
#' @include internal.R pproto.R

#' @export

#' Parameter class
#' This class is used to represent a parameter that has multiple values. Each
#' value has a different label to differentiate values. \strong{Only experts
#' should interact directly with this class.}
#' @section Fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{$id}{\code{\link{Id}} identifier for parameter.}
#' \item{$name}{\code{character} name of parameter.}
#' \item{$value}{\code{numeric} \code{vector} of values.}
#' \item{$default}{\code{numeric} \code{vector} of default values.}
#' \item{$class}{\code{character} name of the class that the values inherit
#'   from (eg. \code{"integer"}.}
#' \item{$lower_limit}{\code{numeric} \code{vector} specifying the minimum
#'   permitted value for each element in \code{$value}.}
#' \item{$upper_limit}{\code{numeric} \code{vector} specifying the maximum
#'   permitted value for each element in \code{$value}.}
#' \item{$widget}{\code{function} used to construct a
#'                \code{\link[shiny]{shiny}} interface for modifying values.}
#' }
#' @section Usage:
#' \code{x$print()}
#' \code{x$show()}
#' \code{x$reset()}
#' @section Details:
#' \describe{
#' \item{print}{print the object.}
#' \item{show}{show the object.}
#' \item{reset}{change the parameter values to be the default values.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ScalarParameter-class}}.
#' @name Parameter-class
#' @aliases Parameter

#' @export
Parameter <- pproto(
  id = structure(NULL, class = "ID"),
  name = character(0),
  value = numeric(0),
  default = numeric(0),
  class = character(0),
  upper_limit = numeric(0),
  lower_limit = numeric(0),
  widget = function(...) stop("no widget defined"),
  print = function(self) {
  show = function(self) {
  reset = function(self) {
    self$value <- self$default
prioritizr/prioritizrutils documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:20 p.m.