Data Portal brings together a large family of applications that allow users to explore and visualize POC managed data.

The Data Portal team requires that all applications have their data source and generation process documented and - ideally - automated. With rare exceptions (e.g., the COS application), all applications should receive data ready for consumption either directly from a POC SQL database or from an R supported update process.

pocr has a number of functions that support updating application data for those applications that are dependent on R data processing. These functions are tied together by get_portal_app_data() - a wrapper that calls the R processes needed to retrieve and format data for R-dependent Data Portal applications.

This vignette will walk the user through the process of updating R-dependent Data Portal applications, including using the supporting pocr functions.

Install Supporting Tools

Prior to starting the update process, you need to prepare the following tools.

  1. GitHub account

    First things first, you need a GitHub account, you need to be part of pocdata, and you need permissions to view/access any apps you intend to update. Membership in the "Data Portal" team should get you the permissions.

  2. Git

    Now you need a way to receive files from and pass files to GitHub. Install Git (specifically we want Git Bash) using all the default settings.

  3. R

    This is an R vignette, so I'm guessing you already did this. But just in case you don't have R... you need it to use the pocr package.

  4. RStudio

    Not required, but makes working with R much more pleasant. You want the free desktop version.

  5. devtools

    devtools is an R package that supports building packages. We need it to install and build the pocr package.

    Open RStudio or an R console and install devtools from the R command line.

    r install.packages("devtools", depends = TRUE)

  6. 'pocr'

    pocr is the POC R package with the data retrieval/formatting functions, along with a variety of other useful functions for POC data work.

    Open RStudio or an R console and install pocr from the R command line. r devtools::install_github("pocdata/pocr")

  7. Connections to the POC SQL server and the annie MySQL server

    Talk to Gregor or your senior colleagues for how to set these up. Record the names you give the odbc connections. I suggest using "POC" for the POC SQL server and "annie" for the annie MySQL server.

Once you've installed the above materials, you will need to set up Git with your credentials.

Depending on your permissions and platform, you may also need to configure your R library path. This process varies by operating system. Pester a fellow Data Portal team member and/or Google to setup your path.

Clone the Repos You Want to Update

Git allows us to create local, linked copies (aka - "clones") of the repositories on GitHub. We can makes changes to these copies - such as changing the data files - and then "push" our changes to the GitHub repository.

Once you have your update tools installed and configured, you will want to create clones of all the repos you want to update.

For a list of applications - and their repo names - that are currently supported by pocr, please see the Data Portal application portfolio.

I recommend that you create all your clones in a common location (e.g., C:/Projects/) so that they are easy to locate and work with

To clone a repo:

Verify that Upstream Data Dependencies are Up-to-Date


You can ignore this step for now. We are still resolving where in the process this should occur and what this check should entail.

Run get_portal_app_data() to Retrieve/Format Current Data

At this point, you need to generate new data files for the applications you are aiming to update.

Open an R console or RStudio, load pocr, and execute get_portal_app_data().



You may need to adjust the arguments to get_portal_app_data() to match the names you gave to the POC and annie odbc connections and/or to match the specific applications you want to update.

By default:

Observe the update process - get_portal_app_data() will report what apps it is trying to retrieve/format data for and will report if each appears to succeed.

If you observe any errors, you will need to inspect the errors to try and determine the cause of the issue. This may require that you look up the helper function associated with a given application (e.g., get_county_dashboard_data() is the function called by get_portal_app_data() to update the County Dashboard app).

Manually Inspect the Data for Obvious Errors

get_portal_app_data() will create a folder called app_data (or a numbered variant, such as app_data1) each time it is run. This folder will have a subfolder for each target app repo (e.g., app_data/county_dashboard).

Copy the New Datafiles to Your Copy of the Target App Repo

For each app you want to update, you need to replace the data files in your local copy of the repo with the new data files.

As an example, updating county_dashboard places a bundle of .csv files in app_data/county_dashboard. To update your local copy of the County Dashboard repo, you would:

Update the Target App Repo on GitHub

Once you have updated your local copies of the target app repos, you will need to push your changes to GitHub.

Complete the above process for all the apps you have generated new data for and VOILA you're just about done!

Inform the Site Manager What Apps Have Updated Data

Contact the Data Portal site manager (Erika Deal: and let her know which apps have updated data. She will complete the process to move the data to the live apps.

pocdata/pocr documentation built on Jan. 5, 2022, 9:54 a.m.