Man pages for privefl/mypack
Analysis of Massive SNP Arrays

bed-classClass bed
bed_cprodVecCross-product with a vector
bed_MAFAllele frequencies
bed-mat-accAccessor methods for class 'bed'.
bed-methodsMethods for the bed class
bed_prodVecProduct with a vector
bed_projectPCAProjecting PCA
bed_projectSelfPCAProjecting PCA
bed_randomSVDRandomized partial SVD
bed_scaleBinomBinomial(2, p) scaling
bed_tcrossprodSelftcrossprod / GRM
bigSNP-classClass bigSNP
bigsnpr-packagebigsnpr: Analysis of Massive SNP Arrays
coef_to_liabLiability scale
download_1000GDownload 1000G
download_beagleDownload Beagle 4.1
download_plinkDownload PLINK
LD.wiki34Long-range LD regions
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
same_refDetermine reference divergence
SCTStacked C+T (SCT)
seq_logSequence, evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale
snp_ancestry_summaryEstimation of ancestry proportions
snp_asGeneticPosInterpolate to genetic positions
snp_asGeneticPos2Download a genetic map
snp_attachAttach a "bigSNP" from backing files
snp_attachExtdataAttach a "bigSNP" for examples and tests
snp_autoSVDTruncated SVD while limiting LD
snp_clumpingLD clumping
snp_codesCODE_012: code genotype calls (3) and missing values.
snp_corCorrelation matrix
snp_fakeFake a "bigSNP"
snp_fastImputeFast imputation
snp_fastImputeSimpleFast imputation
snp_fstFixation index (Fst)
snp_gcGenomic Control
snp_getSampleInfosGet sample information
snp_ldscLD score regression
snp_ld_scoresLD scores
snp_ldsplitIndependent LD blocks
snp_manhattanManhattan plot
snp_matchMatch alleles
snp_MAX3MAX3 statistic
snp_modifyBuildModify genome build
snp_pcadaptOutlier detection
snp_plinkKINGQCRelationship-based pruning
snp_plinkQCQuality Control
snp_plinkRmSamplesRemove samples
snp_prodBGENBGEN matrix product
snp_qqQ-Q plot
snp_readBedRead PLINK files into a "bigSNP"
snp_readBGENRead BGEN files into a "bigSNP"
snp_readBGIRead variant info from one BGI file
snp_saveSave modifications
snp_scaleBinomBinomial(n, p) scaling
snp_simuPhenoSimulate phenotypes
snp_subsetSubset a bigSNP
snp_thr_correctThresholding and correction
snp_writeBedWrite PLINK files from a "bigSNP"
sub_bedReplace extension '.bed'
privefl/mypack documentation built on Nov. 27, 2024, 1:47 p.m.