MakeParam.B90: Create the list of model parameters

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Examples

View source: R/MakeParam.R


Create the list of model parameters





named arguments to be included in return value


Name Description Unit Group
czr Ratio of roughness length to mean height for smooth closed canopies for heights greater than HR when LAI>LPC. Default: 0.05 - Canopy
czs Ratio of roughness length to mean height for smooth closed canopies for heights less than HS when LAI>LPC. Default: 0.13 m Canopy
hr Smallest height to which CZR applies. Default: 10 m Canopy
hs Largest height to which CZS applies. Default: 1 m Canopy
lpc Minimum leaf area index defining a closed canopy. Default: 4 - Canopy
lwidth Average leaf width. Default: 0.1 m Canopy
nn Eddy diffusivity extinction coefficient within canopy. Default: 2.5 - Canopy
rhotp Ratio of total leaf area to projected area. Default: 2 - Canopy
zminh Reference height for weather data above the canopy top height. Default: 2 m Canopy
dslope slope for downslope-flow. Default: 0 deg Flow
bypar Switch to allow (1) or prevent (0) bypass flow in deeper layers. Default: 0 - Flow
drain Switch for lower boundary condition to be free drainage (1) or no flow (0). Default: 1 - Flow
slopelen slope length for downslope-flow. Default: 200 m Flow
gsc Rate constant for ground water discharge (remember that a first order groundwater reservoir is placed below the soil profile), for value 0 there is no discharge. Default: 0 d-1 Flow
gsp Seepage fraction of groundwater discharge. Default: - Flow
ilayer Number of layers from top to which infiltration is distributed. Default: 0 - Flow
imperv Fraction of area which has an impermeable surface (like roads). Default: 0 - Flow
infexp Shape parameter for distribution of infiltration in first ILayer, for value 0 infiltration is in top layer only. Default: 0 - Flow
qffc Quickflow fraction of infiltrating water at field capacity, for value 0 there is no quickflow (bypass or surface) unless soil profile surface becomes saturated. Default: 0 - Flow
qfpar Quickflow shape parameter. Default: 1 - Flow
qlayer Number of layers which are considered for generation of surface or source area flow. Default: 0 - Flow
gwatini Initial value of groundwater storage. Default: 0 mm Initial
snowini Initial value of water content of snow pack. Default: 0 mm Initial
intrainini Initial value of intercepted rain. Default: 0 mm Initial
intsnowini Initial value of intercepted snow. Default: 0 - Initial
psiini Initial pressure head of soil layers. May have the same length as row.names(soil). Default: -6.3 kPa Initial
cintrl Maximum interception storage of rain per unit LAI. Default: 0.15 mm Interception
cintrs Maximum interception storage of rain per unit SAI. Default: 0.15 mm Interception
cintsl Maximum interception storage of snow per unit LAI. Default: 0.6 mm Interception
cintss Maximum interception storage of snow per unit SAI. Default: 0.6 mm Interception
frintlai Intercepted fraction of rain per unit LAI. Default: 0.06 - Interception
frintsai Intercepted fraction of snow per unit LAI. Default: 0.04 - Interception
fsintlai Intercepted fraction of rain per unit SAI. Default: 0.06 - Interception
fsintsai Intercepted fraction of snow per unit SAI. Default: 0.04 - Interception
pdur Average duration of precipitation events for each month of the year. Default: rep(4,12) hours Interception
alb Albedo of soil/vegetation surface without snow. Default: 0.2 - Meteo
albsn Albedo of soil/vegetation surface with snow. Default: 0.5 - Meteo
c1 Intercept of relation of solar radiation to sunshine duration. Default: 0.25 - Meteo
c2 Intercept of relation of solar radiation to sunshine duration. Default: 0.5 - Meteo
c3 Constant between 0 and 1 that determines the cloud correction to net longwave radiation from sunshine duration. Default: 0.2 - Meteo
fetch Fetch upwind of the weather station at which wind speed was measured. Default: 5000 m Meteo
ksnvp Correction factor for snow evaporation. Default: 0.3 - Meteo
wndrat Average ratio of nighttime to daytime wind speed. Default: 0.3 - Meteo
z0s Surface roughness of snow cover. Default: 0.001 m Meteo
z0w Roughness length at the weather station at which wind speed was measured. Default: 0.005 (Grass) m Meteo
coords_x Longitude value (decimal degrees) of the simulation location (has no effect on simulation results). Default: 9.91 m Meteo
coords_y Latitude value (decimal degrees) of the simulation location. Default: 51.54 m Meteo
zw Height at which wind speed was measured. Default: 2 m Meteo
eslope slope for evapotranspiration and snowmelt calculation. Default: 0 deg Meteo
aspect Mean exposition of soil surface at soil profile (north: 0, west: 90, south: 180, east: 270). Default: 0 deg Meteo
obsheight Mean height of obstacles on soil surface (grass, furrows etc.), used to calculate soil surface roughness. Default: 0.025 m Meteo
dpsimax maximum potential difference considered equal. Default: 5e-04 kPa Numerical
dswmax maximum change allowed in SWATI. Default: 0.05 percent of SWATMX Numerical
dtimax maximum iteration time step. Default: 0.5 d Numerical
budburst.species Name of tree species for estimating budburst doy using Menzel-model (passed to vegperiod) Default: 'Fagus sylvatica' - Plant
budburstdoy Budburst day of year - passed to MakeSeasLAI. Default: 121 doy Plant
emergedur Leaf growth duration until maxlai is reached.. Default: 28 d Plant
height plant height. Default: 25 m Plant
height.ini initial plant height at the beginning of the simulaton. Used for interpolation , ignored if length(height) . Default: 25 m Plant
leaffalldoy number of days until maximum lai is reached - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 279 doy Plant
leaffalldur number of days until minimum lai is reached - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 58 d Plant
sai steam area index. Default: 1 - Plant
sai.ini steam area index at the end of the simulation. Ignored if length(height) == 1, Default: 1 - Plant
shape.leaffall Shape parameter for leaf fall phase - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 0.3 - Plant
shape.budburst shape parameter for leaf growth phase - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 3 - Plant
shape.optdoy day of year when optimum value is reached - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 210 doy Plant
lai.doy day of year values for lai-interpolation - passed to MakeSeasLAI doy Plant
lai.frac fractional lai values for lai interpolation, corresponding to lai.doy - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 210 doy Plant
winlaifrac Minimum LAI as a fraction of maxlai. Default: 0 - Plant
standprop.table Data.frame with yearly values of vegetation properties with columns 'year','age', 'height', 'maxlai', 'sai', 'densef' Plant
cs Ratio of projected stem area index to canopy height. Default: 0.035 m-1 Plant
densef Density factor for MaxLAI, CS, RtLen, RPlant, not <.001, 1 for typical stand. Default: 1 - Plant
densef.ini density factor (see densef) at the end of the simulation. Ignored if length(densef) == 1. Default: 1 - Plant
maxlai Maximum projected leaf area index - passed to MakeSeasLAI Default: 5 - Plant
radex Extinction coefficient for solar radiation and net radiation in the canopy. Default: 0.5 - Potential Transpiration
cvpd Vapour pressure deficit at which leaf conductance is halved. Default: 2 kPa Potential Transpiration
glmax Maximum leaf vapour conductance when stomata are fully open. Default: 0.0053 m s-1 Potential Transpiration
glmin Minimum leaf vapour conductance when stomata are closed. Default: 0.0003 m s-1 Potential Transpiration
r5 Solar radiation level at which leaf conductance is half of its value at RM. Default: 100 W m-2 Potential Transpiration
rm Nominal maximum solar shortwave radiation possible on a leaf (to reach glmax). Default: 1000 W m-2 Potential Transpiration
t1 Lower suboptimal temperature threshold for stomata opening - temperature relation. Default: 10 deg C Potential Transpiration
t2 Upper suboptimal temperature threshold for stomata opening - temperature relation. Default: 30 deg C Potential Transpiration
th Upper temperature threshold for stomata closure. Default: 40 deg C Potential Transpiration
tl Lower temperature threshold for stomata closure. Default: 0 deg C Potential Transpiration
betaroot Shape parameter for rootlength density depth distribution. Default: 0.97 - Roots
maxrootdepth Maximum root depth (positive downward) - passed to MakeRelRootDens. Default: -1.5 cm Roots
rootden.table Data.frame of relative root density depth distribution with columns 'depth' and 'rootden' Roots
rstemp base temperature for snow-rain transition. Default: -0.5 deg C Snow
ccfac cold content factor. Default: 0.3 MJ m-2 d-1 K-1 Snow
grdmlt rate of groundmelt of snowpack. Default: 0.35 mm d-1 Snow
laimlt parameter for snowmelt dependence on LAI. Default: 0.2 - Snow
maxlqf maximum liquid water fraction of Snow. Default: 0.05 - Snow
melfac degree day melt factor for open. Default: 1.5 MJ m-2 d-1 K-1 Snow
saimlt parameter for snowmelt dependence on SAI. Default: 0.5 - Snow
snoden snow density. Default: 0.3 mm mm-1 Snow
rssa soil evaporation resistance at field capacity. Default: 100 s m-1 Soilevap
rssb exponent in relation of RSS to water potential. Default: 1 - Soilevap
age.ini Age of stand (for root development). Default: 100 a Water supply
initrdep Initial root depth. Default: 0.25 m Water supply
initrlen Initial water-absorbing root length per unit area. Default: 12 m/m-2 Water supply
rgroper Period of net root growth. Default: 30 a Water supply
rgrorate Vertical root growth rate. Default: 0.03 m a-1 Water supply
fxylem Fraction of internal plant resistance to water flow that is in the Xylem. Default: 0.5 - Water supply
maxrlen Total length of fine roots per unit ground area. Default: 3000 m m-2 Water supply
mxkpl Maximum internal conductivity for water flow through the plants. Default: 8 mm d-1 MPa-1 Water supply
nooutf Switch that prevents outflow from the root to the soil when the soil is dry. Default: 1 - Water supply
psicr Critical leaf water potential at which stomates close. Default: -2 MPa Water supply
rrad Average radius of the fine or water-absorbing roots. Default: 0.35 mm Water supply


returns a list with model parameters for use as 'param.b90'-argument in Run.B90.


# Default parameter
parms <- MakeParam.B90()
# Include specific parameters
parms_maxlai <- MakeParam.B90(maxlai = c(4,6,5), height =20)

pschmidtwalter/brook90r documentation built on April 6, 2020, 6:35 p.m.