
Defines functions bind_dimensions.mcmcr bind_dimensions.mcmcarray bind_dimensions

Documented in bind_dimensions

#' Combine two MCMC objects by dimensions
#' Combines multiple MCMC objects (with the same parameters, chains and iterations)
#' by parameter dimensions.
#' @inheritParams params
#' @param x An MCMC object.
#' @param along A count (or NULL) indicating the parameter dimension to bind along.
#' @seealso [universals::bind_chains()]
#' @family bind
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bind_dimensions(mcmcr_example, mcmcr_example)
bind_dimensions <- function(x, x2, along = NULL, ...) {

#' @export
bind_dimensions.mcmcarray <- function(x, x2, along = NULL, ...) {
  chk_s3_class(x2, "mcmcarray")
  if (!is.null(along)) chk_whole_number(along)

  if (!identical(nchains(x), nchains(x2))) {
    abort_chk("`x` and `x2` must have the same number of chains")

  if (!identical(niters(x), niters(x2))) {
    abort_chk("`x` and `x2` must have the same number of iterations")

  if (is.null(along)) along <- max(ndims(x), ndims(x2)) - 1

  x <- abind(x, x2, along = along + 2, dimnames = FALSE)
  set_class(x, "mcmcarray")

#' @export
bind_dimensions.mcmcr <- function(x, x2, along = NULL, ...) {
  chk_s3_class(x, "mcmcr")
  if (!is.null(along)) {
    chk_subset(length(along), c(1, npars(x)))

  x <- sort(x)
  x2 <- sort(x2)

  if (!identical(pars(x), pars(x2))) {
    abort_chk("`x` and `x2` must have the same parameters")

  if (!identical(nchains(x), nchains(x2))) {
    abort_chk("`x` and `x2` must have the same number of chains")

  if (!identical(niters(x), niters(x2))) {
    abort_chk("`x` and `x2` must have the same number of iterations")

  if (is.null(along)) {
    along <- mapply(x, x2, FUN = function(x, x2) {
      max(ndims(x), ndims(x2)) - 1L
  } else if (length(along) == 1) {
    along <- rep(along, length(x))

  x <- mapply(x = x, x2 = x2, along = along, FUN = bind_dimensions, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  set_class(x, "mcmcr")
poissonconsulting/mcmcr documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 12:25 p.m.