xgboost is a fast implementation of gradient boosting. As a first approach we implement a random forest using just the records that have a radar reflectivity measure (Ref). The model here is just a linear model of reflectivity, which of course doesn't work very well, but gives an idea of how to set up xgboost.

``` {r eval = FALSE} library(ff) library(bit) library(xgboost) library(kgRainPredictR) ffload("data/train", overwrite = TRUE, rootpath = "data/")

Filter NA values for Ref

N <- dim(train)[1] b <- bit(N) for (i in chunk(1,N,10000)) { b[i] = is.na(train$Ref[i]) } df_tr <- as.data.frame(train[!b, c("Id", "minutes_past", "Ref", "Expected")]) %>% filter(Expected <= 69) %>% group_by(Id) %>% summarize(ref_mean = mean(time_difference(minutes_past) * Ref, na.rm = TRUE), Expected = max(Expected))

labels <- df_tr$Expected

bst <- xgboost(data = as.matrix(df_tr[,c("Id", "ref_mean")]), label = labels, max.depth = 3, eta = .7, nround = 10, objective = "reg:linear", missing = NA, base_score = 0, verbose = 1)

xgb.save(bst, 'bst_no_na.save')

clean up

rm(df_tr) rm(b) rm(labels)

At this point we have a trained model and have saved it to a file. We've also removed our loaded data because we need to make everything available that we can for prediction.

``` {r eval = FALSE}
#Now load the test data
ffload("data/test", overwrite = TRUE, rootpath = "data/")
df_te <- as.data.frame(test[,c("Id", "minutes_past", "Ref")]) %>%
  group_by(Id) %>%
  summarize(ref_mean = mean(time_difference(minutes_past) * Ref, na.rm = TRUE))

res <- data.frame(
  Id = df_te$Id,
  Expected = predict(bst, as.matrix(df_te), missing = NA)

res <- group_by(res, Id) %>% summarize(Expected = mean(Expected))
createSubmission(res, "submission.csv")

potterzot/kgRainPredictR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 11:24 a.m.