    collapse = TRUE,
    comment = "#>"

Progenetix is an open data resource that provides curated individual cancer copy number variation (CNV) profiles along with associated metadata sourced from published oncogenomic studies and various data repositories. This vignette provides a comprehensive guide on accessing and utilizing metadata for samples or their corresponding individuals within the Progenetix database.

If your focus lies in cancer cell lines, you can access data from by setting the domain parameter to "" in pgxLoader function. This data repository originates from CNV profiling data of cell lines initially collected as part of Progenetix and currently includes additional types of genomic mutations.

Load library


pgxLoader function

This function loads various data from Progenetix database via the Beacon v2 API with some extensions (BeaconPlus).

The parameters of this function used in this tutorial:

Retrieve biosamples information

Search by filters

Filters are a significant enhancement to the Beacon query API, providing a mechanism for specifying rules to select records based on their field values. To learn more about how to utilize filters in Progenetix, please refer to the documentation.

The following example demonstrates how to access all available filters in Progenetix:

all_filters <- pgxLoader(type="filtering_terms")

You can also query filters available in other resources via the Beacon v2 API by setting the domain and entry_point parameters accordingly.

The following query retrieves information about all retinoblastoma samples in Progenetix, utilizing a specific filter based on an NCIt code as a disease identifier.

biosamples <- pgxLoader(type="biosamples", filters = "NCIT:C7541")
# data looks like this

The data contains many columns representing different aspects of sample information.

Search by biosample id and individual id

In Progenetix, biosample id and individual id serve as unique identifiers for biosamples and the corresponding individuals. You can obtain these IDs through metadata search with filters as described above, or through website interface query.

biosamples_2 <- pgxLoader(type="biosamples", biosample_id = "pgxbs-kftvki7h",individual_id = "pgxind-kftx6ltu")


It's also possible to query by a combination of filters, biosample id, and individual id.

Access a subset of samples

By default, it returns all related samples (limit=0). You can access a subset of them via the parameter limit and skip. For example, if you want to access the first 10 samples , you can set limit = 10, skip = 0.

biosamples_3 <- pgxLoader(type="biosamples", filters = "NCIT:C7541",skip=0, limit = 10)
# Dimension: Number of samples * features

Parameter codematches use

Some filters, such as NCIt codes, are hierarchical. As a result, retrieved samples may include not only the specified filters but also their child terms.


Setting codematches as TRUE allows this function to only return biosamples that exactly match the specified filter, excluding child terms.

biosamples_4 <- pgxLoader(type="biosamples", filters = "NCIT:C7541",codematches = TRUE)

Query the number of samples in Progenetix

The number of samples in specific filters can be queried as follows:

pgxLoader(type="sample_count",filters = "NCIT:C7541")

Retrieve individuals information

If you want to query details of individuals (e.g. clinical data) where the samples of interest come from, set the parameter type to "individuals" and follow the same steps as above.

individuals <- pgxLoader(type="individuals",individual_id = "pgxind-kftx26ml",filters="NCIT:C7541")
# data looks like this

Retrieve analyses information

If you want to know more details about data analyses, set the parameter type to "analyses". The other steps are the same, except the parameter codematches is not available because analyses data do not include filter information, even though it can be searched by filters.

analyses <- pgxLoader(type="analyses",biosample_id = c("pgxbs-kftvik5i","pgxbs-kftvik96"))


Visualization of survival data

Suppose you want to investigate whether there are survival differences associated with a particular disease, for example, between younger and older patients, or based on other variables. You can query and visualize the relevant information using the pgxMetaplot function.

pgxMetaplot function

This function generates a survival plot using metadata of individuals obtained by the pgxLoader function.

The parameters of this function:

Example usage

# query metadata of individuals with lung adenocarcinoma
luad_inds <- pgxLoader(type="individuals",filters="NCIT:C3512")
# use 70 years old as the splitting condition
pgxMetaplot(data=luad_inds, group_id="age_iso", condition="P70Y", pval=TRUE)

It's noted that not all individuals have available survival data. If you set return_data to TRUE, the function will return the metadata of individuals used for the plot.

Session Info


progenetix/pgxRpi documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 5:10 p.m.