#' processing_options UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
mod_processing_options_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
i18n <- shiny.i18n::Translator$new(translation_json_path = "./inst/translations/translation.json")
title = i18n$t("Processing options"),
status = "primary",
solidHeader = TRUE,
collapsible = TRUE,
width = 12,
width = 4,
i18n$t("Processing order\u2000"),
actionLink(ns("help_processing_order"), icon("question-circle"))
choices = list(
"Process by groups" = "by_groups",
"Process by date" = "by_date",
"Mixed processing" = "mixed",
"Process step by step" = "by_step"
selected = "by_groups",
width = "200%"
width = 4,
label = span(i18n$t("Parallel computation?")),
choiceNames = list("Yes", "No"),
choiceValues = list(TRUE, FALSE),
selected = TRUE,
inline = TRUE
width = 4,
condition = sprintf("input['%s'] == 'TRUE'", ns("parallel")),
label = i18n$t("Number of CPU cores"),
min = 1,
max = parallel::detectCores(),
value = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
step = 1,
ticks = FALSE
) # end slider
) # end div
) # end conditionalpanel
) # end column
) # end box
) # end of fluidRow
) # end taglist
#' processing_options Server Function
#' @noRd
mod_processing_options_server <- function(input, output, session, rv){
ns <- session$ns
i18n <- shiny.i18n::Translator$new(translation_json_path = "./inst/translations/translation.json")
# for save parameters
rv$processing_order <- input$processing_order
rv$parallel <- input$parallel
rv$n_cores <- input$n_cores
observeEvent(input$help_processing_order, {
title = i18n$t("Processing order"),
i18n$t("The order used to execute the processing chain affects the speed"),
i18n$t("of computation and the usage of system resources."),
i18n$t("Changing this setting can be useful to optimise system performance,"),
i18n$t("particularly if the user is processing a high amount of data"),
i18n$t("(a large area of interest and/or an extensive time window).")
i18n$t("The four available orders are described below.")
i18n$t("<strong>Process by groups</strong> (default):"),
i18n$t("it provides a good compromise between processing speed and disk usage."),
i18n$t("Processing is done as follows:<ul>"),
i18n$t("<li>the list of required archives and output product names is computed;</li>"),
i18n$t("<li>the required dates are grouped in <em>g</em> groups, where"),
i18n$t("<em>g</em> is the number of dates divided by the number of CPU;</li>"),
i18n$t("<li>groups are then processed sequentially; for each group:<ul>"),
i18n$t("<li>the required archives are downloaded;</li>"),
i18n$t("<li>Calculate is applied in parallel using one core per archive;</li>"),
i18n$t("<li>the remaining processing operations are executed using parallel"),
i18n$t("(one core for each date).</li></ul></ul>")
i18n$t("<strong>Process by date</strong>:"),
i18n$t("this allows minimising the requirements of disk usage"),
i18n$t("(in particular if archives are deleted after processing)."),
i18n$t("It is similar to the default execution, but each group is composed"),
i18n$t("by a single date: so the disk space occupied by archives"),
i18n$t("and temporary files is lower,"),
i18n$t("but it is generally slower than the default one because"),
i18n$t("parallel computation over dates for products generation is not possible.")
i18n$t("<strong>Mixed processing</strong>:"),
i18n$t("this allows maximising CPU usage and processing speed."),
i18n$t("The cycle on groups is ignored, and all the required archives are"),
i18n$t("first of all downloaded and/or produced, and then dates are"),
i18n$t("processed in parallel."),
i18n$t("This mode is faster than the default mode, but it requires"),
i18n$t("all archives to be downloaded and processed before performing"),
i18n$t("subsequent steps, thus increasing disk space requirements.")
i18n$t("<strong>Process step by step</strong>:"),
i18n$t("this is the legacy mode, in which the cycle on groups is ignored"),
i18n$t("as well as the parallel computation over dates."),
i18n$t("All archives are first downloaded/processed,"),
i18n$t("then the processing steps are performed sequentially."),
i18n$t("This mode is similar to the previous one in terms of disk usage"),
i18n$t("but it is slightly slower; its advantage are the lower RAM requirements.")
easyClose = TRUE,
footer = NULL
## To be copied in the UI
# mod_processing_options_ui("processing_options_ui_1")
## To be copied in the server
# callModule(mod_processing_options_server, "processing_options_ui_1")
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