
#' @title Rename Patent Lens Columns
#' @description Convert Lens database column names from sentence case to lower
#'   case, replace spaces with underscores, shorten names with brackets and
#'   shorten classification names.
#' @param data a raw data.frame of patent results from the lens.
#' @return a data frame with lower case names and underscores in place of
#'   spaces.
#' @details Uses tolower from base to convert all names to lower and then uses
#'dplyr rename_ to rename each column
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_
#' @examples \dontrun{rename_lens(data)}
rename_lens <- function(data) {
  names(data) <- tolower(names(data)) #converts all cols to lowercase
  dplyr::rename_(data, publication_number = "`publication number`",
    publication_date = "`publication date`",
    publication_year = "`publication year`",
    application_number = "`application number`",
    application_date = "`application date`",
    priority_numbers = "`priority numbers`",
    full_text = "`full text`",
    cited_count = "`cited count`",
    simple_family_size = "`simple family size`",
    extended_family_size = "`extended family size`",
    sequence_count = "`sequence count`",
    cpc = "`cpc classifications`",
    ipc = "`ipcr classifications`",
    us_classification = "`us classifications`",
    pubmed_id = "`pubmed id(s)`",
    doi = "`doi(s)`",
    npl = "`non-patent citations`",
    country = "jurisdiction")
#  original column names are sentence case. The first line of the function converts all to lower case and rename follows from there. The code also replaces col names with brackets.
poldham/opsrdev documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:23 a.m.