
#' @title Search the Lens using inventor names and key terms.
#' @description Use a single inventor name or vector of inventor names with one or more search terms. Inventor names should be in the format "Surname First Name".
#' @param inventor An inventor name or vector of inventor names.
#' @param inventor_boolean OR or AND
#' @param query A search term or vector of search terms
#' @param type fulltext = default, "ti" = title, "ab" = abstract, "tac" = title or abstract or claims. See ops_urls for details.
#' @param boolean for vector of search terms OR or AND
#' @return a url for use in ops_iterate
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @examples \dontrun{lens_inventors_keyword("Kerr Russell", query = "bahamas")}
#' @examples \dontrun{lens_inventors_keyword(inventor = "Pomponi Shirley", query = "bahamas")}
#' @examples \dontrun{lens_inventors_keyword(inventor = auth, inventor_boolean = "OR", query = synbio, type = "tac", boolean = "OR")}
#' @examples \dontrun{lens_inventors_keyword(inventor = "Venter Craig", query = c("synthetic genomes", "synthetic genomics"), type = "tac", boolean = "OR")}
#' @examples \dontrun{lens_inventors_keyword(inventor = "Venter Craig", query = country$country_name, boolean = "OR")}
lens_inventors_keyword <- function(inventor = "NULL", inventor_boolean = "NULL", query = "NULL", type = "NULL", boolean = "NULL"){
   andlink <- "+%26%26+"
   # build the inventor query and add the bridge link to text search
   if (!is.null(inventor)) {
     inv_query <- lens_inventors(inventor)
     inv_query <- paste0(inv_query, andlink)
   # add query using nested if statement from lens_urls
   length <- length(query)
   if (!is.null(query)) { # from lens_urls
     if (length == 1) {
       space <- stringr::str_detect(query, " ") # why is this here.
       query <- stringr::str_replace_all(query, " ", "+")
     if (length > 1) {
       query <- stringr::str_replace_all(query, " ", "+")
     if (boolean == "OR") {
       query <- stringr::str_c(query, collapse = "%22+%7C%7C+%22")
     if (boolean == "AND") {
       query <- stringr::str_c(query, collapse = "%22+%26%26+%22")
     if (type == "NULL") {
       query <- paste0("%22", query, "%22")
     if (type == "title") {
       query <- paste0("title%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29")
     if (type == "abstract") {
       query <- paste0("abstract", "%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29")
     if (type == "claims") {
       query <- paste0("claims", "%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29")
     if (type == "fulltext") {
       query <- paste0("%22", query, "%22")
     if (type == "tac") {
       query <- paste0("%28title%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29+%7C%7C+abstract%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29+%7C%7C+claims%3A%28%22", query, "%22%29%29")
   end <- "&n=50"
   out <- paste0(inv_query, query, end)
poldham/lensr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:22 a.m.