link{movAvg2}}, \code{\link{filter}}
##' @keywords misc
##' @examples
##'  # Define a simple vector
##'  x <- 2^(0:8)
##'  names(x) <- letters[1:9]
##'  # Define weights for a simple moving average of 3 points
##'  # (1 point in the past, the present point, and 1 point in the future)
##'  wts <- rep(1, 3) / 3
##'  # Note how they are the same, except at the edges of the series.
##'  smartFilter(x, wts)
##'  filter(x, wts)
##'  # filter() and smartFilter() apply the weights in reverse order of each other,
##'  # which makes a difference if the weights are not symmetric. Note how these
##'  # two statements produce the same result (with the exception of the first and
##'  # last elements)
##'  filter(x, 1:3 / 6)
##'  smartFilter(x, 3:1 / 6)
##'  # Notice how filter() propogates missing values
##'  y <- 3^(0:8)
##'  y[5] <- NA
##'  smartFilter(y, wts)
##'  filter(y, wts)
##'  # Compare starting on the second value and skip every other point
##'  smartFilter(x, wts)
##'  smartFilter(x, wts, start = 2, skip = 2)
##'  # Demonstrate how the 'min.window' and 'balance' work
##'  y <- round(rnorm(1:20),2)
##'  names(y) <- letters[1:20]
##'  y[7:9] <- NA
##'  y
##'  smartFilter(y, rep(1,5)/5, min.window = 2, balance = TRUE)
##'  smartFilter(y, rep(1,5)/5, min.window = 2, balance = FALSE)
smartFilter <- function(y, weights, min.window = 1, start = 1, skip = 1, balance = TRUE) {

  # weights should not be missing
  if (any(is.na(weights)))
    stop("The elements of 'weights' can not be NA\n")

  # Weights should not sum to 0
  if (abs(sw <- sum(weights)) < 1e-10)
    stop("'weights' must not sum to 0\n")

  # weights should sum to 1
  if (abs(sw - 1) > 1e-10) {
    weights <- weights / sw
    warning("Weights were rescaled to sum to 1.\n")

  # Define the window bandwith (in terms of the number of data points)
  bw <- length(weights) %/% 2

  if (!(length(weights) %% 2))
    stop("Length of 'weights' must be odd\n")

  n <- length(y)

  # More checks
  if (start > n)
    stop("'start' must be <= 'length(y)'\n")
  if (skip <= 0)
    stop("'skip' must be > 0\n")
  if (start > bw + 1)
    warning("Since 'start' > (length(weights) %/% 2), part of the data at the beginning\n",
            "  of the series will not be covered by a window\n")
  if (skip > 2 * bw + 1)
    warning("Since 'skip' > the window length, parts of the data throughout\n",
            "  the series will not be covered by a window\n")

  # Index of window centers
  win.centers <- seq(start, n, by = skip)
  num.windows <- length(win.centers)

  # Calculate the moving dot products
  out <- .C("smartFilter_c",
            as.integer(win.centers - 1),
            out = double(num.windows),
            NAOK = TRUE)$out

  # Give appropriate names to out
  if (!is.null(ny <- names(y)))
    names(out) <- ny[win.centers]

  # List the vector with the moving averages

} # smartFilter

# A function to test/validate the smartFilter which uses a slower algorithm.  The tests showed equivalence...

#smartFilterTest <- function(y, weights, min.window = 1, start = 1, skip = 1, balance = TRUE) {

#  # weights should not be missing
#  if (any(is.na(weights)))
#    stop("The elements of 'weights' can not be NA\n")

#  # Weights should not sum to 0
#  if (abs(sw <- sum(weights)) < 1e-10)
#    stop("'weights' must not sum to 0\n")

#  # weights should sum to 1
#  if (abs(sw - 1) > 1e-10) {
#    weights <- weights / sw
#    warning("Weights were rescaled to sum to 1.\n")
#  }

#  # Define the window bandwith (in terms of the number of data points)
#  bw <- length(weights) %/% 2

#  if (!(length(weights) %% 2))
#    stop("Length of 'weights' must be odd\n")

#  n <- length(y)

#  # More checks
#  if (start > n)
#    stop("'start' must be <= 'length(y)'\n")
#  if (skip <= 0)
#    stop("'skip' must be > 0\n")
#  if (start > bw + 1)
#    warning("Since 'start' > (bandwidth + 1), part of the data at the beginning\n",
#            "  of the series will not be covered by a window\n")
#  if (skip > 2 * bw + 1)
#    warning("Since 'skip' > the window length, parts of the data throughout\n",
#            "  the series will not be covered by a window\n")

#  # Index of window centers
#  win.centers <- seq(start, n, by=skip)
#  num.windows <- length(win.centers)

#  # Make the response matrix and select the windows that will be calculated
#  if (!require(calcIVT))
#    stop("package 'calcIVT' is required for smartFilterTest\n")

#  mat <- make.response.mat(y, bw=bw)[,win.centers]

#  # Now apply the weights in the "smart way" over the windows
#  dprod <- function(x) {

#    if (all(not.na <- !is.na(x)))
#      return(as.numeric(t(weights) %*% x))
#    else {

#      calc.dp <- TRUE

#      # 1. Num of nonNA is at least as big as the min window size
#      if (sum(not.na) >= min.window) {

#        if (balance) {
#          first.non.missing <- which(not.na)[1]
#          last.non.missing <- which(rev(not.na))[1]
#          last.non.missing <- c(length(weights):1)[last.non.missing]

#          # 2. First nonNA occurs on or before center point of window
#          # 3. Last nonNA occurs on or after center point of window
#          if (!((first.non.missing <= bw + 1) & (last.non.missing  >= bw + 1)))
#            calc.dp <- FALSE
#        }
#      }
#      else
#        calc.dp <- FALSE

#      if (calc.dp) {
#        new.wts <- weights[not.na]
#        new.wts <- new.wts/sum(new.wts)
#        return(as.numeric(t(x[not.na]) %*% new.wts))
#      }
#      else
#        return(NA)

#    } # else there are missing

#  } # dprod()

#  # Calculate the weighted averages
#  out <- apply(mat, 2, dprod)

#  # Give appropriate names to out
#  if (!is.null(ny <- names(y)))
#    names(out) <- ny[win.centers]

#  # List the vector with the moving averages
#  out

#} # smartFilterTest

## Testing
#test <- function() {

#  for (len in c(500,1000)) {
#    for (m.pct in c(0,0.10,0.20,0.70,0.90)) {
#      for (wts in list(rep(1,31)/31, (1:11)/66)) {
#        for (skip in c(1,2,7)) {
#          for (min.win in c(1,3,5)) {
#            for (start in c(1, 7)) {
#              for (bal in c(TRUE,FALSE)) {
#                yvec <- rnorm(len)
#                yvec[sort(sample(1:len, floor(m.pct*len)))] <- NA
#                t1 <- data.frame(out=smartFilter(yvec, wts, min.window=min.win, start=start, skip=skip, balance=bal))
#                t2 <- data.frame(out=smartFilterTest(yvec, wts, min.window=min.win, start=start, skip=skip, balance=bal))
#                if (!dframeEquiv(t1,t2, maxAbsError=1e-12,maxRelError=1e-12, verbose=FALSE)$equiv) {
#                  cat("This not equiv:\n")
#                  pvar(len,m.pct,wts,skip,min.win,start,bal)
#                }
#              }
#            }
#          }
#        }
#      }
#      cat("Status:  Just finished\n")
#      pvar(len,m.pct)
#    }
#  }

#} # test

#> test()
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 500, m.pct = 0
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 500, m.pct = 0.1
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 500, m.pct = 0.2
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 500, m.pct = 0.7
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 500, m.pct = 0.9
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 1000, m.pct = 0
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 1000, m.pct = 0.1
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 1000, m.pct = 0.2
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 1000, m.pct = 0.7
#Status:  Just finished
#len = 1000, m.pct = 0.9
pnnl/Smisc documentation built on Oct. 18, 2020, 6:18 p.m.