

#' Correlation
#' Compute the correlation matrix of a Filebacked Big Matrix.
#' This algorithm is not really memory efficient. I'm planning on fixing this,
#' if it is really needed.
#' @inheritParams bigstatsr-package
#' @inheritSection bigstatsr-package Matrix parallelization
#' @return The correlation matrix
#' @export
#' @seealso [cor]
#' @example examples/example-corr.R
big_cor <- function(X,
                    ind.row = rows_along(X),
                    ind.col = cols_along(X),
                    block.size = block_size(nrow(X))) {


  m <- length(ind.col)
  K <- matrix(NA_real_, m, m)

  intervals <- CutBySize(m, block.size)
  nb.block <- nrow(intervals)

  sums <- numeric(m)

  for (j in seq_len(nb.block)) {
    ind1 <- seq2(intervals[j, ])
    tmp1 <- X[ind.row, ind.col[ind1]]
    sums[ind1] <- colSums(tmp1)
    K[ind1, ind1] <- crossprod(tmp1)
    for (i in seq_len(j - 1)) {
      ind2 <- seq2(intervals[i, ])
      tmp2 <- X[ind.row, ind.col[ind2]]
      K.part <- crossprod(tmp2, tmp1)
      K[ind2, ind1] <- K.part
      K[ind1, ind2] <- t(K.part)

  # "Correlize" the cross-product (see
  sums <- sums / sqrt(length(ind.row))
  diags <- sqrt(diag(K) - sums^2)
  correlize(K, shift = sums, scale = diags)


# // [[Rcpp::export]]
# NumericMatrix& correlize(NumericMatrix& K,
#                          const NumericVector& shift,
#                          const NumericVector& scale) {
#   size_t n = K.nrow();
#   size_t i, j;
#   for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
#     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
#       // corresponds to "- \frac{1}{n} s_X * s_X^T"
#       K(i, j) -= shift[i] * shift[j];
#       // corresponds to "S^T (...) S"
#       K(i, j) /= scale[i] * scale[j];
#     }
#   }
#   return K;
# }
# /******************************************************************************/
privefl/bigstatsr documentation built on March 29, 2024, 3:31 a.m.