% Lorenz curve for defining core habitat classes in suitability models % P Solymos % July 2013


Species distribution models often model occurrence as a function of covariates, and predictions are binarized based on some threshold. The threshold is usually based on the assessment of classification accuracy using the observations and predicted occurrence probabilities (using AUC, ROC, etc.).

With density (habitat suitability) model, the aim is to quantify ranking of habitats when occupancy is 1, i.e. habitat suitability given presence. Therefore, a 0/1 classification is not the best approach because the crux is with observation >0. Further, the counts might be from different protocols, when counts would become non-comparable. So there is a need for defining a threshold for expected suitability.

Applications include:

A common approach is to use a mean/median or quantile based cutoff or multiple cutoffs for mapping. Applying the same cutoff(s) would have different meaning for different species. E.g. it would under predict core habitats for a widely distributed generalist, and overpredict for a range restricted specialist.

Lorenz curve

The Lorenz curve is used to describe income inequality in finance, and used in diversity calculations (e.g. right tail sum diversity profiles based on majorization rule), or to describe size inequality in plant and animal populations. Its use for density, habitat suitability model seems quite straightforward, albeit it seems missing from the literature. The reason for this gap in the literature can be the fact that fine grained (habitat level) but large scale (province wide) abundance models are not really widespread.

Here is a simple simulated example with 25 land cover classes and with a generalist (abundance is not concentrated to few classes) and specialist species (habitat is concentrated in few classes).

The Lorenz curve plots the cumulative distribution of the metric of interest (here abundance of a species) after sorting in increasing order, as a function of the cumulative distribution of the available population (here area of land cover types).


One diagonal connecting (0,0) and (1,1) points is called the line of equality because the plot follows this line when abundance in land cover types is proportional to the availability of those habitats (density is constant). The lower the line goes from the line of equality, the more inequality is to be found in the abundance distribution. The deviation is quantified by the Gini coefficient, which is the area between the line of equality and the empirical curve divided by 0.5 (area under the line of equality). A Gini coefficient of 0 mean perfect equality, while values close to 1 indicate high inequality.

nc <- 25
av <- rlnorm(nc)
av <- av / sum(av) # availability for land cover classes
x_g <- rgamma(25, 5, 2) # suitability for generalist
x_s <- rgamma(25, 0.5, 2) # suitability for specialist
lc_g <- Lc(x_g, n=av)
lc_s <- Lc(x_s, n=av)
plot(lc_g, col=4, 
     xlab="cumulative landscape area", 
     ylab="cumulative population size")
lines(lc_s, col=2)
legend("topleft", col=c(4,2), lwd=2, lty=1,
    legend=c("generalist","specialist"), bg="white")
Gini(x_g) # Gini coefficient for generalist
Gini(x_s) # Gini coefficient for specialist


The deviation from the line of equality and all indices quantifying the inequality (e.g. Gini index) give information about the overall inequality in the statistical population. The other diagonal connecting the points (1,0) and (0,1) is called the line of symmetry. The name refers to the fact that the Lorenz curve is symmetric around this line when the point at which the Lorenz curve has a slope equal to 1, sits on the line of symmetry. The curve is called asymmetric when when this point is away from the line of symmetry. The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient describes this and calculated simply as the sum of x and y coordinates of the point at which slope of the curve is 1 (parallel with the line of equality). This coordinate can be calculated from the data or by differentiating a fitted curve to the data points. The asymmetry coefficient is 1 under symmetry (point is on the line of symmetry, the sum of the two coordinates equals 1).

LAC <-
function (x, n = rep(1, length(x))) 
    o <- order(x)
    x <- x[o]
    n <- n[o]
    x <- n * x
    p <- cumsum(n)/sum(n)
    L <- cumsum(x)/sum(x)
    p <- c(0, p)
    L <- c(0, L)

    qp <- qnorm(p) 
    qp <- qp[is.finite(qp)]
    qL <- qnorm(L)
    qL <- qL[is.finite(qL)]
    m <- lm(qL ~ qp)
    Lstar <- pnorm(fitted(m))
    dL <- diff(Lstar)/diff(pnorm(qp))
    i <- min(which(dL > 1))
    out <- list(p=p[i], 
#    dL <- diff(L)/diff(p)
#    m1 <- max(which(dL < 1))
#    m2 <- min(which(dL > 1))
#    out <- list(p=mean(c(p[m1], p[m2])), 
#         L=mean(c(L[m1], L[m2])), 
#         x=mean(c(x[m1-1], x[m2-1])),
#         n=mean(c(n[m1-1], n[m2-1])))
    out$S <- out$L + out$p
lac_g <- LAC(x_g, n=av)
lac_s <- LAC(x_s, n=av)
plot(lc_g, col=4, 
     xlab="cumulative landscape area", 
     ylab="cumulative population size")
lines(lc_s, col=2)
abline(1,-1, col=3)
lines(c(0, lac_g$p), c(lac_g$L, lac_g$L), col=4, lty=2)
lines(c(lac_g$p, lac_g$p), c(0, lac_g$L), col=4, lty=2)
lines(c(0, lac_s$p), c(lac_s$L, lac_s$L), col=2, lty=2)
lines(c(lac_s$p, lac_s$p), c(0, lac_s$L), col=2, lty=2)
abline(lac_g$L-lac_g$p, 1, col=4, lty=2)
abline(lac_s$L-lac_s$p, 1, col=2, lty=2)
legend("topleft", col=c(4,2), lwd=2, lty=1,
    legend=c("generalist","specialist"), bg="white")
lac_g$S # asymmetry coefficient for generalist
lac_s$S # asymmetry coefficient for specialist


The threshold I propose is defined by this point where the slope of the Lorenz curve is 1. This separates low and high suitability areas in the landscape based on the distribution of the data, implicitly taking into account the differences in equality and asymmetry of the data.

The habitat suitability cutoff is the back scaled y value from the graph. Core habitat is defined by land cover classes concentrated right of the x value ($t_1$).

Another threshold could be based on the point where the line of symmetry intersects with the Lorenz curve. This point can be found by calculating the sum of the x and y coordinates and finding the point where the sum equals 1 ($t_2$).

These two cutoff values are equal when the curve is symmetric.

z_g <- data.frame(x=x_g, av=av)
z_g <- z_g[order(x_g),]
z_g$L <- cumsum(z_g$x) / sum(x_g)
z_g$p <- cumsum(z_g$av)
z_g$Lp <- z_g$L + z_g$p
z_g$t1 <- ifelse(z_g$L > lac_g$L, 1, 0)
z_g$t2 <- 0
z_g$t2[which.min(abs(z_g$Lp-1)):nc] <- 1

z_s <- data.frame(x=x_s, av=av)
z_s <- z_s[order(x_s),]
z_s$L <- cumsum(z_s$x) / sum(x_s)
z_s$p <- cumsum(z_s$av)
z_s$Lp <- z_s$L + z_s$p
z_s$t1 <- ifelse(z_s$L > lac_s$L, 1, 0)
z_s$t2 <- 0
z_s$t2[which.min(abs(z_s$Lp-1)):nc] <- 1

op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
barplot(z_g$x, z_g$av, col=c("white", "blue")[z_g$t1+1],
    main="generalist, t1", ylab="suitability", xlab="land cover classes",
    ylim=c(0,max(z_g$x, z_s$x)))
barplot(z_g$x, z_g$av, col=c("white", "blue")[z_g$t2+1],
    main="generalist, t2", ylab="suitability", xlab="land cover classes",
    ylim=c(0,max(z_g$x, z_s$x)))
barplot(z_s$x, z_s$av, col=c("white", "red")[z_s$t1+1],
    main="specialist, t1", ylab="suitability", xlab="land cover classes",
    ylim=c(0,max(z_g$x, z_s$x)))
barplot(z_s$x, z_s$av, col=c("white", "red")[z_s$t2+1],
    main="specialist, t2", ylab="suitability", xlab="land cover classes",
    ylim=c(0,max(z_g$x, z_s$x)))


The Lorenz curve can be based on ordered predicted values as well. Using one of the characteristic points ($t_1$, $t_2$) one can scale the suitability values to a common standard.

z_g$x1 <- z_g$x / z_g$x[which(z_g$t1==1)[1]]
z_g$x2 <- z_g$x / z_g$x[which(z_g$t2==1)[1]]
z_s$x1 <- z_s$x / z_s$x[which(z_s$t1==1)[1]]
z_s$x2 <- z_s$x / z_s$x[which(z_s$t2==1)[1]]

op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
plot(c(0, z_s$p), c(0, z_s$x1), type="l", col=2, lwd=2, main="t1",
     xlab="scaled suitability", ylab="proportion of landscape")
lines(c(0, z_g$p), c(0, z_g$x1), type="l", col=4, lwd=2)
abline(v=z_g$p[which(z_g$t1==1)[1]], lty=2, col=4)
abline(v=z_s$p[which(z_s$t1==1)[1]], lty=2, col=2)

plot(c(0, z_s$p), c(0, z_s$x2), type="l", col=2, lwd=2, main="t2",
     xlab="scaled suitability", ylab="proportion of landscape")
lines(c(0, z_g$p), c(0, z_g$x2), type="l", col=4, lwd=2)
abline(v=z_g$p[which(z_g$t2==1)[1]], lty=2, col=4)
abline(v=z_s$p[which(z_s$t2==1)[1]], lty=2, col=2)

plot(c(0, z_g$p), c(0, z_g$x), type="l", col=4, lwd=2, main="t1",
     xlab="unscaled suitability", ylab="proportion of landscape")
lines(c(0, z_s$p), c(0, z_s$x), type="l", col=2, lwd=2)
abline(v=z_g$p[which(z_g$t1==1)[1]], lty=2, col=4)
abline(v=z_s$p[which(z_s$t1==1)[1]], lty=2, col=2)

plot(c(0, z_g$p), c(0, z_g$x), type="l", col=4, lwd=2, main="t2",
     xlab="unscaled suitability", ylab="proportion of landscape")
lines(c(0, z_s$p), c(0, z_s$x), type="l", col=2, lwd=2)
abline(v=z_g$p[which(z_g$t2==1)[1]], lty=2, col=4)
abline(v=z_s$p[which(z_s$t2==1)[1]], lty=2, col=2)

Next steps

  1. Apply these ideas on actual species results,
  2. determine core habitats and check sensibility of results (White-throated Sparrow, CAWA, Yellow-rumped Warbler, BTNW, Brown Creeper, Lincoln Sparrow),
  3. apply threshold in maps.
  4. Possibly use rescaled suitability in Marxan type prioritization?

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